Campaign Finance Scandals

Displaying 36 Scandals
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Ryan WaltersState School Superintendent
Allegedly violated multiple campaign finance rules during his 2022 campaign and then stonewalled the state Ethics Commission when they demanded he hand over all "financial or accounting documents" from his campaign resulting in the commission going to court to subpoena the recordsAccording to a subpoena filed against Walters by the Oklahoma Ethics Commission
Royce WhiteFmr. U.S. Senate Nominee
Spent more than $157,000 in campaign money on personal expenses including $1,200 at a strip club, luxury clothes, cosmetics and multiple "opaque" checks and wire transfers that couldn't be properly accounted forAccording to an exclusive report by The Daily Beast
Falsely reported that he had loaned his campaign $320k and took an additional $700k line of credit on campaign finance forms he submitted in an apparent attempt to make potential challengers think that he had vastly more money in his campaign account than he actually didAccording to an exclusive report by NewsChannel 5 Nashville
244kMAGA Enthusiast
Diverted more than $25,000 in campaign contributions to an entity that he was the sole proprietor of and was located at his home address by falsely claiming the money was used to pay rent on office space for his political campaignAccording to a report released by the nonpartisan House Ethics Committee
Lee ChatfieldFmr. House Speaker [R-MI]A+ NRA Rating
Stole over $132,000 from multiple political accounts to pay for vacations with his family, housing costs and personal credit card statements by siphoning money from a loosely regulated political account that prosecutors alleged he used as his own "unregulated slush fund" into his own pocketAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets -
Illegally transferred $91,000 from his political campaign and a nonprofit organization to an authorized federal campaign committee supporting his candidacy using money not subject to reporting regulations to help his 2016 bid for US Congress and then hid the transactions from the FECAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Illegally transferred $82.5 million from his state political action committee to a super PAC supporting his Presidential bid in violation of a federal campaign finance law that prohibits candidates from spending money that was obtained by people and groups not subject to strict federal requirementsAccording to allegations detailed in a complaint filed by The Campaign Legal Center
Bill BroughFmr. State RepresentativeWorked in George W Bush's Administration
Spent $17,303 in campaign funds on personal expenses including family vacations, a professional baseball game, $2,400 worth of clothing and his children's cellphone bills and also failed to provide proper documentation for over $53,000 worth of meals he charged at taxpayers' expenseState regulators fined Brough $100k after a yearslong investigation
Defrauded a donor who gave him $535,200 to use on his campaign which he diverted to his personal business accounts instead and broke campaign finance laws by not disclosing it in a scheme multiple campaign finance experts called “unprecedented,” “stunning,” and “jaw-dropping”According to an exclusive investigative report by The Daily Beast
Jeremy HutchinsonFmr. State Senator [R-AR]25 Years in GOP
Illegally spent over $100,000 in campaign contributions on personal expenses and then tried to cover it up by filing numerous false tax returnsHe pleaded guilty to tax and wire fraud and was sentenced to 46 months in prison and ordered to pay over $350,000 in fines
Illegally accepted over $25,000 in campaign contributions from a single family member far exceeding the $5,600 legal limit per personAccording to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors -
Illegally coordinated with the leader of a Republican state PAC to pay an opposition research firm $52,000 to investigate the Democratic candidate for governor in violation of state law barring PACs from working with local and state political partiesAccording to MassGOP party treasurer Pat Crowley and confirmed by The Boston Herald
George SantosFmr. U.S. Representative
697kMAGA Enthusiast
Suspiciously listed 37 campaign expenses on purchases like a hotel stay in Miami and other travel expenses as costing $199.99 -- one cent below the legally binding $200 threshold that required itemized receipts -- on his campaign finance formsAccording to allegations detailed in a lawsuit filed by nonprofit campaign watchdog The Campaign Legal Center -
Ben ParisGOP County Chair
Made illegal campaign contributions and filed false financial reports to cover it up to promote an independent "ghost candidate" who got 4,800 votes likely swinging the election to the Republican who won by a narrow 300 votesHe was found guilty of a misdemeanor campaign violation and sentenced to a year of probation, 200 hours of community service and $42,000 fine
Used $1,929.07 in campaign funds to pay for 11 months' worth of dues to gain "unlimited access" to a private social and dining club located in TexasAccording to a report released by the nonpartisan House Ethics Committee
Spent $3,147.06 in campaign funds to pay for an extravagant dinner at a private social and dining club that the nonpartisan Office of Congressional Ethics reported was likely a personal expense and not a fundraising event as he claimedAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
John OxendineFmr. Commissioner [R-GA]
Spent roughly $100,000 in campaign donations on personal expenses that included a down payment on a home, luxury cars and childcare expensesAccording to a complaint filed by the Georgia Ethics Commission which he settled by agreeing to forfeit $128,000 dollars left in his campaign account without admitting any guilt
Jesse BentonFmr. Rand Paul Campaign Mgr.
