Rhode Island Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in RI

Rhode Island Republican State Legislator Scandals
Jeann LugoFmr. State Sen. Candidate
Punched his female opponent in the face at an abortion rally causing her to go to the hospital for a possible concussion and fled the scene presumably because he knew his assault was not justifiedAccording to charging documents filed by local police -
Ronald AndruchukFmr. State Rep. Candidate
Illegally acquired 211 guns and 25,390 rounds (1,555.8 pounds) of ammunition that he stashed throughout a property he shared with his wife and three young children by lying about his severe drug abuse problem on purchase formsAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Recklessly fired multiple firearms from his property that sent his neighbors fleeing for cover from bullets "whizzing" by both them and responding police officers' heads and was later found dressed in a bulletproof vest and tactical gear holding four guns and methamphetamineIllegally stashed two pistols, three rounds of ammunition and flashlights stuffed with cocaine, amphetamine and oxycodone in a duffel bag hidden in the ceiling of a men’s bathroom inside a local tractor supply storeAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Rhode Island Republican City Official Scandals
Matthew ReillyFmr. City Council Member
Molested a 12-year-old girl he met online who promptly told her legal guardian about his actions which led to his arrest and placement on house arrest until the conclusion of his trialAccording to charging documents filed by local police first reported by The Providence Journal
Passed out in his car in a parking lot after consuming crack cocaine laced with fentanyl and was later found to have two crack pipes and "white rock-like" substance in his possession when police arrived to check on him after a concerned citizen reported that it looked like he was choking and exhibiting signs of an overdoseAccording to charging documents filed by local police