Republican Political Scandals List

Displaying 1 - 100 of 330 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
Ed MartinActing U.S. Attorney
Overruled D.C. police who wanted to charge MAGA Rep. Cory Mills [R-FL] with physically assaulting his 27-year-old paramour and refused to sign an arrest warrant they asked to execute against the CongressmanAccording to an exclusive report by NBC4 Washington
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Nominated conspiracy theorist and far-right podcaster Dan Bongino to be second in command at the FBI despite his scant qualifications for the powerful job other than being a Trump sycophant since the early days of his political careerAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Jason EllsworthFmr. State Senator [R-MT]
Rushed to give his close friend and former business associate $170k in taxpayer dollars for contract work by skipping the public bidding process that is required by state lawAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Scott McMahanCounty Commissioner [R-MI]
Lied about living in the district he was later elected to represent on candidacy forms that he swore under oath under were accurateAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Shared classified national security information about a confidential government agency that designs, builds and maintains America's intelligence satellites on a public website for all to seeAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Accepted $25,000 from a Russian national who actively promotes pro-Russian propaganda for his participation in a film where he vowed to “shut down the FBI headquarters building and open it up as a museum to the ‘deep state’” mere months before Trump nominated him to take over as FBI DirectorAccording to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
Brazenly violated House rules he voted in favor of by improperly having a Republican colleague cast two votes for him by proxy so he could skip town to participate in Bill Maher's "Real Time" show after he hypocritically spent years blasting Democrats for the processAccording to an exclusive scoop first reported by Punchbowl News
Ordered the Pentagon's inspector general to launch a politicized investigation into the "conduct" of retired Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley despite their being no credible allegations of official or unofficial misconduct ever leveled against General MilleyAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Violated established protocols and nearly foiled a classified hostage rescue mission of two Americans held captive in Yemen by publicly commenting about it to a reporter before the American hostages had been rescued which infuriated FBI officials who claimed his recklessness put the entire mission at riskAccording to an FBI whistleblower and first reported by CBS News
James McHenryActing Trump AG
Opened a sham investigation to harass apolitical career prosecutors who worked on Trump's criminal cases after baselessly firing them simply because they did their jobsAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Pardoned online drug kingpin Ross Ulbricht who facilitated the sale of over $200 million worth of illegal drugs, weapons and other illicit services on the dark web through his online marketplace "Silk Road" less than 10 years into his double lifetime sentenceAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Mariano RiveraFmr. Conservative Athlete
Allegedly "isolated and intimidated" an underage girl who told him one of his employees sexually abused her at his church and in Rivera's own home into keeping quiet in order to protect himself and the church he led instead of doing the right thing and reporting her perpetrator to the authoritiesAccording to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
Carolina AmestyFmr. State Representative
Illegally obtained $122,000 in COVID relief funds for two of her businesses by falsifying documents about their total revenues, number of employees and whether the businesses were legally incorporated to begin withAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Ryan WaltersState School Superintendent
Allegedly violated multiple campaign finance rules during his 2022 campaign and then stonewalled the state Ethics Commission when they demanded he hand over all "financial or accounting documents" from his campaign resulting in the commission going to court to subpoena the recordsAccording to a subpoena filed against Walters by the Oklahoma Ethics Commission
Sal BonaccorsoFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
Illegally operated his private business out of the mayor's office where he utilized public resources and personnel to improperly obtain government permits that enriched him personally and then encouraged at least one witness to lie to investigators if they were questionedAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
David RiveraFmr. U.S. Representative
Illegally received $5.5 million lobbying for a Venezuelan businessman who wanted to be removed from ICE's "Most Wanted" list and then formed fake shell companies using the names of a law firm and a government official without their knowledge which he used to create false invoices and conceal his money from tax authoritiesAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Ginned up a phony investigation to smear Joe Biden during an election year with constant and easily disproved propaganda over relatively minor, rarely prosecuted offenses committed by his son Hunter that presumably led to the overturning of a no jail plea deal by a Republican prosecutor and Trump appointed judgeAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Michelle MorrowFmr. County Commissioner Candidate
