Republican Personal\Individual Scandals

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Displaying 42 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Lauren BoebertLauren BoebertU.S. Representative [R-CO]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook iconYouTube icon4.1m
    Drank so much alcohol at a political dinner and gala that servers cut her off and told her she couldn't have any more because she was noticeably drunk
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Kari LakeKari LakeGov. Nominee [R-AZ]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook iconTikTok iconTruthSocial iconGab icon3.9m
    Defamed AZ County Recorder Stephen Richer (R) by baselessly accusing him of adding over 300,000 fraudulent ballots to Maricopa County's vote count in order to steal the election from her and then later admitted in court that she had no defense against his lawsuit and forfeited her right to a trial
    Lake asked the court to move directly to the damages phase of the trial which will determine how much Richer is owed for her defamation
    Was accused of deceptively editing a leaked recording of a private conversation where AZ Republican Party Chair Jeff DeWitt appeared to offer her a bribe to drop out of the 2024 U.S. Senate race but which he says was "selectively edited" by Lake in order to get him fired from party leadership
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Braylee EstepSouth Carolina GOP Director
    Violently banged on a car window and prevented it from leaving a local bar and then pulled her victim out of their car and proceeded to "hit and assault" them with the help of her mother and third offender
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Justin WellsFox News Producer
    Was sued for "violently" kissing and sexually assaulting a fellow male Fox News producer on two separate occasions even after his advances were rebuffed and for intimidating his victim in to keeping quiet by warning him not to report what happened to Fox's human resources department
    According to a lawsuit filed by alleged victim Andrew Delancey
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. Representative [R-NY]YouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Charged fellow US Rep. Mas Miller's credit card for political donations that "exceeded FEC limits" without his knowledge or consent
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Kevin McCarthyKevin McCarthyFmr. Speaker of the House [R]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial icon4.7m
    Was accused of intentionally elbowing fellow GOP Rep. Tim Burchett in his kidneys and then running away when he turned around to see who hit him
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Lauren BoebertLauren BoebertU.S. Representative [R-CO]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook iconYouTube icon4.1m
    Publicly fondled her date inside a large theater, vaped smokeless tobacco at her seat, loudly sang along to songs that weren't meant to be sung along to and taunted an usher who properly escorted her and her date out of the theater
    According to video of the incident report by mainstream outlets
  • Fabián BasabeFabián BasabeState Representative [R-FL]Instagram iconTwitter icon92k
    Was sued for sexual harassment for making unwanted sexual advances on a male legislative aide and male legislative intern
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victims
  • Derrick Van OrdenDerrick Van OrdenU.S. Representative [R]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon58k
    Held an alcohol fueled party in his Congressional office and then drunkenly unloaded on teenage Senate pages by calling them "little sh*ts" and "jack*sses" for not being respectful of the history and grandeur of the US Capitol and told them to "get the f*ck out of" the Capitol rotunda when he came cross them taking pictures following a long day of helping assist US Senators
    According to a photograph of his office that showed copious amounts of alcohol on a nearby table
  • James ChapmanCommissioner [R-MI]
    Kicked a fellow state GOP official Mark DeYoung in the groin and then grabbed him by the legs and knocked him to the ground as soon as DeYoung opened the door to a reportedly "closed" meeting Chapman didn't want him attending
    According to a report filed by local police
  • Tim MooreTim Moore House Speaker [R-NC]Twitter iconFacebook icon31k
    Was sued for $200k by a husband who claimed he used his position to persuade his wife, who was a mid-level state government employee, to engage in a yearslong affair that included instances of group sex and led to the eventual destruction of the couple's marriage
    According to a $200,000 civil lawsuit filed by former Republican candidate Scott Lassiter
  • Tucker CarlsonTucker CarlsonFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok icon22.2m
    Was sued by Fox News for breach of contract after he debuted a show on Twitter that violated the terms of his contract with them
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by Fox News
  • James O'KeefeJames O'KeefeProject Veritas FounderTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook iconTruthSocial iconGab icon5.2m
    Was sued by his former company Project Veritas for spending $150,000 on private cars, $10,000 on a helicopter flight and other frivolous expenses in violation of his contract
