Donald Trump Criticized as Dishonest by Conservatives
434 notable conservatives (and some experts) who have criticized Donald Trump as incompetent, dishonest, extreme, having poor character and unfit to be President of the United States
betrayed his office[24]fundamentally flawed person who engages in reckless conduct[22]will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else[22]like a defiant 9-year-old kid who is always pushing the glass toward the edge of the table[21]has a very fragile ego[25]shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office[23]off the rails[20]manic[20]verbal skills are limited[26]very petty individual[22]
[would] burn America to the ground to help himself[30]puppet of Putin[29]unfit for office[33]doesn't care about the American people[32]pits Americans against each other[31]liar[31]puts himself first[32]the cheapest S.O.B. I’ve ever met in my life[28]
has the moral compass of more like an ax murderer than a president[43]one of the biggest mistakes this country's ever made[42]worst thing that happened to this country[37]nowhere near fit to have the office of president[41]horrible human being[39]liar[38]crazy[38]criminal defendant[38]wrong for this country[40]
risk for America[48]thin-skinned, temperamental, shoot-from-the-hip and lip, & uninformed[48]beyond repair[49]unqualified and unfit to be commander-in-chief[48]temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform[48]stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government[49]naiive, irresponsible[48]
more dangerous than anyone could ever imagine[50]made a mockery of our Constitution[51]first president who didn't try to unite the American people[51]immature leader[51]
f*cking moron[54]formed views that had no basis in fact[52]doesn't understand basic concepts[52]pretty undisciplined[53]has a limited understanding of U.S. history[52]
flagrantly assaulted our electoral rights, our national security interests, and our fundamental values[55]guilty of an appalling abuse of the public trust.[55]promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University[56]human gumball machine[60]dangerous for the country[58]phony[56]very, very not smart on foreign policy[59]doesn't have the temperament to be President[59]misogynist[59]has authoritarian rulings and interests[58]so defaulted of character[57]fraud[56]dishonest[59]
utterly amoral[63]serial philanderer[66]pathological liar[64]sniveling coward[62]small and petty man who is intimidated by strong women[61]has a consistent pattern of inciting violence[65]doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies[64]
demagogue of the greatest proportion[72]helps the enemy of this nation[70]lacks the temperament and judgment to be commander in chief[71]doesn't have a clue about anything[70]crazy[69]foreign policy is gibberish[71]puts people at risk[70]xenophobe[70]bigot[70]kook[69]race-baiter[70]
destroying us[73]debased the presidency[74]dangerous demagogue[73]has a seemingly bottomless appetite for destruction[74]authoritarian[74]incoherent[73]unprincipled, blatantly self-interested[73]
relentlessly focuses on dividing Americans[77]mocks evangelicals behind closed doors[75]kisses dictators’ butts[75]flirted with white supremacists[75]needy and desperate[76]regularly sells out our allies[75]
utterly untruthful[82]turned the White House into an adult day care center[81]threatens to set the nation on the path to World War III[80]hasn't demonstrated the stability nor some of the competence that he needs to[80]incohererent[79]blatantly self-interested[78]should concern anyone who cares about our nation[80]unprincipled[79]
John KellyFmr. Trump Chief of StaffLauded by Trump
Lauded by Trump
Will NOT Endorse Trump in 2024
the most flawed person I have ever met[89]contemptuous of the Constitution and rule of law[87]regaining power would be a catastrophe for the US[88]the depths of his dishonesty is just astounding[89]has gone off the rails[90]idiot[90]admires autocrats and murderous dictators[87]has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about[87]demonstrated open contempt for a [Muslim] Gold Star family [87]
the single most dangerous threat we face as a country[100]enemy of the Constitution[95]provoked the violence on January 6th[96]depraved[101]irrational[99]unfit for any office[98]risk America can never take again[97]not a stable adult[93]USA will be unrecognizable if a 2nd Trump term happens[94]
clear threat to our way of government[108]delusional[109]there is no reason to elect a man who has publicly stated that he would like to 'suspend the Constitution'[109]demonized our traditional allies in NATO while praising the most anti-democratic leaders in the world[109]liar[108]
Jim GreenwoodFmr. U.S. Representative [R-PA]
Voted FOR Joe Biden over Trump
compulsive liar[110]has erratic and unconscionable behavior[110]a man so unfit to lead[110]small-minded, self-aggrandizing[110]disqualified himself for a second term[110]
traitorous cult leader[116]psychopath[114]criminal[116]pathological liar[119]tried to violently overthrow the government[118]f*cking ignoramus[119]belongs in jail[118]direct threat to our democracy[114]unfit[117]un-american[115]
stunningly incapable of carrying out the duties of his office[121]glaringly unfit[121]threat to the rule of law and functional democracy[121]reckless[121]
Will NOT Vote for Donald Trump in 2024 Close & Frequent Contact with Trump
could inflict irreparable damage if elected to a second term[132]fundamentally ignorant[131]saw conspiracies behind rocks[127]doesn't have enough of a brain to form articulated foreign policy views[130]danger for the United States if he gets a second term[128]remained stunningly uninformed on how to run the White House, let alone the huge federal government[127]unfit to be president[129]didn't fundamentally understand much of anything about international affairs[133]cares almost exclusively about his own interests[129]
has the intelligence of a kindergartner[135]aids and abets Putin's efforts to interfere in U.S. elections[137]idiot[135]dope[136]repeatedly compromised our principles in pursuit of partisan advantage and personal gain[134]
