Men With Much Younger Women is Normal

Explanation of Conservative Trope
In Hollywood relationships on screen, men are often seen with younger woman 10+ years younger while the average age in real life is only two. And this is rarely reversed where a man is with a woman 10+ years older.
Conservative Trope Examples
- Aurelia is a gorgeous Portuguese housekeeper working for Jamie (Colin Firth) who miraculously falls for him despite the fact she is many years younger than the middle-aged and disheveled author.
- Harry's (Alan Rickman) new secretary Mia makes it clear she wants to be with him despite the fact that 1) he's her boss, 2) he is married and 3) she is much younger than him.
- Dr. Richard Burke (Tom Selleck) is old enough to be Monica's (Courteney Cox) father, is friends with her parents and has known her since she was a young child, but Monica sets aside any reservations she has about dating her parents friend and jumps right in to a relationship with him.
- A college student was so smitten by Indiana Jones, she wrote "love you" on her eyelids to catch his attention in class. Harrison Ford was 39 years old at the time.Other Tropes: Women are Easily Smitten by Men