Ran for local office and illegally voted in a district she didn't reside in by fraudulently attesting that she lived thereAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Lied about holding a bachelor’s degree in education on a questionnaire for a Connecticut Board of Education job when in reality she earned her bachelor's degree in FrenchAccording to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Blocked $37 million in desperately needed disaster aid that was set aside to help victims displaced by wildfires in Washington simply because he had political disagreements with the state's Democratic governorThe state had to wait until Joe Biden took office to get any federal help
Hired a man she allegedly knew had sexually abused at least ten underage "Ring Boys" who did odd jobs at WWE wrestling events on the condition that he stop abusing young boys which he unsurprisingly did notAccording to a lawsuit filed against the McMahon's by five of the alleged victims
Violated contractual obligations he signed with the US military by acquiescing to Russian President Vladimir Putin's demand that he deny satellite internet service over Taiwan as a favor to the Chinese leader during one of his many secret conversations he had with the Russian leader over a two-year periodAccording to an exclusive report by The Wall Street Journal
Andy SanbornFmr. State Senator [R-NH]
Fraudulently spent $188,474 in COVID relief funds on three luxury sports cars and other expenses after he lied about his company's earnings by nearly 1M in order to increase his chances of getting more grant moneyAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Commuted convicted fraudster Phillip Esformes' sentence after he had only served less than two years of his twenty-year sentence for a massive healthcare fraud following a public relations campaign his well-connected family waged with the Trump White House and after released criminally threatened his wife and another family member with verbal threats and by breaking glassware set on a nearby tableAccording to news reports from credible media outlets10/08/24
Clandestinely spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin as many as seven times after he left office, during which time he possessed highly classified national security documents he illegally took with him when he left the White House and realistically could have shared with PutinSecretly gave Russian President Vladimir Putin extremely rare Covid-19 test machines for his personal use at a time they were desperately needed all throughout the United States possibly to curry favor with Putin or as a reward for his 2016 election interference that helped put him in officeAccording to exclusive reporting by veteran journalist Bob Woodward in his book "War"
Deceitfully implied he was a married father of three children by sharing images and video footage of him posing and interacting with them around a dinner table on his campaign website and social media pages when in fact he is not married and has no childrenAccording to an exclusive report by the New York Times
Had an affair with a woman and then paid her $7400 for part-time work in his local taxpayer paid for district office that she never showed up for according to four co-workers and only stopped paying her after his fiancée found out9/23/24
Used his local connections to get a taxpayer funded job in a local town village for his fiancée and a job with the local sanitation department for her sonAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Nicole TorresNYC Board of Elections Leader
Illegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong periodIllegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong periodIllegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong periodAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Dean TranFmr. State Senator [R-MA]
Fraudulently received $30,120 in COVID unemployment benefits while he was still employed and concealed $54,700 in consulting fees he earned and "thousands of dollars in income" from the IRS when he filed his 2021 federal income taxesAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Nicole TorresNYC Board of Elections Leader
Illegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong period8/28/24
Illegally pocketed at least $28,000 from hundreds of people who paid her roughly $150 each for her to select them as poll workers over a multiyear periodAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Tina PetersCounty Clerk [R-CO]
Allowed an unauthorized individual to make copies of voting machine hard drives and attend a voting machine software update intended only for credentialed election officialsAccording to charging documents filed by the Colorado Attorney General -
Royce WhiteFmr. U.S. Senate Nominee
Spent more than $157,000 in campaign money on personal expenses including $1,200 at a strip club, luxury clothes, cosmetics and multiple "opaque" checks and wire transfers that couldn't be properly accounted forAccording to an exclusive report by The Daily Beast
Mark GrisantiState Judge [R-NY]
