Debate Tricks to Use Against Republicans

Someone who is disingenuous, irrational, uninformed and/or hypocritical will do anything they can to avoid admitting they're wrong even in the face of overwhelming facts and reason. So sometimes, the best way to combat that is to use debate tricks or setup traps to catch them off guard.
  • Present Republican Words as Your Own to Win Debates

    Find quotes from Republicans that criticize other Republicans or support liberal positions on issues and then post those words exactly as if they are your own. Any false attempts to discredit your argument will be exposed when you reveal that the words came from a conservative instead.
  • Reframe Republican Misdeeds as Committed by Democrats

    Write out something bad Republicans did but as a trick replace their names with Democrats. The idea is that conservatives will reflexively attack anything bad about Republicans so you trick them into thinking it is about Democrats instead. And then you later reveal that you swapped the names out as a ploy.
  • Patronize Fake Sincerity with Excessive Desire to Help

    If someone presents a disingenuous problem in debate, show an excessive, over the top amount of empathy, solutions and desire to help. If the problem is actually genuine, they will consider your response as genuine as well and the patronizing will go over their head. But if you correctly guessed they were dishonest, then they should interpret your actions as "patronizing". This creates a dilemma where your debate mark can remain quiet while you continue to patronize them or react with anger which exposes their initial dishonesty.
  • Trick Republicans into Falsely Claiming Liberal Media Bias

    When you have an opportunity to debunk a Republican online, purposely post from a liberal source first if you know there are conservative sources debunking the same thing. If they discount it as "liberal media bias," then you respond with links to conservative sources. They then have to argue that the conservative site is biased\wrong or concede that the original source was correct. This works especially well if you use a source your conservative debate mark has also used before.