The Ultimate Republican Scandals List

Scandal Categories
Displaying 901 - 950 of 1074 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Illegally attempted to get an Adderall prescription by altering the refill date without permission from his doctor
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Thad ViersThad ViersFmr. State Representative [R-SC]
    Conspired with a business executive to hide $524,000 in assets owed to an insurance company that was then left on the hook for a $6 million contract his coconspirator failed to fulfill and then intentionally lied to an IRS investigator when questioned about it
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • House RepublicansHouse Republicans   Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon2.1m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon2.1m  
    Created a politicized special committee into the 2012 Benghazi attacks -- three years after the attacks happened -- that was designed to undermine Hillary Clinton's standing with the public just as she ramped up her Presidential campaign
    According to reporting by all major mainstream outlets
  • Jud McMillinFmr. State Representative [R-IN]
    Shared a sexually explicit video via text message to multiple people and abruptly resigned days later after the video was leaked to the press
    According to an exclusive report by Indy Star
  • Tara MackTara MackFmr. State Representative [R-MN]
    Made out with fellow state rep Tim Kelly with her pants down inside a parked car at a local park while being married to a pastor and having two kids and later falsely accused the park ranger who caught them of lying in an attempt to cover it up
    According to a report filed by the park ranger who caught them
  • Tim KellyTim KellyFmr. State Representative [R-MI]
    Kissed fellow state rep Tara Mack with her pants down inside a car at a local park while also being nearly twenty years older than her and married with four children
    According to a report filed by the park ranger who caught them
  • Cindy GamratCindy GamratFmr. State Representative [R-MI]
    Had an extramarital affair with fellow state representative Todd Cotter and then used public funds to cover up the affair which resulted in her being expelled from the Michigan House
    According to an investigation conducted by the Michigan House
  • Mark FullerMark FullerFmr. Federal Judge [R]
    Physically abused his wife at least eight separate times over a period of time ranging from when they were dating to the final assault that happened in a Ritz-Carlton hotel which resulted in his arrest
    Repeatedly lied under oath and made false statements to the chief judge of a federal court by falsely claiming her had never hit, kicked, or punched his ex-wife when in fact he had done all three on multiple occasions
    According to a report conducted by federal officials submitted to Congress
  • Drew WrigleyDrew WrigleyAttorney General [R-ND]
    Had an extramarital affair with a married woman during his time as Lt. Governor and only admitted to it after a citizen journalist exposed it online
    According to a report by The Forum
  • Todd CourserTodd CourserFmr. State Representative [R-MI]
    Engaged in an extramarital affair with fellow state representative Cindy Gamrat and then concocted a wild story that would allege he solicited a male prostitute to keep their affair from becoming public
    According to audio recordings reported on by The Detroit News
  • Peter BobyDuncan Hunter Political Aide
    Was caught with an unregistered firearm and ammunition on US Capitol grounds following a routine car inspection by Capitol police
    According to a report by CNN
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Said he "wasn't interested" in "beautiful" 12-year-old Paris Hilton which is weird and creepy that a grown adult feels the need to qualify a statement like that
    Interview on the Howard Stern Show
  • Ken PaxtonKen PaxtonAttorney General [R-TX]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon701k
    Convinced numerous people into investing $840,000 in a technology company that he secretly earned commissions on while giving the false impression he was actually an investor
    According to charging documents filed by states attorneys
  • Annette BosworthAnnette BosworthFmr. U.S. Senate Candidate [R-SD]
    Filed false election documents attesting she personally gathered the requisite amount of voter signatures required for her to get on the ballot for a US Senate election and then lied to state officials when they confronted her
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Fearmongered that Mexico was bringing "crime" and "rapists" into the United States while at the same time having himself been credibly accused of rape and sexual assault by 25+ women
    According to multiple sources and reported on by multiple major outlets
  • Frank GuintaFmr. U.S. Representative [R-NH]
    Lied about the origins of a $355,000 loan to his 2010 congressional campaign that his parents gave him by falsely asserting the money came from earnings he made working in the private sector
