College Professors Depicted Negatively on Screen

Conservative Trope Examples
- Rizzoli says she didn't go to college because she couldn't stand the idea of listening to a professor "drone on and on" and instead wanted to do work right away. Even though she was top student with academic accolades.
- Professor Hadley (David Koechner) is a kooky college professor consumed with proving that Bigfoot is real.
- Professor Jennings (Donald Sutherland) smokes pot with his students, has been working on a novel for 4 1/2 years which he calls "a piece of shit" and says that he finds famed writer John Milton as boring as his students probably do.
- Hollywood perpetuates many negative false stereotypes about college professors
Double Standard

Conservative Biases
- College professors and higher education are common foils for Republicans as their policies are largely irrational and regressive which an educated public is less likely to support