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by Project Veritas
  • Charlie GreenState Representative [R-TX]
    Accused Texas AG Ken Paxton of personally calling and threatening "several" Texas State Rep's with "political consequences" if they vote to impeach him for corruption
    According to a speech delivered by Rep. Green in the Texas State House
  • Matt SchlappMatt SchlappACU ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon463k
    Was accused of blindsiding the CPAC Board by improperly using the organizations money to pay his lawyer $270,000 to defend him in a civil defamation lawsuit
    According to allegations lobbied by American Conservative Union treasurer Bob Beauprez in an exclusive report by New York Magazine
  • Timothy ParlatoreFmr. Trump Conservative Lawyer
    Quit defending Donald Trump because fellow lawyer Boris Epshteyn "was not very honest" and behaved as a gatekeeper who prevented other lawyers from giving Trump the legal advice they thought was best
    According to an exclusive interview Parlatore gave to CNN
  • Dade PhelanDade Phelan House Speaker [R-TX]Twitter iconFacebook icon44k
    Repeatedly slurred his speech and swayed back and forth as he led official proceedings as the Texas Speaker of the House in a way fellow Republican and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton described as "debilitating intoxication"
    According to reports by local and state media
  • Rudy GiulianiRudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m
    Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m  
    Drank alcohol "all day and night" despite having serious professional responsibilities including being a lawyer for Donald Trump according to his aide Noelle Dunphy who had a job to make sure he was a "functioning" alcoholic
    Discussed an alleged scheme to sell pardons for $2 million each claiming he would split it evenly with Donald Trump (or possibly keep it all for himself) and asked a woman who worked closely with him if she knew anyone who would be interested and for them to work with him directly instead of publicly via “normal channels”
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by former employee Noelle Dunphy reported on by mainstream outlets
    Composed a large "oppo file" file of reportedly damaging information against fired host Tucker Carlson that documented allegations he operated a misogynist and toxic workplace environment and planned to publicly release some or all of their files if Carlson publicly attacked the network
    According to 8 Fox News sources who spoke exclusively with Rolling Stone
  • Tucker CarlsonTucker CarlsonFmr. Fox News HostTwitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok icon22.2m
    Was abruptly fired by Fox News less than a week after the company settled a defamation lawsuit for $787.5 million likely because explicitly racist text messages he wrote that were found during the discovery process were so damning they had no choice but to settle
    According to a public statement released by Fox News
  • Tennessee House Republicans  
    Infighting resulted in one unknown Republican house member urinating on a chair in the legislative office of fellow state Rep. Rick Tillis [R] while a small group of operatives watched presumably in retaliation to his operation of an anonymous Twitter account which posted negative gossip about fellow Republicans he disliked
    According to multiple eyewitness reports and confirmed by mainstream outlets
  • Roger StoneRoger StoneTrump Senior Advisor [R]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial iconGab icon1.2m
    Was sued for defamation by rightwing activist Lawyer Larry Klayman after he called him a child molester
    According to a defamation lawsuit filed by Klayman
    Was sued for defamation by disgraced former host Ed Henry because he claimed the network and CEO Suzanne Scott publicly portrayed him as a "sex criminal" and only fired him because Ms. Scott was trying to save face after the explosive allegations against him came to light
    According to a civil lawsuit filed in federal court
  • Lauren BoebertLauren BoebertU.S. Representative [R-CO]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook iconYouTube icon4.1m
    Cursed and yelled at police officers who were in the process of arresting minors they caught drinking alcohol and urged the teens to run away which police reported caused the teens to become "unruly" while also portraying herself as a "law and order" politician who supports the police
    According to arrest records first reported by Colorado News Online
  • Jason MillerJason MillerFmr. Trump Comms AdviserTwitter iconInstagram icon471k
    Twitter iconInstagram icon471k  
    Was ordered to pay thousands of dollars in owed back child support and $3,167 per month to a woman he had a baby with during an extramarital affair until the child turns 18
    According to a lawsuit filed by former staffer A.J. Delgado
  • Mike McCullyFmr. Deputy Sheriff [R-OK]
    Was fired by his Republican boss he was running against in a sheriff's election who claimed he improperly arrested an innocent black man, was insubordinate, disobeyed the chain of command and misused trademarked county images for his campaign
    According to a report by The Oklahoman
  • Trump Campaign  