    He signed an agreement with the FEC where he agreed to repay the donation amount in addition to a $15,000 fine
  • Dennis HastertDennis HastertFmr. Speaker of the House [R]
    Illegally structured hush money payments of $1.7 million to elude federal bank reporting requirements in order to hide the fact he was paying the victim of his past sex crimes and lied to Federal investigators about it
    He pled guilty and was sentenced to 15 months in prison, two years of supervised release and a $250,000 fine
  • Bill O'ReillyBill O'ReillyFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconFacebook iconYouTube iconInstagram iconRumble icon6.5m
    Allegedly choked his then-wife Maureen McPhilmy and dragged her down the stairs by her neck during an argument witnessed by his daughter
    According to allegations made by O'Reilly's daughter in court filings during his divorce proceedings
  • John DiehlJohn DiehlFmr. House Speaker [R-MO]16 Years in GOP
    Exchanged sexually charged text messages with a college freshman and congressional intern decades younger than him while also being married with three children
    According to an exclusive report by The Kansas City Star
  • James ComerJames ComerU.S. Representative [R-KY]Facebook iconTwitter iconInstagram icon141k
    Physically abused his college girlfriend by grabbing her wrists so hard they would bruise and emotionally abused her by controlling many aspects of her life and demanding to approve of anyone she interacted with
    According to an exclusive interview of the alleged victim by The Courier-Journal
    Drove his college girlfriend to get a secret abortion at a Louisville clinic and became "enraged" when he learned she listed his real name as her driver home on the release form which exposed his anti-choice hypocrisy
    According to an exclusive report by The Courier-Journal
  • Randy BoehningRandy BoehningFmr. State Representative [R-ND]
    Sent nude images of himself to men decades younger than him on a gay dating website around the same time he voted against an anti-discrimination bill that intended to provide additional protections to the LGBTQ community
    According to private messages on a gay dating website provided by a young man he was in communication with
  • Lisa Wilson-FoleyFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate [R-CT]
    Illegally accepted more than $30k from her husband who used four "straw donors" to conceal that the money came from him
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
    Illegally paid a convicted felon $35,000 under the table to work on her 2012 Republican congressional campaign instead of using campaign funds as required by law
    According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
    Fraudulently concealed a $500k campaign contribution from her husband by falsely reporting the money came from her personal accounts and illegally used her husband's business resources to help her campaign by having his employees moonlight as unofficial campaign staff
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Aaron SchockAaron SchockFmr. U.S. Representative [R-IL]
    Billed the government and his own campaign nearly $50,000 he was not entitled to after he lied about driving 90,000 more miles than he actually did in reimbursement forms he filed with the government and his campaign
    According to a report by Politico
  • Matthew PennellMatthew PennellFmr. Political Aide [R-KS]
    Had 17+ images and videos of young children depicting various sex acts on his home computer
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Aaron SchockAaron SchockFmr. U.S. Representative [R-IL]
    Sold his home to a major Republican donor for $925,000 --more than three times its assessed value of $255,000 -- at the height of his reelection campaign
    According to an exclusive report by Blue Nation Review
  • John MerrillJohn MerrillFmr. Secretary of State [R-AL]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon18k
    Received oral sex from a woman who wasn't his wife after they both partially undressed and fondled each other
    According to a sworn deposition from the woman he allegedly had the affair with
  • Aaron SchockAaron SchockFmr. U.S. Representative [R-IL]
    Spent tens of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funds on private jets, automobiles, tickets to the Super Bowl, massages and cigars and many other things over a five-year period
    According to a bombshell report by The Washington Post
    Spent over $100,000 in taxpayer money renovating his Congressional office to resemble a room on the show "Downton Abbey"
    According to a report by The Washington Post
  • Bryce MarlattBryce MarlattFmr. State Senator [R-OK]
    Passed out in his GMC pickup with his head against the steering wheel and the truck still in gear at 3am and reeked of alcohol when police arrived who then woke him up and took him into custody
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Ben SuarezConservative Businessman [R]
    Illegally used his family, employees and friends as "straw donors" to donate $100k each to two political candidates and later interfered with the criminal case by attempting to influence a government witness
