Misrepresenting Qualifications

Displaying 16 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
Lied about holding a bachelor’s degree in education on a questionnaire for a Connecticut Board of Education job when in reality she earned her bachelor's degree in FrenchAccording to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
Deceitfully implied he was a married father of three children by sharing images and video footage of him posing and interacting with them around a dinner table on his campaign website and social media pages when in fact he is not married and has no childrenAccording to an exclusive report by the New York Times
244kMAGA Enthusiast
Continued to prominently wear a military honor pin for that he didn’t earn and was awarded to him by mistake even after the military revoked the honorAccording to an exclusive report by CBS News
Lied about receiving degrees from North Carolina Central University, Duke University Divinity School and Hood Theological Seminary when in fact he didn't receive a degree from any of themAccording to an exclusive report by The New York Times
Lied about being a "former member of law enforcement" who had a specialization in "international sex crimes" when in fact he was a volunteer reserve deputy who had zero involvement in sex trafficking cases and only lasted two years because he had made no progress in his field training and rarely showed up to required meetingsAccording to an investigative report by NewsChannel 5 in Nashville
George SantosFmr. U.S. Representative
697kMAGA Enthusiast
Lied to a judge about working for Goldman Sachs during a bail hearing for a friend who was accused of fraudAccording to court documents obtained by Politico
Lied about earning a second bachelors degree in economics from Middle Tennessee State while also publicly asserting "I'm an economist" on numerous occasionsAccording to an investigative report by NewsChannel 5 in Nashville -
George SantosFmr. U.S. Representative
697kMAGA Enthusiast
Lied about earning degrees in economics and finance from Baruch College and New York University when in fact he hadn't earned any college degree at allAccording to an investigative report by The New York TimesLied about working for Goldman Sachs and also Citigroup as an "associate asset manager" of which both companies confirmed they had no information of him ever working for themAccording to an investigative report by The New York Times
Falsely claimed he was a combat veteran who served under "tough" conditions in the Afghanistan War, but military records show he never actually deployed to Afghanistan and instead spent six months loading planes on a military base in Qatar over 1,000 miles away from the fightingAccording to military records obtained by The Associated Press
Frederick FrazierState Representative
Impersonated a city compliance officer on at least two occasions so he could order people to remove campaign signs his opponent had displayed at local businesses while also portraying himself as a fierce defender of law and orderAccording to charging documents filed by local police
According to charging documents filed by local officials
Garrett VentryFmr. Senate Republicans Spokesperson
Claimed he had a paid position on Senator Marco Rubio's 2016 presidential campaign when in fact he had only been an unpaid volunteerAccording to two sources in an investigative report by NBC News
Mark ChelgrenFmr. State Senator [R-IA]
Falsely claimed he earned a business degree from “Forbco Management school” which was actually a certificate he got from a "management course he took when he worked for Sizzler, kind of like Hamburger University at McDonald’s" according to a GOP spokespersonAccording to an exclusive report by NBC news
Michelle MacDonaldFmr. Justice Nominee
Rebuffed police commands to exit her vehicle and refused to submit to a breathalyzer and field sobriety test after getting pulled over for speeding and suspicion of driving under the influence and lied about being a "reserve cop" to the arresting officer in an attempt to get out of troubleAccording to charging documents filed by local police
John CouchFmr. Mayor Candidate
Possessed 11,000 business cards that falsely said he was a state rep when he was in fact a private citizenAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
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