Republican Criminal Sexual Harassment Scandals

Displaying 8 Crimes
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Rudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]
Demanded his staffer Noelle Dunphy to work "naked, in a bikini, or in short shorts with an American flag on them" that he purchased for her to wear when she was in the office and also when she worked from home remotelyDemanded his staffer Noelle Dunphy undress for him during almost all of their videoconferences during which he often pleasured himself under a bed sheetAccording to a civil lawsuit filed by former employee Noelle Dunphy reported on by mainstream outlets -
14.8mMAGA Enthusiast
Exposed his penis to a male staff member seemingly out of the blue while they were filming a video in a screening roomAccording to ten former employees who spoke exclusively with The New York Post
Put his face inches away from a woman's breasts and asked where she got them from before trying to unhook her bra strap during a meet and greet at a horror film conventionAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Steve WynnFmr. Wynn Resorts CEODonated 14.4m to Republican causes in 2020
Rubbed his exposed genitals in front of a female employee and another time also asked her, "when are you going to come into my office and f*ck me?" while also being marriedAccording to a report by the Daily Mail
Jack LatvalaFmr. State Senator [R-FL]
Routinely grabbed five female senate staff and lobbyists buttocks, breasts and other parts of their bodies and threatened to retaliate against them by refusing to take meetings with them if they complained about his behavior while also being marriedAccording to an investigative report by Politico
Donald SterlingConservative Businessman
Coerced an assistant who was decades younger than him into having sex over a yearslong period by threatening to withhold her paycheck if she ever refused his advances, subjected her to a "steady stream of racially and sexually offensive comments" and fired her when she eventually stood up to him while also being marriedAccording to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
John McGeeFmr. State Senator [R-ID]
Locked a female staffer in his office and unsuccessfully tried to get her to have sex with him while also being married with two childrenAccording to charging documents filed by local police
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