Women Slut Shamed for Their Behavior

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Conservative Trope Examples
Vanity Fair journalist Christine Everheart has a "one-night stand" with Tony Stark and wakes up in the morning to Pepper Potts bringing her dry-cleaned clothes in a scene that implies this is a regular common occurrence for Tony. Christine quips to Pepper that "Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning" upon which she replies, "I do anything and everything Mr. Stark requires. Including occasionally taking out the trash."
A recurring theme throughout the movie is Sonny (Adam Sandler) slut shaming and belittling Connie (Leslie Mann) for having previously worked at Hooters when she was younger.
Sidney (Neve Campbell) asks Billy why he and Stu killed her mother and he responds that they "did your mom a favor, Sid. That woman was a slut-bag whore who flashed her s*it all over town like she was Sharon Stone or somethin'."