    Was sued for discrimination by a staffer who alleged the campaign rescinded a job offer in the Trump White House after finding out that she was pregnant with incoming White House communications director Jason Miller's child
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by former staffer A.J. Delgado
  • Michael SilvestriFmr. State Rep. Candidate [R-NJ]
    Was accused of sexually assaulting a former campaign aide at a local GOP headquarters and later texting her pictures of weapons to scare her from reporting him to the police
    According to a police report filed by the alleged victim
  • Will GardnerFmr. Secretary of State Candidate [R-ND]
    Peered into the windows of a female dormitory at North Dakota State University -- when he was 29-years-old -- and had his shirt untucked and pants undone when police confronted him
    According to charging documents filed by university police
  • Rob PorterRob PorterWhite House Staff SecretaryLauded by Trump
    Smashed his fist through his estranged wife Jennifer Willoughby's glass pane of her front door while demanding to speak with her which resulted in her being granted a temporary restraining order
    According to her account in an interview with FBI agents conducting a background check on Porter
  • Blake FarentholdBlake FarentholdFmr. U.S. Representative [R-TX]Tea Party Enthusiast
    Routinely "drank to excess” at Capitol Hill functions so much that his staff felt they had to be on "red head patrol" in order to "keep him out of trouble" because he would regularly say sexually improper things to female staff and lobbyists when he was drunk
    According to an exclusive report by Politico
  • Randy BaumgardnerRandy BaumgardnerFmr. State Senator [R-CO]
    Urged a legislative intern to drink alcohol with him in his office which she smartly declined as he was married and because of inappropriate comments she overheard him make days earlier about the first time he met her in which he "complained" about having to go home alone to bed and gave out an exaggerated sigh which creepily signaled that he wanted to sleep with her
    According to the former intern in an exclusive interview with a local NPR affiliate
  • Joseph TurnerActivist [R]
    Accused California Republican Assembly Leader Chad Mayes of illegally using state resources to maintain his extramarital affair with former Republican Assembly Leader Kristin Olsen after he voted with Democrats to pass a major climate change initiative in the state
    According to allegations made by the conservative activist reported by local media
  • Mark LovellMark LovellFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Grabbed a legislative staff's breasts and buttocks and physically prevented her from walking away from him and also inappropriately touched a second woman while visibly drunk -- drinking rum and colas to excess is apparently a common occurrence for him -- after attending five events hosted by lobbyists and businesses with free alcohol and food while he was married with three children
    According to an investigation conducted by the state house Ethics Committee
  • Matthew ShirkMatthew ShirkFmr. District Attorney [R-FL]
    Discussed showering and having sex with three subordinates in private messages, sent one a private message that said "I think if we had sex there would be very minimal awkwardness afterwards," drank to excess with them in his office and later fired all three after his wife caught him
    According to an exclusive report by The Florida Times-Union
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Incessantly made inappropriate and lewd comments about an "Apprentice" camerawoman's buttocks and body and often stopped production to look at the camera she was operating over a period of more than 2 years
    Firsthand accounts by producer Katherine Welker, Former "Apprentice" employees German Abarca, Rebecca Arndt & six former crew members, Corroborated by two crew members who said the victim told them how uncomfortable Trump's comments made her
    Openly discussed which female "Apprentice" contestants he’d like to have sex with -- sometimes with the woman present -- while also goading male contestants into participate by asking them questions like "you’d f*ck her, wouldn’t you? I’d f*ck her"
    Firsthand accounts by producer Katherine Welker, 2004 Apprentice contestant Kristi Frank whose breasts were objectified by Trump, 2005 Apprentice winner Randal Pinkett, 2010 Apprentice contestant Gene Folkes & 22 former Apprentice contestants and crew members
    Was sued by co-host Andrea Tantaros who alleged Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, former Senator Scott Brown and another male sexually harassed and made inappropriate comments to her
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative [R-TN]
    Was accused of having an extramarital affair with a former state representative by the Lieutenant Governor
    According to a statement by Republican Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey
  • Minnesota Senate GOPMinnesota Senate GOP   Facebook iconTwitter icon80k
    Facebook iconTwitter icon80k  
    Was sued for illegally firing without cause a staffer who had an extramarital affair with the MN Senate GOP Leader and later agreed to pay $30,000 to settle the wrongful termination lawsuit he brought against the State Senate
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the fired staffer