Pushed a police officer who was attempting to handcuff his wife over a dispute with their neighbor and warned the officer that he'll "be sorry" if he arrested his "f*cking wife" because he was friends with the mayor and two of his children are police officersAccording to a censure ruling by New York's Commission on Judicial Conduct
Christopher MorrisFmr. Sheriff [R-OK]
Received free services from an auto shop in exchange for sending county vehicles to the shop when they needed work done on themAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Falsely reported that he had loaned his campaign $320k and took an additional $700k line of credit on campaign finance forms he submitted in an apparent attempt to make potential challengers think that he had vastly more money in his campaign account than he actually didAccording to an exclusive report by NewsChannel 5 Nashville
Samuel AlitoSupreme Court Justice [R]
Displayed a flag the far-right adopted as a symbol of support for Trump, used by insurrectionists on 1/6 and associated with the far-right Christian Nationalist movement known as the “Appeal to Heaven” or "Pine Tree" flag outside of his vacation home in New Jersey periodically over a three-month period while participating in numerous active cases stemming from the insurrection up to and including those involving TrumpDisplayed an upside-down American Flag, a signal of dire distress and something Trump supporters hijacked in the days after his 2020 loss, outside of his home days after the 1/6 insurrection and before Biden was sworn in to office while participating in numerous cases stemming from the insurrection up to and including those involving Trump at the same time and then blamed his wife when reporters questioned him about itAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Pardoned an admittedly racist convicted murderer who made good on his online threats to confront and shoot protesters by killing an Air Force veteran peacefully participating in a protest one year into his 25-year sentenceAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
244kMAGA Enthusiast
Diverted more than $25,000 in campaign contributions to an entity that he was the sole proprietor of and was located at his home address by falsely claiming the money was used to pay rent on office space for his political campaignAccording to a report released by the nonpartisan House Ethics Committee
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Asked wealthy oil executives to spend $1 billion to elect him in 2024 and promised to throw out environmental regulations designed to combat global climate change on "Day 1" as a reward if he were to return to the White HouseAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
244kMAGA Enthusiast
Continued to prominently wear a military honor pin for that he didn’t earn and was awarded to him by mistake even after the military revoked the honorAccording to an exclusive report by CBS News
Clarence ThomasSupreme Court Justice [R]
Declined to recuse himself from a Supreme Court case determining whether Donald Trump is immune from criminal charges stemming from his attempt to overturn the 2020 election despite the fact that his wife Ginni was intimately involved in the scheme to prevent Biden from becoming PresidentAccording to news reports from credible media outlets -
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Promised to pardon his personal aide and "body man" Walt Nauta if he was convicted of lying to the FBI about his knowledge of Trump's illegal retention of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago if he becomes President againFirsthand account from a confidential witness who spoke with the FBI about their interactions with Trump
Austin SmithState Representative
Forged "rows" of voter names, addresses and signatures on petitions he filed to qualify for the 2024 Republican primary in Arizona while also championing himself as an "election integrity warrior" who routinely espoused voter fraud conspiracy theoriesAccording to an exclusive report by The Arizona Republic
Lee ChatfieldFmr. House Speaker [R-MI]A+ NRA Rating
Stole over $132,000 from multiple political accounts to pay for vacations with his family, housing costs and personal credit card statements by siphoning money from a loosely regulated political account that prosecutors alleged he used as his own "unregulated slush fund" into his own pocketAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets -
Drank so much alcohol at a political dinner and gala that servers cut her off and told her she couldn't have any more because she was noticeably drunkAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Brian PritchardGeorgia GOP Vice-President
Illegally voted in nine elections between 2008 and 2011 while he was on probation for a prior felony conviction and ineligible to vote in Georgia while also having hypocritically spread baseless claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election and was later fined $5,000 and given a public reprimand by the judge overseeing his caseAccording to an investigative report by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Ordered his personal aide and "body man" Walt Nauta and Mar-a-lago manager Brian Butler to transfer up to 15 boxes of likely classified information Trump illegally had in his possession to his residence in New Jersey at the very time representatives from the DOJ were meeting with his lawyers to get back the documents he illegally retainedFormer Mas-a-Lago manager Brian Butler
