Republican Inappropriate Comments About Minors

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  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Asked 17-year-old teenage model Barbara Pilling out for a dinner date while he was still married to Ivana and then exclaimed "you're not too old and not too young. That's just great!" when she told him her age
    Firsthand account from Barbara Pilling in a report aired by The Guardian
    Said he was going to be dating a very young girl he had just randomly crossed paths with in ten years when she still would have been a teenager
    Told two 14-year-old girls singing Christmas carols with their youth choir that he'll be dating them in a "couple of years" after he asked them how old they were
    Caught on video
    Asked Miss Universe Brook Lee "Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?" as they watched a then 16-year-old Ivanka helping on stage during the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant in an incident she described thinking at the time as "That’s just weird. She was 16. That’s creepy."
    Corroborated by Miss Universe Brook Lee
    Said he "wasn't interested" in "beautiful" 12-year-old Paris Hilton which is weird and creepy that a grown adult feels the need to qualify a statement like that
    Interview on the Howard Stern Show