Tax Fraud Scandals

Displaying 8 Crimes
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Dean TranFmr. State Senator [R-MA]
Fraudulently received $30,120 in COVID unemployment benefits while he was still employed and concealed $54,700 in consulting fees he earned and "thousands of dollars in income" from the IRS when he filed his 2021 federal income taxesAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Illegally claimed $168 million in business losses on his Chicago property by using dubious accounting tactics to write off his massive losses on the project on both his 2008 and then again on his 2010 tax returnsAccording to an exclusive joint report by The New York Times and Pro Publica
Jeremy HutchinsonFmr. State Senator [R-AR]25 Years in GOP
Illegally spent over $100,000 in campaign contributions on personal expenses and then tried to cover it up by filing numerous false tax returnsHe pleaded guilty to tax and wire fraud and was sentenced to 46 months in prison and ordered to pay over $350,000 in fines
Claimed a $1,500 homestead tax exemption meant for people who claim Texas their "principal residence" while he was running for a Senate seat in Georgia at the exact same timeAccording to publicly available tax documents obtained by CNN
George GilmoreOcean County GOP Chair
Cashed out over $570,000 from a $1.5 million mortgage loan he was able to refinance by lying to his bank about outstanding tax liabilities and illegally diverted his employees' payroll taxes to his personal accounts in order to maintain a lavish lifestyle and pay down his own tax obligationsHe was found guilty and sentenced to one year in federal prison but was pardoned by Trump before he began serving his sentence
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Illegally paid adult film star Stormy Daniels $130,000 in hush money to keep her from going public about an extramarital affair they had by directing his personal lawyer Michael Cohen to pay her off and agreeing to reimburse him in monthly installments one month before the 2016 election in violation of campaign-finance lawsAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Violated campaign-finance laws by paying former Playboy Playmate of the Year Karen McDougal $150,000 in hush money to keep her from going public about an extramarital affair they had by orchestrating a convoluted payment scheme involving his lawyer Michael Cohen and the tabloid National Enquirer a week and a half before the 2016 electionAccording to an exclusive report by The Wall Street Journal
Drew HastingsFmr. Mayor [R-OH]
Listed a fake address on his declaration of candidacy forms and illegally claimed a city refund of $500 on a vacant building he owned and altered official documents related to the refundAccording to charging documents filed by local police
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