Funneled $25,000 of a Russian oligarch's money to the Trump 2016 campaign in exchange for a ticket and access to Trump during a Republican National Committee eventAccording to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors -
Snorted cocaine with a paid escort he also presumably had sex with inside an Orlando hotel room he paid for with campaign fundsAccording to two eyewitnesses who spoke exclusively with The Daily Beast
Sam McCannFmr. State Senator [R-IL]
Spent over $600,000 in campaign funds on personal expenses including his mortgage, paying off personal loans, multiple vehicles, a motor home, family vacations and a host of other things that had nothing to do with his campaignAccording to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Funneled hundreds of millions of dollars through two shell companies connected to his son-in-law to hide its spending during the 2020 Presidential campaignAccording to a formal FEC complaint filed by the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center -
590kMAGA Enthusiast
Violated campaign finance law by coordinating with a Super PAC that ran political attack ads against his opponents without reporting the ads as a gift as required by state and federal law and was fined $178,000 by The Missouri Ethics CommissionAccording to the results of a state ethics investigation which found he violated the law
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Illegally paid adult film star Stormy Daniels $130,000 in hush money to keep her from going public about an extramarital affair they had by directing his personal lawyer Michael Cohen to pay her off and agreeing to reimburse him in monthly installments one month before the 2016 election in violation of campaign-finance lawsAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
John CoursonFmr. State Senator [R-SC]
Stole $159k from his election campaign and spent it on personal expenses by routing funds through a political consulting firm that in turn paid him over a series of transactionsAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Illegally paid $8,912 in campaign funds to the lawyer of a woman he had an extramarital affair with to help pay her legal fees in an attempt to keep their affair from becoming publicAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Jeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative
Gave $29,800 in campaign funds to a professional gambler with a long criminal record and an additional $25,000 to his wife, illegally reimbursed himself $11,946.65 from his campaign account for expenses he provided no documentation of and spent thousands more on personal expenses including an airplane ticket for his wife, custom suits, spa products, sunglasses, lawncare and paint for his home office, among many other thingsAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets -
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Violated campaign-finance laws by paying former Playboy Playmate of the Year Karen McDougal $150,000 in hush money to keep her from going public about an extramarital affair they had by orchestrating a convoluted payment scheme involving his lawyer Michael Cohen and the tabloid National Enquirer a week and a half before the 2016 electionAccording to an exclusive report by The Wall Street Journal
Jesse BentonFmr. Rand Paul Campaign Mgr.
Illegally paid Iowa state senator Kent Sorenson $73,000 to switch his 2016 Presidential candidate endorsement from Michelle Bachmann to Ron Paul and then falsified campaign reports to cover it upAccording to a federal jury who convicted him
Duncan HunterFmr. U.S. RepresentativeFirst Rep. to endorse Trump in '16
2016 04
Stole $250,000 from his campaign to spend on everyday personal expenses like family vacations, private school tuition and jewelry in addition to a multitude of expenses that funded at least five extramarital relationships on things like ride shares, bar tabs and hotel roomsHe pleaded guilty to using campaign funds for private use and was sentenced to eleven months in prison, but was pardoned by Donald Trump before his sentence began
Frank GuintaFmr. U.S. Representative
Lied about the origins of a $355,000 loan to his 2010 congressional campaign that his parents gave him by falsely asserting the money came from earnings he made working in the private sectorHe signed an agreement with the FEC where he agreed to repay the donation amount in addition to a $15,000 fine -
Lisa Wilson-FoleyFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
Fraudulently accepted at least $500k for her campaign from her husband by falsely reporting the money came from her personal accounts and accepted an additional $30k from four straw donors who concealed that he was the source of the fundsAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials3/24/15
Illegally paid convicted felon and former Governor John Rowland $35,000 under the table to work on her 2012 Republican congressional campaign instead of using campaign funds as required by lawAccording to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
Aaron SchockFmr. U.S. Representative
Filed $50,000 in false expense reports to his campaign lying about driving 90,000 more miles than he actually did in reimbursement formsAccording to a report by Politico
David RiveraFmr. U.S. Representative
Secretly siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars in unreported campaign donations to his personal accounts and used the money on a myriad of personal expenses including his personal credit card and only escaped charges because he exploited a little-known loophole in Florida's campaign finance lawsAccording to the Florida State Attorney's office -
Rick RenziFmr. U.S. Representative
Funneled $400k in insurance premiums from a company he owned to his congressional campaign and then later transferred ownership of the company to his wifeAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
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