    According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
  • Michelle MacDonaldMichelle MacDonaldFmr. Justice Nominee [R-MN]
    Rebuffed police commands to exit her vehicle and refused to submit to a breathalyzer and field sobriety test after getting pulled over for speeding and suspicion of driving under the influence and lied about being a "reserve cop" to the arresting officer in an attempt to get out of trouble
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John CouchJohn CouchFmr. Mayor Candidate [R-IN]
    Trailed and harassed Democratic state rep Karlee Macer at least six times and sent a number of threatening emails and calls to her personal cellphone over a six-month period including one time when he approached her at the tax services center he worked at to let her know he "knew everything" about her
    Threw a toilet lid at police officers and so violently resisted arrest that police had to deploy a stun gun to subdue him
    Listed an address he didn't reside at on his candidacy application in violation of state law
    Possessed 11,000 business cards that falsely said he was a state rep when he was in fact a private citizen
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Matt McCulloughFmr. State Sen. Nominee [R-PA]
    Drunkenly “grabbed and squeezed” a strip club employee's chest without her consent and then refused to leave after police ordered him to
    According to a police report filed by local officials and first reported on by
  • Mike HubbardFmr. House Speaker [R-AL]
    Funneled roughly $2.3 million to his private businesses by leveraging his status as state Speaker of the House and chair of the Alabama Republican Party to solicit favors from some of Alabama's most influential politicians (including former Gov. Bob Riley) and businesspeople
    According to charging documents filed by state officials
  • Carl DeMaioCarl DeMaioFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-CA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon113k
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon113k  
    Pleasured himself in front of campaign aide Todd Bosnich with a "smile on his face" in his office which he called Bosnich in to ostensibly discuss work related matters
    According to an exclusive report by CNN
  • Jack StickFmr. Conservative Lawyer [R-TX]
    Drove erratically and was pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence, argued with the officer and refused to submit to a breathalyzer or field sobriety tests upon which he was arrested for drunk driving
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John RowlandJohn RowlandFmr. Governor [R-CT]
    Fraudulently concealed $35,000 he received working for the 2012 campaign of Republican congressional candidate Lisa Wilson-Foley by creating a fake third-party contract with her husband's business to disguise the fact that a convicted criminal was providing them campaign advice
    According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
  • Mark FullerMark FullerFmr. Federal Judge [R]
    Struck his wife multiple times in the face, yanked her hair and threw her to the ground where he dragged and kicked her after she confronted him over an affair he was having with a law clerk during a fight inside their hotel room at the Ritz-Carlton
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Lavon HeidemannLavon HeidemannFmr. Lt. Governor [R-NE]
    Grabbed his sister's wrists and forcefully pushed her out of their 84-year-old mother's bedroom during an argument where he also got within six inches of her face and screamed uncontrollably at her which resulted in his sister seeking and receiving a protective order against him
    According to an exclusive report first published by the Omaha World-Herald
  • Rick PerryFmr. Energy Secretary [R]
    Threatened to veto $7.5 million in state funding for an office that was investigating one of his signature projects for corruption unless the District Attorney leading it didn't resign after a DUI which would have been an unprecedented move, presumably after which he could replace her with someone more favorable to his interests
    According to indictments issued by a Grand Jury that were later ruled unconstitutional
  • Dustin JohnsonDustin JohnsonProfessional Golfer
    Tested positive for cocaine on two separate occasions resulting in a six-month suspension in 2012 and a leave of absence in 2014
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Ryan ShucardFmr. Tom Marino Press Secretary
    Attempted to bring an unlicensed concealed handgun and attached magazine into the US Capitol, but was caught by security and arrested
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Jordan HaskinsJordan HaskinsFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-MI]
    Engaged in a sexual fetish called "cranking" where he broke into vehicles, disconnected the spark plug wires and turned on the ignition while masturbating of which he was caught in the act four times in a 9-month period
    According to charging documents filed by local police