About The Bastion

Our unique wiki style website champions liberal causes and exposes right-wing propaganda with well researched bulletproof arguments spanning multiple pages, databases that track all the bad things Republicans say and do and unique custom designed features like a online "handbook" on how to debate Republicans.

Featured Argument Guides

The Bastion creates well thought out and researched arguments designed to overwhelmingly prove that Republicans are wrong on everything and that liberal ideas are better for America. Unlike one time dated articles, we continually expand and improve upon our argument guides as well as keep them updated and current. We plan on eventually covering every aspect of why Republicans and their ideas are bad for America and this is what we have so far:

The Media has a Strong Bias Favoring Conservatives and Republicans
We debunk Republican propaganda using false claims of "liberal media" by definitvely showing it actually has a strong conservative bias whether through newspapers, radio, local news channels, Hollywood, social media websites and cable news.

Hollywood has a Strong Conservative Bias
We debunk Republican propaganda falsely casting Hollywood as liberal by definitvely showing it actually has a strong conservative bias across every aspect, genre, movie and TV show. As part of this, we track over 300 conservative tropes such as city life depicted negatively, public transportation depicted negatively, wealth glamorized, women objectified, young people depicted as irresponsible, crime being rampant especially in cities, and guns and the military glamorized.

Republican Bad Behavior Trackers

One of our features is to track all the bad things Republicans say or do in a database which are then organized into different lists. The goal is to become the definitive source for whatever we track as we will be the most comprehensive and also continually updated and so always current.

Republican Scandals Database
We maintain a list of every Republican scandal we can find going back to 2000 organized under 130 different scandal categories such as infidelity, fraud, corruption and sexual harassment. Eventually, you will be able to also view scandals by state or job position (such as members of Congress or governors) and sort them by when the scandal news broke, the prominence of the offender or its severity.

Republican Criminals Database
We have a list of every Republican who has committed a crime sortable by date, number of felonies\misdemeanors, punishment\sentences given and how notable the offender is (*cough* Donald *cough*)

Donald Trump Scandals Tracker: Sex Scandals - Corruption - Criminal Scandals
We breakdown all of Donald Trump's scandals into simple organized lists tracking every crime, sex scandal, infidelity, corruption and abuse of power.

Republcan Extremism Tracker
This feature still in devlopement will allow us to track extremist beliefs, quotes and actions such as having a list of prominent Republicans who support a nationwide abortion ban.

Featured "Handbooks"

To compliment our guides focused on arguments on major issues, we have created some "handbooks" to help.

How to Debate a Republican
We have authored a "handbook" on how to win debates against Republicans with a list of debate tactics you can use organized under different categories whether your purpose is to try to educate someone, trick them, mock them or one of the many other ways we've come up with. Each of our guides arguing for liberal causes will eventually include suggested debate tactics from our handbook that work best for that particular argument and include examples of their successful use by us or others.

Republican Propaganda "Handbook"
We plan to have a comprehensive online "propaganda handbook" with 500+ different propaganda tactics Republicans use organized into different sections which will be integrated throughout the entire site. For all the arguments we make championing liberal causes, we will also expose propaganda tactics Republicans commonly use because they cannot win debates without deception.