Remained closely tied to his namesake company which ended up raking in at least $7.8 million from 20 different foreign governments throughout his Presidency by having his sons run it instead of placing it in the hands of a neutral arbiter which violated decades of norms and traditions that were in place to prevent a President from profiting off the officeAccording to an exclusive report by The New York Times
Barry BennettLobbyist [R]
Masterminded a scheme to illegally conceal $2.1 million he earned in a three-month period for lobbying services he provided for the government of Qatar by creating an LLC with his coconspirator to hide the money from federal officialsAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Doug WattsPolitical Operative [R]
Helped his coconspirator illegally conceal $2.1 million they earned lobbying for the government of Qatar by creating an LLC with to hide the money from tax authorities and then lied to federal officials twice after they confronted himAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Nico RiosState Representative
Spewed homophobic and racist taunts against police officers who pulled him over for swerving in and out of his lane and also failed a field sobriety test, refused to take a breathalyzer and threatened the officers by saying that he would "regret" arresting him because he knew the state AG and claimed he could falsely tell him that he was mistreated by the officersAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Secretly sold up to $50,000 of Boeing shares mere days before a House committee he was on released a highly critical report about the company and then failed to disclose the sale for more than two months and only reported it after he won reelection in a race he won by a mere 333 votesAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
819kMAGA Enthusiast
Covered up the sexual coercion of a female staff member at Trump Bedminster by manipulating her into signing an unfavorable NDA for a "paltry sum" with huge financial penalties if she violated the termsAccording to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Pardoned a convicted drug smuggler who had connections with his son-in-law Jared Kushner's family after only serving two and a half years of his ten-year sentence and who was later arrested for assaulting his wife and father-in-lawAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Illegally obtained over $45,000 in Small Business Covid-Relief Funds out of $150,000 he applied for by claiming that dormant companies he owned with no employees actually had 6 employees and revenue of $800k and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about itAccording to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
David ColeFmr. State Representative
Fraudulently claimed a 5-by-5-foot closet-sized space he rented for $5 a month was his official residence in order to run for office in a district he didn't actually live inAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Shared top-secret and highly sensitive information about U.S. nuclear submarines including the number of nuclear warheads they can carry and how close they can get to Russian submarines without being detected with Australian billionaire and Mar-a-Lago member Anthony Pratt who went on to share what Trump told him with at least 45 other people including foreign officials, his employees and journalists over a year after he left the PresidencyAccording to an exclusive report by ABC News
1.1mLauded by Trump
Gave a highly classified binder of FBI documents relating to the 2016 Trump-Russia investigation to two sympathetic right-wing media personalities for propaganda purposesAccording to excerpts from a book by former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson
Paul KennedyFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
According to charging documents filed by local police
Clarence ThomasSupreme Court Justice [R]
Secretly flew on a private plane to attend events hosted by a right-wing organization which frequently argued cases before the Supreme Court and failed to disclose it which George W. Bush appointed judge John E. Jones III characterized as taking his "breath away" and noted that it would have resulted in a "disciplinary hearing" for any lower court federal judgeAccording to an exclusive investigative report by Pro Publica
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Compromised classified information on notecards used to brief him during phone calls with international leaders by using the backs to write every day to-do lists to his personal assistant who was uncleared to access classified information and, unaware, also kept them in her unsecured office in Mar-a-Lago until eventually noticing classified markings and alerting the FBIAccording to an exclusive report by ABC News
Secretly accepted a golf trip without reporting it as required by law in which a major Republican businessman flew him on a private jet to play a round and stay overnight at the Augusta National Golf Club (the most exclusive in the country) and soon after his administration gave his business $92 million in COVID relief funds to fund a major highway projectAccording to an exclisive report by The Washington Post -
Eric UlrichFmr. Commissioner [R-NY]
Accepted over $150,000 in cash and gifts including premium NY Mets season tickets, a discounted beachfront apartment, a bespoke suit and a one-of-a-kind painting by an apprentice of Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí in exchange for helping his co-conspirators gain special access to top officials to get a leg up on various pet projects of theirsAccording to charging documents filed by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
