Wealthy People Sympathetic Victims

Conservative Trope Examples
- A wealthy couple's mansion is falsely targeted and ransacked by activists who believe it should have been seized by the government when in fact there was no corruption because it was in the innocent wife's name. Further, the innocent wife intended to donate the $75 million mansion to charity and move to the USA with her husband to escape her father-in-law who is corrupt. But, an every-day accountant greedily tries to steal the $75 million for himself and kills the wife when she finds out. The husband and father-in-law are aggressively targeted by law enforcement and later also depicted as sympathetic victims as the husband loved his wife very much and the father-in-law -- although corrupt -- was absolved of the murder and depicted as very loving of his daughter-in-law and supported her decision to donate the $75 million mansion he gave her.
- Villain Bane (Tom Hardy) takes over Gotham city and holds kangaroo courts judging many wealthy and elite residents as guilty and sentences them to death.
- Fool's Gold (2008) | Wealthy People Depicted as CharitableNigel is depicted as a nice, wealthy man who was taken advantage of by a much younger woman who married him for his money and left him. He loves his daughter Gemma, dotes on her and chooses to take the boat on a treasure hunt when she expresses interest. They use his super large and fancy yacht in their search for the sunken treasure along with Finn and Tess.Additional Tropes: Wealthy People Sympathetic Victims | Yachts Glamorized | Wealth Glamorized | Treasure Hunting Glamorized
- Sympathetic victims are important in writing good screenplays and so wealthy people will often be depicted as sympathetic along with average everyday people
- In real-life, there aren't many scenarios or instances where wealthy people are sympathetic victims compared to average day people. But on screen, writers will find ways to depict wealthy people as sympathetic victims.
- Wealthy people have advanced security systems & even bodyguards to protect against being physically attacked.
- They have enough money to not have to worry about theft. They can easily replace anything of non-sentimental value.
- They have access to the best health care including expensive experimental treatments if needed
- Money to help friends and relatives in trouble or in need.

Conservative Biases
- Playing the victim card is probably one of the biggest propaganda efforts by Republicans especially when it comes to wealth. So anytime wealthy people are depicted as sympathetic victims, that benefits them.