Republicans Covering Up Criminal Behavior

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Displaying 3 Crimes
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  • Mariano RiveraMariano RiveraFmr. Conservative Athlete
    Allegedly "isolated and intimidated" an underage girl who told him one of his employees sexually abused her at his church and in Rivera's own home into keeping quiet in order to protect himself and the church he led instead of doing the right thing and reporting her perpetrator to the authorities
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Linda McMahonLinda McMahonTrump Education Sec. NomineeTwitter iconFacebook icon148k
    Twitter iconFacebook icon148k  
    Hired a man she allegedly knew had sexually abused at least ten underage "Ring Boys" who did odd jobs at WWE wrestling events on the condition that he stop abusing young boys which he unsurprisingly did not
    According to a lawsuit filed against the McMahon's by five of the alleged victims
  • Kyle HupferKyle HupferFmr. Indiana GOP ChairTwitter icon2k
    Twitter icon2k  
    Kept secret credible sexual assault allegations against the Republican Secretary of State for over a month ostensibly to protect him
    According to an exclusive report by The Statehouse File