Ordered a politicized impeachment inquiry to shamelessly smear President Biden with ridiculous claims to appease Donald Trump and House MAGA House extremists (with leverage to remove him as Speaker) and presumably to also distract from the myriad of real crimes committed by Trump and his associatesAccording to reporting by mainstream outlets
Opened a sham investigation into Jack Smith's prosecution of Donald Trump and his co-conspirators based on ridiculous claims from a lawyer involved in the case presumably to hinder itAccording to an exclusive report by NBC News
Opened a baseless investigation into Fani Willis, the Georgia prosecutor who filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and 18 others, presumably to deflect attention away from the many crimes Trump committedAccording to a press release by the Republican led House Judiciary Committee
Lied about receiving degrees from North Carolina Central University, Duke University Divinity School and Hood Theological Seminary when in fact he didn't receive a degree from any of themAccording to an exclusive report by The New York Times
Harry SidhuFmr. Mayor [R-CA]21 Years in GOP
Lying to the "Feds", Egregious Conflict of Interest, Misuse of Government Resources for Political Gain8/16/23
Took advantage of his position as mayor to muscle himself onto a negotiating team involved with a $320 million MLB stadium project and later shared confidential information with the owner of the team with the expectation of getting "at least" a million-dollar political donation in return and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about itAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Illegally transferred $91,000 from his political campaign and a nonprofit organization to an authorized federal campaign committee supporting his candidacy using money not subject to reporting regulations to help his 2016 bid for US Congress and then hid the transactions from the FECAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Clarence ThomasSupreme Court Justice [R]
Violated ethics laws by financing a $267,230 recreational vehicle he couldn't otherwise afford due to debt through a wealthy health care executive of which both parties refused to disclose the terms of the loan presumably because they would appear to be overly favorableAccording to an exclusive report by The New York Times
Held an alcohol fueled party in his Congressional office and then drunkenly unloaded on teenage Senate pages by calling them "little sh*ts" and "jack*sses" for not being respectful of the history and grandeur of the US Capitol and told them to "get the f*ck out of" the Capitol rotunda when he came cross them taking pictures following a long day of helping assist US SenatorsAccording to a photograph of his office that showed copious amounts of alcohol on a nearby table
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Ordered a Mar-a-Lago maintenance worker to move and hide 64 boxes filled with highly classified and sensitive information after receiving a subpoena that ordered him to return all government documents in his possessionAccording to charging documents filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith
Pushed the IRS to open investigations on FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in violation of a federal law that prohibits a President from "directly or indirectly" ordering the IRS to investigate or audit individual peopleAccording to a sworn statement by former White House chief of staff John Kelly
Matt BorgesFmr. Ohio GOP Chair
Conspired with former state House Speaker Larry Householder to accept $60 million in bribes from a state nuclear energy company that in turn was given a $1.3 billion taxpayer bailout for two struggling nuclear power plants it operatedAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Scott JenkinsSheriff [R-VA]
Accepted cash bribes totaling $72,500 to circumvent concealed carry gun laws by giving people fake deputy credentials that allowed them to carry a concealed weapon in any state without a permitAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Larry HouseholderFmr. House Speaker [R-OH]
Masterminded a bribery scheme that saw him illegally raking in a whopping $60 million from a state nuclear energy company that in turn was given a $1.3 billion taxpayer bailout for two struggling nuclear power plants it operatedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Declined to recuse himself from an investigation into an addiction recovery center he accepted a $6,900 donation from when in a prior case he forced a judge to recuse themself for accepting a donation of only $250According to an investigative report by The Daily Beast
Shawn WilmothGOP Election Consultant
Forged thousands of fake signatures over hundreds of petitions his third-party company conducted that the State AG charged were full of “obvious fraud” and done in such a “sophomoric” way that he misspelled people's names and cities and had signatures of people who were dead or had moved and then submitted them to candidates who contracted his services and proceeded to inadvertently submit the fraudulent petition signatures to election officialsAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Samuel AlitoSupreme Court Justice [R]
