Dr. Julia's (Jennifer Aniston) asks Nick (Jason Bateman) "did you suck that c*ck like a Bomb Pop down to the blue?" and he responds "I ate that d*ck. I ate those balls, and I licked that kid's sweaty a*shole" after unintentionally finding himself in a sex addiction group being moderated by Dr. Julia in her office.
The guys have a long chat discussing whether they would "make out with a guy or let him blow you" and refusing to pick one isn't an option because "your whole family will die" as if it's a completely normal thing for straight men to have that kind of discussion.
Phil (Bradley Cooper) makes a couple homophobic remarks including yelling, "Paging Dr. F#@got" and his answering machine message says, "don't text me, it's gay."
Peter's dad says that his son Robbie never had a problem making friends growing up because "he probably wanted to suck their d*cks."
Tony Stark flirts with a couple women while playing craps and invites one of them suggestively blow on his dice for good luck. He asks Rhodey (Terrence Howard) to also blow on them for luck, but he pushes his hand away saying "I don't blow on a man's dice" causing an unlucky snake eyes crap roll. The scene at the table exudes glamour and excitement, and even after losing that lost roll, Tony leaves happy.
Colin (Matt Damon) calls the opposing rugby team a bunch of "queers" and "homos" after a pickup game with his police trainee buddies. In a later scene Billy (Leonardo DiCaprio) calls Colin a two-faced F-word.
The lead race announcer tells the audience that "Girard is sitting on the pole, which is a statement of fact and in no way a comment on his sexual orientation."
Staff Aside
The pole position in NASCAR is the driver who had the best qualifying time in race trials, but the announcer felt he needs to clarify because Girard is gay.
Raddimus (Luis Guzman) insists that Mitch (John Francis Daley) "call 'em a f*g, ok. Very important. The game loses the meaning if you don't humiliate them for being a f*cking meat cake" after showing Mitch one way he likes to try and get the guys at the restaurant to unintentionally look at his exposed penis.
Cal (Seth Rogan) and David (Paul Rudd) one up each other in a rapid succession of homophobic insults and slurs in a quest to prove the other is gay in a back and forth that lasted over one minute.
Cal (Seth Rogan) makes fun of Jay for getting "a hummer from a tranny." Jay asks Andy how he knew the prostitute was trans and he says "because her hands were as big as Andre the Giant's and she had an Adam's apple as big as her balls."
Jay tells Andy (Steve Carell) that "it's not a big deal if you like to f*ck guys. I'm cool with it. I got friends who f*ck guys ... in jail."
Grandma Cleary yells "you're a homo!" at her grandson Todd after he asks why his politician father considers him a "political liability."
An attacker yells “you’re as queer as a ten-dollar bill” at Willie (Billy Bob Thornton) after walking up to his car and ambushing him.
Dave (Adam Sandler) says he prefers to spend most of his time in "Girls Without Weinersville" to a trans prostitute Dr. Rydell (Jack Nicholson) picks up on the side of the road.
Dr. Buddy Rydell (Jack Nicholson) asks Dave (Adam Sandler) if "it's considered cheating if you were passed around the cell block like a peace pipe?" in response to Dave's unease about flirting with another woman behind his girlfriend's back.
Staff Aside
Dr. Rydell is Dave's court-appointed anger management counselor, so threatening Dave with jail time if he doesn't listen to him carries weight.
Chuck (John Turturro) calls Lou (Luis Guzman) "a little Spanish fruit topping" after he complains about Chuck smoking during group therapy.
Staff Aside
Lou is gay, so Chuck figures out a way to be both homophobic and xenophobic in one fell swoop.
Bridget (Renée Zellweger) narrates that her friend Tom (James Callis) is a "total poof" (British slur for gay man) while a male fan of Tom's music approached him and began flirting with him.
Kyle says, "you're not getting all f#ggy on me, are you?" to Michael after he put his hand on Kyle's shoulder as they're riding in a golf cart together.