People from the City are Rude

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Conservative Trope Examples
Charles (Steve Martin) selfishly pushes the close elevator button to prevent Oliver (Martin Short) from getting on the elevator even though Oliver, who's juggling three decent boxes of mail, clearly asks Charles to hold the elevator for him.
Charles (Steve Martin) narrates that "New Yorkers have a special way of communicating" as he walks past an older woman who scowls and gives him the middle finger without so much as saying a word.
Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) A businessman enters the cab and Zeus (Samuel Jackson) says he is not open (he's busy dealing with terrorists). The man rudely responds, "Your lights are on. Look, I'll make this very simple. 112 Wall Street, or I'll have your medallion suspended" and when Zeus pushes back, later follows, "What? You don't like white people?"
Young NYC doctor Ben Stone (Michael J. Fox) thinks a child needs an emergency operation and ridicules the small town Dr. Hogue for suggesting he take a Coke instead. Before they airlift the kid to a hospital and cut him open with a very invasive operation, Dr Hogue comes to the rescue and discerns that the kid just drank too much homemade antacid and gives him a coke and charges 60 cents to emphasize his point.
Staff Aside
Screenwriters created a scenario where an old school rural doctor outsmarts a younger, highly skilled city doctor depicted as condescending by simply prescribing a can of coke.