Traveled free of charge on an opulent private jet chartered by billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer to an exclusive Alaskan fishing resort without reporting it on his financial disclosure forms and later voted with the majority in Singer's favor on a case involving his businessAccording to an exclusive investigative report by Pro Publica
Personally lobbied to connect a business executive with prior criminal convictions for theft and fraud with the state comptroller overseeing a multimillion-dollar initiative meant to combat opioid overdoses despite him not having had any experience working on statewide public health initiativesAccording to an exclusive investigative report by Pro Publica and The Texas Tribune
Illegally transferred $82.5 million from his state political action committee to a super PAC supporting his Presidential bid in violation of a federal campaign finance law that prohibits candidates from spending money that was obtained by people and groups not subject to strict federal requirementsAccording to allegations detailed in a complaint filed by The Campaign Legal Center
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Showed a classified map detailing a secret military operation he illegally retained when he left the White House to a staffer of his PAC after admitting that he shouldn't be showing it to anyone and telling the staffer not to get "too close" to it while meeting with him at his Bedminster golf clubAccording to charging documents filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith
Showed and discussed a top-secret military map that he illegally retained when he left the White House which laid out a "plan of attack" against Iran to a writer, publisher and two staffers who did not have security clearances at an insecure location at his Bedminster golf clubAccording to can audio recording during which he admitted on tape that the map was "highly confidential" and that he "could have declassified" it when he was President but "now I can't"
Walt NautaTrump "Bodyman"
Hid boxes filled with classified and highly sensitive government documents after his boss Donald Trump was subpoenaed for them which were later found when the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about itAccording to charging documents filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Ordered his personal aide and "body man" Walt Nauta to move and hide 64 boxes filled with highly classified and sensitive information after receiving a subpoena that ordered him to return all government documents in his possession6/09/23
Stored top-secret and classified documents he illegally took with him to Mar-a-Lago at the conclusion of his term in his unsecured office, bathroom, bedroom, ballroom and storage room in plain view for tens of thousands of guests and potential US adversaries to see and lied to his own attorneys about his knowledge of any classified documents in his possession which resulted in his lawyer unwittingly submitting a false sworn certification of that fact to federal investigatorsAccording to charging documents filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith
1.1mLauded by Trump
Removed more than a thousand pages of classified documents from the White House on Trump's orders and was seen putting them in the trunk of his car late at night on the final evening of his presidencyAccording to three former top aides to Meadows reported on by Murray Waas in an exclusive report published on Substack
Weaponized his GOP committee by threatening FBI Director Christopher Wray with an unprecedented charge of contempt of Congress to get access to a document discredited as not reliable enough to pursue as part of a shameless political smear campaign and sham investigation against Joe Biden without regard to protecting the identities of redacted sourcesAccording to voluminous reports filed by mainstream media outlets
Called and threatened "several" Texas State Reps with "political consequences" if they voted to impeach him for corruptionAccording to a speech delivered by Rep. Green in the Texas State House
Bill BroughFmr. State RepresentativeWorked in George W Bush's Administration
Spent $17,303 in campaign funds on personal expenses including family vacations, a professional baseball game, $2,400 worth of clothing and his children's cellphone bills and also failed to provide proper documentation for over $53,000 worth of meals he charged at taxpayers' expenseState regulators fined Brough $100k after a yearslong investigation
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Pushed the Justice Department to keep open a political investigation looking into the Clinton Foundation long after it became abundantly clear no wrongdoing was found by investigatorsAccording to an exclusive report by The New York Times
Repeatedly slurred his speech and swayed back and forth as he led official proceedings as the Texas Speaker of the House in a way fellow Republican and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton described as "debilitating intoxication"According to reports by local and state media
Rudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]
Drank alcohol "all day and night" despite having serious professional responsibilities including being a lawyer for Donald Trump according to his aide Noelle Dunphy who had a job to make sure he was a "functioning" alcoholicAccording to a civil lawsuit filed by former employee Noelle Dunphy reported on by mainstream outlets
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