dumb as sh*t[139]less a person than a collection of terrible traits[138]an idiot surrounded by clowns[138]gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored[138]professional liar[140]won't read anything[138]
clear and present danger to American democracy[147]declared war on American democracy[146]corroded and corrupted American democracy[146]against the Constitution and the rule of law[148]
Elizabeth NeumannFmr. Homeland Security Deputy Secretary
Voted FOR Joe Biden over Trump
extremely dangerous[149]unfit[149]unable to clearly condemn white supremacists[149]
lacks the character, the commitment to the rule of law, and the Constitution to qualify as an elected official, let alone POTUS[152]poses a serious threat to our nation[151]felon[151]crude[151]vulgar[151]diminishes public confidence in our democratic institutions[151]
Ty CobbTrump White House Special Counsel
Will NOT Vote for Donald Trump in 2024 Close & Frequent Contact with Trump
poses the gravest threat to democracy that we’ve ever seen[154]gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionists[155]has never cared about America, its citizens, its future or anything but himself[153]incapable of acting other than in his perceived self-interest or for revenge[157]relentlessly puts forth claims that are not true[156]conduct is reprehensible[155]has unrestrained contempt for the rule of law[153]conduct and mere existence has hastened the demise of democracy and of the nation[153]
Cassidy HutchinsonFmr. Trump Aide
Will Vote FOR Kamala Harris in 2024 Frequent Contact with Trump
gravest threat to democracy in American history[160]doesn’t care about preserving our Constitution[159]authoritarian[159]should be disqualified from being the president of the United States[160]weak and feeble man[158]
totally unhinged[165]not qualified to be the president of the United States[167]everything a governor doesn’t want in a president[166]thin-skinned[164]continually disrespects the sacrifices of military families[163]says things that don't make sense[165]easily distracted[164]
not only unfit to be President, he's unfit to be human[171]disgusting man[170]lunatic[170]embarassing, shameful[170]man baby[170]says the stupidest things on a daily basis[172]
would be the most reckless president in american history[180]would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being[180]displays an alarming ignorance of basic facts of contemporary international politics[180]lacks basic knowledge about and belief in the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, and U.S. institutions[180]lacks self-control and acts impetuously[180]lacks the character and values to be President[180]has demonstrated repeatedly that he has little understanding of America’s vital national interests[180]unqualified[180]unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood[180]
Olivia TroyeFmr. Mike Pence Senior Advisor
Voted FOR Joe Biden over Trump
can’t seem to care about anyone else besides himself[181]
Alyssa Farah GriffinFmr. Trump Communications Director
Will NOT Vote for Donald Trump in 2024 Close & Frequent Contact with Trump
could bring the end of American democracy as we know it in a second term[183]threat to democracy[184]tried to steal a democratic election[183]unfit[183]
enemy of the United States[190]will destroy democracy and potentially destabilize the entire world[188]has identified himself as a fascist under almost any reasonable definition of the word[189]a deranged man who has no sense of honor or duty[187]has repeatedly expressed disdain and even disgust for Americans in the military[186]delusional, rambling felon[185]lapses into fantasies and gibberish[185]cannot be trusted with a nuclear arsenal of more than 1,500 weapons[185]deeply unwell[185]
Peter WehnerSpeechwriter For Reagan and Both Bushes
Did NOT Vote for Trump in 2020
fundamentally unfit—intellectually, morally, temperamentally, and psychologically—for office.[191]disgrace[193]exhibits unhealthy patterns of thinking, functioning, and behaving[192]dangerous[192]con man[191]addicted to lying about things large and small[192]
Richard V SpencerFmr. Navy Secretary
has very little understanding of how the military is governed[194]
Steve SchmidtFmr. John McCain Campaign Manager
Voted FOR Joe Biden over Trump
worst president this country has ever had[195]has brought death, suffering, and economic collapse on truly an epic scale[195]failed businessman[195]imbecile, idiot, incompetent[195]con man[195]
[reelection] would instantly plunge the country into a constitutional crisis more terrible than anything seen since the Civil War[209][would] impose his lawless will upon the constitutional system[208]
Anthony ScaramucciFmr. Trump Communications Director
Will Vote FOR Kamala Harris in 2024
traitor to the United States[217]domestic terrorist[213]existential threat to American democracy[212]has a full on mental illness[219]most un-American presidential nominee in US history[214]very dangerous guy[210]racist[218]very crazy[218]useful idiot for Vladimir Putin[216]betrays everyone, even his country[215]off his rocker[218]disavows the Constitution[211]shouldn't be anywhere near the White House again[210]
Sarah MatthewsTrump WH Deputy Press Secretary
Will Vote FOR Kamala Harris in 2024 Frequent Contact with Trump
lies as often as he breathes[221]threat to democracy[224]hitler-esque[223]wholly unfit to hold office every again[225]gotten more unhinged[223]will not uphold the Constitution[223]increasingly erratic[220]only ever cared about himself[222]
Michael CohenFmr. Personal Attorney for Trump
Close Contact with Trump
the most dangerous person right now in this country and possibly the world[228]predator[227]racist[227]truly an idiot[229]con man[227]cheat[227]does not read[226]
Mark MilleyFmr. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
dangerously unfit[238]imperiled America’s security[237]gravely damaged America’s role as a world leader[237]undermined the rule of law[237]aligned himself with dictators[237]