Republicans Stealing from Donors

Scandal Categories
Displaying 24 Crimes
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Jamey NoelJamey NoelFmr. Sheriff [R-IN]
    Fraudulently charged over $5 million on personal expenses including more than 130 luxury and classic cars which he then sold and pocketed the proceeds from, $60k worth of airline tickets for a woman he was having an extramarital affair with and other family members including his wife, vacations, designer clothes and a multitude of other expenses using fire department credit cards funded and paid for by the public
    According to charging documents filed by state officials
  • Michele FioreMichele FioreJustice of the PeaceFacebook icon12k
    Facebook icon12k  
    Stole over $70,000 worth of donations she raised for the statue of a Las Vegas police officer shot and killed in the line of duty and spent it on personal items including plastic surgery and her daughter's wedding
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Craig CaldwellCraig CaldwellFmr. Lexington County GOP Chair
    Stole $52,300 from a local Rotary Club Foundation over a series of 11 checks written to himself from the foundation's account while he was their treasurer
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Lee ChatfieldLee ChatfieldFmr. House Speaker [R-MI]A+ NRA Rating
    Stole over $132,000 from multiple political accounts to pay for vacations with his family, housing costs and personal credit card statements by siphoning money from a loosely regulated political account that prosecutors alleged he used as his own "unregulated slush fund" into his own pocket
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • John NovelloJohn NovelloFmr. County Commissioner
    Stole over $59k from a local Republican committee and spent it on personal expenses including mortgage payments, wine trips, luxury candies and everyday expenses like groceries
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Bought luxury clothing, erotic adult content online, luxury skin care products, meals and paid off personal debts with more than $50,000 in campaign contributions he told donors would be used to support his bid for Congress
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Omar NavarroOmar NavarroFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee
    Funneled at least $107,885 worth of campaign contributions into his personal accounts which he used to fund trips to Las Vegas, Napa Valley and other locations by creating a sham charity called the “United Latino Foundation” and enlisting his mother and close friend to help him transfer the money
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Sam MieleGeorge Santos Political Aide
    Impersonated a top aide to then Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in fundraising emails that tricked more than a dozen donors into giving money to George Santos's political campaign and received a 15% commission on each contribution
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Brian KelseyBrian KelseyFmr. State Senator [R-TN]Facebook iconTwitter icon11k
    Facebook iconTwitter icon11k  
    Illegally transferred $91,000 from his political campaign and a nonprofit organization to an authorized federal campaign committee supporting his candidacy using money not subject to reporting regulations to help his 2016 bid for US Congress and then hid the transactions from the FEC
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Herschel WalkerHerschel WalkerU.S. Senate Nominee [R-GA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube icon1m
    Defrauded a donor who gave him $535,200 to use on his campaign which he diverted to his personal business accounts instead and broke campaign finance laws by not disclosing it in a scheme multiple campaign finance experts called “unprecedented,” “stunning,” and “jaw-dropping”
    According to an exclusive investigative report by The Daily Beast
    Moved tens of thousands of campaign dollars into an account to fund a recount that he never actually sought after his 2022 election loss in an apparent attempt to hold on to the cash instead of giving it back to donors as required by law
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Jeremy HutchinsonJeremy HutchinsonFmr. State Senator [R-AR]25 Years in GOP
    Illegally spent over $100,000 in campaign contributions on personal expenses and then tried to cover it up by filing numerous false tax returns
    He pleaded guilty to tax and wire fraud and was sentenced to 46 months in prison and ordered to pay over $350,000 in fines
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Pocketed $3,000 from a GoFundMe fundraiser meant to save a homeless veteran's dying service dog who later died
    According to an investigative report by
    Collected $50 per person at a fundraiser he hosted for animal rescue charity Friends of Pets United that did not appear to exist which makes you wonder where that money went
    According to an investigative report by The New York Times
  • Steve BannonSteve BannonFmr. Trump Chief StrategistLauded by Trump
    Stole $1 million in donations from a "We Build the Wall" GoFundMe campaign using fake invoices and accounts
    According to charging documents filed by the Manhattan District Attorney's office
  • John OxendineJohn OxendineFmr. Commissioner [R-GA]
    Spent roughly $100,000 in campaign donations on personal expenses that included a down payment on a home, luxury cars and childcare expenses
    According to a complaint filed by the Georgia Ethics Commission which he settled by agreeing to forfeit $128,000 dollars left in his campaign account without admitting any guilt
  • Sam McCannSam McCannFmr. State Senator [R-IL]
    Spent over $600,000 in campaign funds on personal expenses including his mortgage, paying off personal loans, multiple vehicles, a motor home, family vacations and a host of other things that had nothing to do with his campaign
    According to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
  • Anthony SilvaAnthony SilvaFmr. Mayor [R-CA]
    Embezzled $2.7 million from a local Boys and Girls Club over a four-year period and also used the organization's credit card for personal trips to the Philippines and Lake Tahoe, hotels, retail purchases and membership to dating website
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • John CoursonFmr. State Senator [R-SC]
    Stole $159k from his election campaign and spent it on personal expenses by routing funds through a political consulting firm that in turn paid him over a series of transactions
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Steve StockmanSteve StockmanFmr. U.S. Representative35 Years in GOP
    Illegally spent $1.25 million dollars in funds meant for charity on campaign and personal expenses including hot air balloon rides and a new dishwasher
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative
    Gave $29,800 in campaign funds to a professional gambler with a long criminal record and an additional $25,000 to his wife, illegally reimbursed himself $11,946.65 from his campaign account for expenses he provided no documentation of and spent thousands more on personal expenses including an airplane ticket for his wife, custom suits, spa products, sunglasses, lawncare and paint for his home office, among many other things
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Illegally spent more than $100,000 in campaign funds to invest in a wealthy GOP donor's company
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Duncan HunterDuncan HunterFmr. U.S. RepresentativeFirst Rep. to endorse Trump in '16
    2016 04
    Stole $250,000 from his campaign to spend on everyday personal expenses like family vacations, private school tuition and jewelry in addition to a multitude of expenses that funded at least five extramarital relationships on things like ride shares, bar tabs and hotel rooms
    He pleaded guilty to using campaign funds for private use and was sentenced to eleven months in prison, but was pardoned by Donald Trump before his sentence began
  • Aaron SchockAaron SchockFmr. U.S. Representative
    Filed $50,000 in false expense reports to his campaign lying about driving 90,000 more miles than he actually did in reimbursement forms
    According to a report by Politico