Republicans Pardoning Republican Allies

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Displaying 16 Scandals
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  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Pardoned his former top-adviser Steve Bannon before his case went to trial for stealing one million dollars from donors to an online charity fundraiser to build a wall on the Mexico border
    Pardoned Republican mayor of Mettawa, IL and brother of famed NFL player Brian Urlacher who was charged with being a leader of a multi-million dollar illegal offshore sports gambling ring led by the Chicago mob after personally meeting with the former player at the White House and before the case against his brother had concluded
    Pardoned former Republican Rep. Rick Renzi who served two years in prison for corruption giving credence to a public relations campaign he led baselessly accusing the DOJ of wrongfully imprisoning him
    Pardoned former Republican Rep. Robin Hayes who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his role in a $1.5 million bribery scheme following a request from Republican Senator Thom Tillis
    Pardoned notorious former Republican Rep. Duke Cunningham who served an eight-year sentence in prison for raking in $2.3 million in bribes from defense contractors
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Pardoned former Rand Paul aide Jesse Benton who was convicted of giving a 73K bribe to an Iowa state senator in exchange for his endorsement of then Presidential candidate Ron Paul following a request by Republican Sen. Rand Paul
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Honored a request from Senator Rand Paul to pardon two aides who worked on his father Ron's 2012 Presidential campaign and were convicted for bribing a state senator $73,000 to change his vote in the Iowa caucuses
    Commuted convicted fraudster Phillip Esformes' sentence after he had only served less than two years of his twenty-year sentence for a massive healthcare fraud following a public relations campaign his well-connected family waged with the Trump White House
    Pardoned the wife of disgraced Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter who pleaded guilty to stealing campaign contributions for personal use
    Commuted former Republican Rep. Steve Stockman's ten-year prison sentence after serving only two years for stealing $1.25 million meant for a charity but using it for personal expenses and to fund his campaign instead
    Pardoned his former campaign aid George Papadopoulos who lied to the FBI about his many interactions with top Russian intelligence officials -- at the height of the 2016 Presidential campaign -- who claimed they had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton that could help the Trump campaign and used the occasion to lash out at Special Counsel Robert Mueller for prosecuting him in the first place
    Pardoned former New York police commissioner and vocal Trump supporter Bernard Kerik who illegally received over $250,000 from a company with suspected connections to organized crime four years after his prison sentence concluded after lobbying from his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani
    Pardoned radical rightwing filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza six years after his conviction of making illegal campaign contributions after Senator Ted Cruz personally lobbied for it
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Pardoned Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio after he was convicted of contempt of court for racially profiling and illegally detaining people of Latino descent before he would be sentenced for his crime
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Haley BarbourFmr. Governor [R-MS]
    Pardoned a man who killed an 8-month-old boy in an alcohol-fueled crash who belongs to a politically connected family that donates a lot of money to Republicans
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Pardoned the brother of famed NFL quarterback Brett Favre who killed someone else in a drunk driving crash decades ago and had long since completed his sentence which makes you wonder if the only reason he pardoned him is because he's close with Favre
    According to news reports from credible media outlets