Politicians Depicted Negatively

Main Description
Anytime a politician is depicted negatively on screen -- even if it's a Republican -- it helps conservatives. And Republicans are so far worse and deserving of accurate negative portrayals on screen that anytime a Democrat is depicted negatively it is major negative bias. Maybe back decades ago when both parties were reasonable this wasn't the case, but it is now. Yet Hollywood will try to achieve a false equivalence between the two by mixing it up with good and bad Democrats and Republicans (or hide the affiliation entirely).
Liberals are the party of good governance, smart government, compromise, integrity and doing good for the country. Republicans constantly attack government institutions at all levels and want to have a population that dislikes politicians. Because if people respect politicians, they may pay more attention to what they say. And an informed, rational population is bad news for today's Republican party.
Conservative Trope Examples
- The FBI interviews a woman at a catering company who says "things have slowed down a lot because of COVID, the economy" in an episode that filmed 18 months after Biden took office. In fact, however, the economy was doing fantastic and covid was no longer a problem when they started filming in July of 2022 and the episode aired later that September.Staff AsideThey say the economy is bad when Biden happens to be president when the opposite is actually true. Companies are having some troubles but it's because the economy is so hot and the unemployment rate so low, they are having trouble finding workers. Little things like this make a HUGE different as conservative audiences are told the economy is doing poorly when Democrats are in charge, and they will believe it no matter how good things are.
- Kingsman The Secret Service (2014) | Politicians Depicted as CorruptA President who has an uncanny resemblance to President Obama is persuaded to step back and permit the genocide of the vast majority of the human race by billionaire tech tycoon Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) in exchange for him and the other chosen elite being given the opportunity to watch it all from the safety of a secret underground bunker.Production NotesThe director of the film insists the president who has his head blown off in the film is simply "reminiscent" of President Obama and not meant to be an "attack on Obama at all."
- Primary Colors (1998) | Democratic Politicians Depicted NegativelyDemocratic Arkansas Governor Jack Stanton (John Travolta) is depicted as a deeply flawed and manipulative person who will do anything it takes to become President, even if it means pushing the boundaries of what is legally and politically acceptable. Worse, his character impregnates an underage girl and then he and his campaign try to cover it up.Historical ContextThis movie was based off an anomalously written book purported to be loosely based off then Governor Bill Clinton's 1992 Presidential campaign, but many aspects of the book, and later film, veer wildly off course and can lead an otherwise neutral person to falsely believe it's a true story.
- PCU (1994) | Democratic Politicians Depicted NegativelyGutter (Jon Favreau) hallucinates a mock Congress scene after smoking pot in which he says, "I didn't exhale."Historical ContextThis makes fun of Bill Clinton who on March 29, 1992, admitted he "experimented with marijuana a time or two" but "didn’t inhale." The movie released in 1994, six months before midterm elections in which Republicans regained the house and senate by large margins. Jokes like this about a Democrat in election years help Republicans.
- The Democratic NYC mayor's office is depicted as getting in the way and hindering the Ghostbusters from saving the city -- even having them committed after the ghosts all escaped. The mayor finally lets the Ghostbusters save the city but not before Peter says that if they succeed, he will have "saved the lives of millions of registered voters."Staff AsideThe false notion that all politicians really care about -- and in this case a Democrat since it's NYC in the 80s -- is getting re-elected is presented with humor in a way that it is accepted as matter of fact.Other Tropes: Politicians Depicted as Corrupt
- Chuck Rhodes is a Democratic federal prosecutor who often engages in unethical behavior, dirty politics and often breaks or flouts the law in an overzealous attempt to indict billionaire Bobby Axelrod and other wealthy Wall Street money managers.
- Frank & Claire Underwood are Democrats depicted as ruthless, unethical and amoral who will do anything to win elections.