Classic Cars Glamorized

Glamorization, Inherent, Overrepresentation & Promotion Biases   Severe Impact
Table Of Contents

Main Description

Classic cars are the trifecta of conservative tropes. They are environmentally unfriendly, help promote the conservative notion of longing for the "good old days" (when things were obviously definitely not better) and are free advertising that helps glamorize the automobile industry over public transportation. Every time one is shown on screen it helps make the car and newer models more desirable in real life. People see a beautiful restored old car driven by a beautiful actor with beautiful scenery and they want one. And counter to that, you will almost never see environmentally friendly cars glamorized on screen and actually made fun of a lot of the time instead. 

We have listed occasions where we feel classic cars are glamorized on screen. These are cars that have a prominent role in a movie or TV show and be portrayed in a positive way that "glamorizes" it.

Conservative Trope Examples

How Trope is Biased


  • Classic cars are exotic, unique and stand out compared to other vehicles they share scenes with
  • Usually always well maintained, clean, washed and often with custom trimmings


  • Everyday cars are not as cool and fancy sports cars are too expensive for the average protagonist to own. But, the audience can believe that any actor can afford a classic car, and this inherently will never change.
  • Traffic is rarely a problem on screen unless a specific plot point depends on it. So classic cars are depicted as more enjoyable to drive.
  • Convertible classic cars usually always drive with the top down on screen and much less dependent on pesky real-life conditions like weather
  • Classic cars only breakdown on screen if it fits in with specific plot points. Not so in real life where old cars are much less reliable than new.


  • Classic cars are much more common on screen than in real life


  • Every time a classic car is shown on screen it helps make it and newer models more desirable in real life. People see a beautiful restored old car driven by a beautiful actor with beautiful scenery and they want one.

Conservative Biases

How classic cars favor conservatives :
  • Classic cars are environmentally unfriendly which, of course, is a bias against liberal policies
  • Many conservatives will actually rig their vehicles to be more environmentally unfriendly out of spite in a practice dubbed "rolling coal"
  • They help promote the conservative notion of longing for the "good old days" (when things were obviously definitely not better)
  • They are free advertising for the automobile industry run by large corporations favored more by Republicans than Democrats who favor policies that benefit smaller businesses and workers
  • Cars are promoted over public transportation which is worse for the environment and counter to Democratic party priorities

Impact of Trope: Severe

Severity: High   Prevalence: High
Classic cars would definitely not be nearly as popular if it wasn't for Hollywood. While it is still only a niche industry, the impact on society is still high as they make cars overall appear glamorous and encourages people to spend more money on cars over more environmentally friendly travel options.