Virginia Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in VA

Scandal Categories

Virginia Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals

  • Derrick AndersonDerrick AndersonU.S. Rep Nominee [R-VA]Twitter icon10k
    Twitter icon10k  
    Deceitfully implied he was a married father of three children by sharing images and video footage of him posing and interacting with them around a dinner table on his campaign website and social media pages when in fact he is not married and has no children
    According to an exclusive report by the New York Times
  • Tom GarrettTom GarrettFmr. U.S. Representative13 Years in GOP
    Strangled his wife's neck while their infant daughter slept next to her after he drank himself into a "fiery rage" on Mother's Day
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Struck his wife in the head on two separate occasions, had a "history" of physically pinning her to the ground and once punched multiple holes in the wall during an argument
    According to a lawsuit filed by his estranged wife

Virginia Republican State Legislator Scandals

  • Timothy McGheeTimothy McGheeFmr. State Sen. Nominee
    Initiated a sexual relationship with an underage high school girl he met while working as a substitute teacher
    According to charging documents filed by local officials

Other Virginia Republican Scandals

  • Scott JenkinsScott JenkinsSheriff [R-VA]
    Accepted cash bribes totaling $72,500 to circumvent concealed carry gun laws by giving people fake deputy credentials that allowed them to carry a concealed weapon in any state without a permit
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • John OremFmr. Sheriff Candidate
    Overdosed on heroin twice in a twelve-hour timespan and was administered a drug to reverse their effects both times
    According to court records reported by local media
  • Jerry Falwell Jr.Jerry Falwell Jr.Televangelist [R]Twitter icon66k
    Twitter icon66k  
    Watched his wife have sex with a much younger man both in person and via CCTV over a period of seven years while also being a minister who preached the virtues of monogamy and abstinence before marriage
    According to a bombshell report by Reuters