Healthy Foods Depicted Negatively on Screen

Conservative Trope Examples
- Laird's (James Franco) private chef offers Stephanie's (Zoey Deutch) parents vegan surf and turf, which consists of edible soil and plankton foam. Her parents both awkwardly stare at the dish then walk away without having a bite.
- Pete (Paul Rudd) grimaces after he's told grilled tofu is for dinner after he excitedly asks if they were having grilled cheese and then then mockingly says "dressing always get in the way of the natural taste of the lettuce" after finding out his wife is cutting back on salad dressing in order to eat healthier.
Double Standard
- Healthy foods are depicted negatively on screen more frequently than unhealthy foods.
- Healthy eating is just not as glamorous on screen and so there will always be a bias to depicted it negatively.

Conservative Biases
- Conservatives often malign healthy foods as a foil to their base and side with special interests over their constituents' health when it comes to encouraging healthy eating and discouraging unhealthy eating habits -- especially with children.