Republicans Who Criminally Threatened People Scandals List

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Displaying 23 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Chuck JohnsonChuck JohnsonPropagandist [R]
    Attempted to extort a founder of investment firm Point Bridge Capital by threatening to use government connections (which did not exist) to retaliate against defense and intelligence companies strongly dependent on government contracts
    According to a lawsuit filed by Point Bridge Capital
  • Will BraddockWill BraddockFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
    Threatened to kill his primary opponent and eventual winner Anna Luna by calling up his "Russian-Ukrainian hit squad" to take her out
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Andrew TateAndrew TateSocial Media InfluencerTwitter iconTelegram iconFacebook iconInstagram iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon12.3m
    Choked a 20-year-old woman during sex without her consent so forcefully that the whites of her eyes turned red and she passed out and continued having sex with her while she was unconscious and then threatened to kill her when she came to
    According to an exclusive interview the alleged victim conducted with The Sun
  • Raymond NeubergerRaymond NeubergerFmr. City Council Member
    Chemically burned his girlfriend's cat so viciously that its tail had to be amputated and then threatened to "inflict chemical burns" on responding police officers and told one detective that he'd "make him pay" if he was arrested
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Matt HallState Representative [R-MI]
    Wrote two threatening emails in all caps to a fellow student that warned he had just put a bullet inside his shotgun with the student's "NAME ON IT" and told him that he "BETTER WATCH OUT!!" if he didn't want trouble
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Ken PaxtonKen PaxtonAttorney General [R-TX]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon701k
    Called and threatened "several" Texas State Reps with "political consequences" if they voted to impeach him for corruption
    According to a speech delivered by Rep. Green in the Texas State House
  • Bruce MillerFmr. Conservative Athlete
    Threatened to execute Rep. Eric Swalwell or send him to Guantanamo Bay in a threatening private message he sent the Congressman on Twitter
    According to an official report filed with the Capitol Police
  • Joe StaysniakFmr. Radio Host
    Struck his son, choked his son's boyfriend and threatened them with a gun as they sat in a parked car outside his home
    According to charging documents obtained by NBC News
  • Brian StoutBrian StoutState Representative [R-OR]
    Threatened to kill a woman he was romantically involved with by throwing her off a cliff or slitting her throat if she ever told anyone about their relationship
    According to a protective order filed by the alleged victim and granted by a local judge
  • Nathan TaborNathan TaborFmr. Forsyth County GOP ChairFacebook iconInstagram icon36k
    Facebook iconInstagram icon36k  
    Frequently called to “harass, annoy and terrify” the paster of a Baptist church, posted a number of social media threats against him and also made a number of salacious sexualized comments about the pastor's wife
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Arlyn BriggsArlyn BriggsFmr. Gov. Candidate [R-KS]
    Called the local police department to warn that he "may shoot" police officers if they attempted to enter his home and arrest a wanted man he was harboring
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Nathan TaborNathan TaborFmr. Forsyth County GOP ChairFacebook iconInstagram icon36k
    Facebook iconInstagram icon36k  
    Threatened to release unspecified "false information" about a county sheriff and local police chief if they didn't grant him immunity in an unrelated case
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Trevor BauerTrevor BauerConservative AthleteInstagram iconTwitter iconFacebook icon1.5m
    Instagram iconTwitter iconFacebook icon1.5m  
    Punched and choked his ex-girlfriend so violently during what began as consensual sex that she suffered bloody eyes and bruises throughout her face and then sent her multiple texts threatening to kill her if he ever saw her again
    According to sealed court records first reported by The Washington Post and photographic evidence of the bruises and bloody eyes independently obtained by the publication
  • Herschel WalkerHerschel WalkerU.S. Senate Nominee [R-GA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube icon1m
    Pointed a loaded gun against his ex-wife's head and threatened to kill her and her new boyfriend, after which she got a restraining order issued against him
    According to a police affidavit filed by his ex-wife's sister
  • Gene SuellentropState Senator [R-KS]
    Led police on a high-speed chase going upwards of 90 miles per hour while driving the wrong direction on an interstate highway around 1am and only stopped after he drove over tire-deflating spikes, threatened to physically "take" on arresting officers, slurred his speech so badly that police had a hard time understanding him and forced officials to get a warrant to conduct a BAC test which was still over twice the legal limit three hours after his arrest
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Ed HenryEd HenryFmr. Fox News ReporterTwitter iconInstagram icon352k
    Left threatening messages and sent a private investigator to scare a woman he had recently sexually coerced to make sure she kept her "mouth closed" or else he would sue her
    According to a civil lawsuit filed against Henry and Fox News by Jennifer Eckhart
  • Nick MiccarelliNick MiccarelliFmr. State Representative
    Brandished his gun and threatened to kill his then-girlfriend state rep Tarah Toohil and himself, threatened to kill them both by taking the car they were in up to 100 mph and crashing it and stalked her so incessantly that a judge granted her a restraining order
    Rep. Toohil [R] was granted a restraining order against Miccarelli
  • Joe BartonJoe BartonFmr. U.S. Representative92.4% Voted with Trump
    Sent pictures of himself masturbating to three women -- two whom he had an extramarital affair with -- and threatened to sic the Capitol Police on one of the women he was involved with if she went public with his naked pictures
    According to a recorded phone call between Barton and one woman he had an affair with exclusively reported by The Washington Post
  • John ThompsonIowa GOP Board Member
    Physically threatened his ex-fiancé after finding her by tracking her location on the "Find My iPhone" App installed on her phone which prompted a judge to issue a restraining order against him
    According to a report filed by local media
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Directed three top White House officials to repeatedly call and threaten Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski that a negative article about their private lives would be published in the National Enquirer unless they call him and personally apologize for their negative coverage of him
    According to both the anchors who reported Trump's actions in the Washington Post
  • Vance PhillipsFmr. County Commissioner
    Coerced an 18-year-old young woman who was only 16 when they first met and 30 years younger than him into a monthslong sexual relationship where she was compelled to participate in bondage fetishes of his that included using ropes, clamps, chains and sex toys that she did not willingly consent to and then threatened her with "a world of hurt" if she ever rebuffed his incessant advances
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Rick RenziRick RenziFmr. U.S. Representative
    Strongarmed leaders of a copper mining company into purchasing a large tract of land from a business associate who owed him money in exchange for him sponsoring legislation that would be favorable to the company, even once explicitly telling those involved "no Sandlin Property, no bill" and then failed to pay taxes on the $733,000 he received from the sale once the deal went through
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Thad ViersThad ViersFmr. State Representative
    2007 06
    Threatened to beat and sexually assault a man who was dating his estranged wife along with his mother over several menacing calls
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets