Republican Groping Scandals | Conservative Sex Scandals

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Displaying 72 Crimes
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Matt SchlappMatt SchlappACU ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon463k
    Allegedly groped another man's genitals while he gazed into his eyes after he was asked to leave a local bar because he was making people uncomfortable while also being married
    According to seven eyewitnesses who witnessed Schlapp grope the victim
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Forcibly kissed and fondled Miss Switzerland Beatrice Keul moments after she was ushered into a room for a private meeting with him less than a month before he married Marla
    Placed his hands "all over" model Stacey Williams' breasts, waist and buttocks after being introduced to her by Jeffrey Epstein while he was married to Marla
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Reggie LoperReggie LoperCounty Commissioner [R-GA]
    Groped a 16-year-old girl's breasts and buttocks
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Todd HiettTodd HiettCommissioner [R-OK]
    Groped a male client's groin and other areas of his body after getting so drunk he couldn't "speak more than one or two words at a time" at a business conference while also being a married father
    According to an official complaint filed by at least two employees who were present
  • Matt SchlappMatt SchlappACU ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon463k
    Fondled Herschel Walker campaign staffer Carlton Huffman in the crotch without his consent and unsuccessfully tried to convince him to go back to his room while also being married and then paid Huffman $480,000 through an insurance policy to settle his sexual harassment lawsuit out of court
    According to victim testimony in a report from The Daily Beast
  • Reggie LoperReggie LoperCounty Commissioner [R-GA]
    Grabbed his victim's buttocks without her consent
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Matt SchlappMatt SchlappACU ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon463k
    Stripped down to his underwear and grinded against another male without his consent at a fundraising event in Florida while also being married
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Rudy GiulianiRudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m
    Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m  
    Slipped his hand under Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson's blazer and skirt after wrapping his arms around her backstage during Trump's rally just before the 1/6 insurrection
    According to a book excerpt first reported by The Guardian
  • Matt SchlappMatt SchlappACU ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon463k
    Inappropriately touched a colleague's employee without their consent during a CPAC event in Palm Beach, Florida
    According to a report by the Washington Post
  • Rene PedrosaRene PedrosaFmr. Spokesperson [R]Top aide to Republican Mayor of Miami
    Cupped a 16-year-old boy's buttocks and kissed him on the lips before grabbing his hand and placing it on his erect penis while meeting with him in his government office ostensibly to discuss having him help design a web page
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Boris EpshteynBoris EpshteynTrump Conservative LawyerTwitter iconInstagram icon163k
    Twitter iconInstagram icon163k  
    Groped two young women's breasts, crotches and other parts of their bodies without consent and continued to assault them even after they told him to stop after he cornered them inside his booth at an Arizona night club where an employee reported he had spent "like fifty grand" on drinks that night
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Fabián BasabeFabián BasabeState RepresentativeInstagram iconTwitter icon92k
    Groped and tried to kiss his male legislative intern while being driven home from an alcohol-fueled event at a local bar and then unsuccessfully tried to convince him to come up to his hotel room to have sex while also being married
    Told his male legislative aide "I want all of that butt" and then slapped it while they were standing in the back of an elementary school classroom full of children during a Career Day event while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Matthew ReillyMatthew ReillyFmr. City Council Member
    Molested a 12-year-old girl he met online who promptly told her legal guardian about his actions which led to his arrest and placement on house arrest until the conclusion of his trial
    According to charging documents filed by local police first reported by The Providence Journal
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Grabbed potential employee Derek Myers' crotch without his consent while they were alone in his office and then told him "my husband is out of town tonight if you want to come over" which he declined
    According to a firsthand account from the alleged victim who also filed an official complaint with the U.S. Capitol Police and the House Ethics Committee
  • Jaron RosienJaron RosienMayor [R-IA]
    Slid his hand up a male victim's thigh, groped his genitals and kissed him on his cheek (or ear) which "was in no way consented to" by the victim after hours at a bar he owned while also being married to his husband
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Elijah SchafferElijah SchafferFmr. The Blaze PodcasterTwitter iconYouTube iconInstagram iconTelegram iconRumble iconGab icon1.4m
    Drunkenly grabbed a co-worker's breasts without her consent while they sat next to each other in a crowded movie theater while also being married at the time
    According to an inhouse investigation resulting in his firing
  • Aaron PeñaAaron PeñaFmr. State RepresentativeTwitter icon6k
    Forcibly kissed and groped a congressional intern and ignored her pleas to stop after creating a situation where they would be alone in his car together
    According to an allegation filed by the alleged victim and reported by mainstream media
  • Billy OswaldBilly OswaldFmr. State Sen. Candidate
    Groped a female subordinate's breasts and crotch and also made inappropriate gestures towards her
    According to a federal lawsuit filed by a former employee
  • Perry Hooper Jr.Perry Hooper Jr.Trump Campaign AL Co-ChairMAGA Enthusiast
    Grabbed a restaurant hostess's breasts, kissed her neck and shoved his pelvis into her and then taunted that he'll "get away with it" because he's a member of a politically connected family while also married with three children
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Gary BuseyGary BuseyConservative ActorFacebook iconTikTok iconInstagram iconTwitter icon1.2m
    Facebook iconTikTok iconInstagram iconTwitter icon1.2m  
    Grabbed two women's buttocks without their consent during a meet and greet at a horror film convention
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Put his face inches away from a woman's breasts and asked where she got them from before trying to unhook her bra strap during a meet and greet at a horror film convention
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Richard BraswellRichard BraswellCommissioner [R-NC]
    Sexually molested a 13-year-old girl he spent years cultivating a relationship with at church and in the community while also being married
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • 6/21/22
    Tried to remove a female Washington Commanders employee's clothes, groped her and unsuccessfully tried to get her to have sex with him in a private area of his chartered plane out of view of the other passengers while also being married
    According to allegations made by the alleged victim first reported by The Washington Post
  • Johnny HuntJohnny HuntFmr. SBC President
    Groped a Southern Baptist Conference pastor's wife 24 years his junior under her shirt, pulled down her shorts and forcibly kissed her without consent after he gained entry into her condo presumably because she didn't have any reason to be concerned about him
    Independent firm hired by the SBC found the victim's allegations credible, Corroborated by three witnesses the firm found to be credible, Corroborated by a counseling minister who worked with the victim and her husband
  • Charles HerbsterCharles HerbsterFmr. Gov. Candidate [R-NE]Facebook iconTwitter icon13k
    Reached up the skirt and fondled a state senator's bare leg and groped another young woman's buttocks in front of a roomful of people at a public event
    According to allegations corroborated by the Nebraska Examiner
    Inappropriately groped and touched eight women aged from their late teens to mid-20's at political events, beauty pageants and other functions over a five-year period
    According to allegations corroborated by the Nebraska Examiner
  • 2/04/22
    Grabbed a Washington Commanders employee's thigh without her consent while seated at a crowded restaurant table and later that same night followed her out of the restaurant, put his hand on her lower back and "aggressively" pushed her toward his limo and only let her go when his own lawyer intervened while also being married
    According to Congressional testimony by the alleged victim
  • Tom ReedTom ReedFmr. U.S. RepresentativeFacebook iconTwitter iconInstagram icon23k
    Drunkenly unhooked a 25-year-old junior lobbyist's bra and massaged her thigh without her consent at a table full of lobbyists at an Irish pub while he was married with two children
    According to the alleged victim who publicly accused Reed of groping her
  • Steven SumnerSteven SumnerFmr. County Commissioner
    Performed sexual acts on a female minor and tried to get her to do the same to him after providing her alcoholic drinks
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Bill BroughBill BroughFmr. State RepresentativeWorked in George W Bush's Administration
    Incessantly subjected a legislative staffer to "extremely offensive and non-consensual physical contact" and peppered her with "repeated and unwanted advances" over a yearslong period while also being married
    According to a report by local ABC affiliate Eyewitness News
    2020 12
    Inappropriately touched and unsuccessfully propositioned three female congressional staff members over a decade-long period while also being married with two children
    According to an investigative report by The Orange County Register
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Shoved his tongue down aspiring actress Amy Dorris' throat and groped her in a way she felt like an "octopus was hugging" her when she was away from view of her boyfriend in Trump's box at the 1997 US Open Tennis Championships while he was married to Marla Maples
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Curtis HillCurtis HillFmr. Att. General [R-IN]
    Drunkenly walked up and grabbed a legislative assistant's buttocks and told her and the group of women she was standing with that they'll "have to show a little skin!" if they wanted free drinks, creepily rubbed another legislative assistant's back for over two minutes and inappropriately touched a state lawmaker and another legislative assistant all at the same party which resulted in the state Supreme Court reprimanding him for committing the "criminal act of battery" and suspending him for 30 days
    According to a final ruling by the Indiana Supreme Court
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Thrust his crotch on Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos and forcibly kissed her without consent inside a Beverly Hills Hotel suite he asked her to visit ostensibly to talk about future employment opportunities at the same time he was married to Melania
    Grabbed and fondled a model’s breasts under the guise of "inspecting" her bra’s fabric backstage at a lingerie show while he was married to Marla
    Placed his hands on runway model NaKina Carr in the "most inappropriate places" like her hip, buttocks or "on the boob. Every time" and would also "immediately put his mouth" her without first asking for consent or giving her a chance to move her mouth away from his while he was married to Ivana
    Grabbed Mar-a-Lago resident Karen Johnson by her vagina and pulled her behind a tapestry where he kissed and fondled her without consent while knowing Melania was upstairs at the same time
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Jeff HooverJeff HooverFmr. State Representative
    Sexually assaulted his 21-year-old legislative staffer more than 50 times over a three-year period subjecting her to what she testified as "nearly daily touching" including groping between her legs while seated next to her at large political functions and then secretly settled a lawsuit she filed against him in order to prevent her allegations from becoming public while being married the entire time
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Steve WatkinsSteve WatkinsFmr. U.S. Representative95.3% Voted with Trump
    Touched a female Army contractor without her consent and unsuccessfully tried to get her to have sex with him in a room he had just locked while also being married
    According to accuser Chelsea Scarlett and reported on by the Topeka Capital-Journal
  • Jeff MillerJeff MillerFmr. City Council Member
    Rubbed his hands in-between the thighs of a 10-year-old girl, cupped her buttocks, put his hands up her shirt and gave her massages with a battery-powered device that wasn't remotely age-appropriate while ignoring her repeated pleas for him to stop
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • David ByrdDavid ByrdFmr. State Representative
    Inappropriately touched and kissed three underage girls on the high school basketball team he coached while also being married with young children
    According to firsthand accounts of the alleged victims first reported by local a TV station
  • Jeff KruseFmr. State Senator [R-OR]
    Inappropriately hugged and grabbed legislative intern Anne Montgomery's thighs without consent while also subjecting her to questions about her sex life with her husband and other sexualized discussions over a yearlong period
    Slid his arms down legislative intern Adrianna Martin-Wyatt's breasts and inappropriately touched her in other ways including grabbing her hips, creepily touching her shoulders and standing nose-to-nose when they talked over a yearlong period
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victims and first reported by The Oregonian
    Grabbed and "cupped" a lobbyist's behind during a photo opportunity
    According to allegations made by the alleged victim and reported by local media
  • Steve WynnSteve WynnFmr. Wynn Resorts CEODonated 14.4m to Republican causes in 2020
    Allegedly cornered a subordinate against a wall, grabbed her waist and attempted to forcibly kiss her, but she was able to push him away and escape while also being married
    According to an exclusive report by The wall Street Journal
  • Vince McMahonVince McMahonConservative BusinessmanTwitter icon2.4m
    Groped and tried to kiss a salon employee that he followed into a tanning room before she was able to push him away and escape while also being married
    According to a police report filed by the alleged victim
  • Brandon HixonBrandon HixonFmr. State Representative
    Sexually assaulted and molested two girls including a young female relative over a ten-year period
    According to an exclusive interview with his ex-wife who found out and turned him in
  • James RosenJames RosenFox News D.C. CorrespondentTwitter icon259k
    Twitter icon259k  
    Grabbed a female Fox News reporter's breast without her consent inside of a taxi and then retaliated against her professionally after she rebuffed his advances while also being married with young children
    According to interviews with four former colleagues at Fox News and reported by NPR
  • Dan JohnsonDan JohnsonFmr. State Representative
    Digitally penetrated, fondled and forcibly kissed a 17-year-old member of his church in the basement of his home as she begged him to stop while also being married
    According to an investigate report by the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting
  • Randy BaumgardnerRandy BaumgardnerFmr. State Senator [R-CO]
    Slapped and grabbed a legislative aide's buttocks four separate times in a three-month period during work inside the state Capitol building while also being married
    According to a formal complaint filed by the alleged victim first reported by public radio station KUNC
  • Jeff KruseFmr. State Senator [R-OR]
    Approached state Sen. Sara Gelser from behind and according to her "ran both of his hands and arms down my shoulders and across my breasts", "squeezed me in a hug with his hands on my hips" and laid his head on her shoulder which left her "stunned and frozen"
    According to a formal complaint filed by state Sen. Gelser
  • Roy MooreRoy MooreFmr. U.S. Senate NomineeTwitter icon7k
    Allegedly molested a 14-year-old girl by undressing and groping her over her underwear and bra in addition to having her place her hand over his underwear when he was a 32-year-old lawyer
    According to an investigative report by The Washington Post that included confirmation from two of the girl's friends who told them about her relationship with Moore
  • Jack LatvalaJack LatvalaFmr. State Senator [R-FL]
    Routinely grabbed five female senate staff and lobbyists buttocks, breasts and other parts of their bodies and threatened to retaliate against them by refusing to take meetings with them if they complained about his behavior while also being married
    According to an investigative report by Politico
  • Jeff KruseFmr. State Senator [R-OR]
    Subjected state senator Elizabeth Steiner-Hayward to "unprofessional and inappropriate" touching that included "very close hugs" which made her so uneasy that she refused to be alone with him
    According to a formal complaint filed by state sen. Ms. Steiner-Hayward
  • Mark LovellMark LovellFmr. State Representative
    Grabbed a legislative staff's breasts and buttocks and physically prevented her from walking away from him and also inappropriately touched a second woman while visibly drunk -- drinking rum and colas to excess is apparently a common occurrence for him -- after attending five events hosted by lobbyists and businesses with free alcohol and food while he was married with three children
    According to an investigation conducted by the state house Ethics Committee
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    "Really grabbed" Miss Finland 2006 Ninni Laaksonen's bottom as they both were sitting backstage at the Late Show with David Letterman which left her "disgusted"
    According to an exclusive report by Finnish paper Ilta-Sanomat
    Grabbed yoga instructor Karena Virginia's chest and scoffed "Don't you know who I am?" after she reflexively pulled away from him
    Moved his hands up the skirt of first-class passenger Jessica Leeds "like an octopus" that had "40 zillion hands" and also groped her breasts in an incident she described as an "assault" that she only escaped from by retreating to a seat in coach while also married to Ivana
    Grabbed photographer's assistant Mindy McGillivray's bottom without her consent at Mar-a-Lago and then "looked away quickly" of which the photographer recalled her saying at the time, "Donald just grabbed my ass!"
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Hugged Miss New Hampshire Bridget Sullivan “just a little low" on her backside in a way a "creepy uncle" would do at a party promoting the 2000 Miss USA pageant
    According to an exclusive report by BuzzFeed News
    Repeatedly grabbed Miss Washington Cassandra Searles's buttocks and asked her to come to his hotel room to presumably have sex while he was married to Melania
    Firsthand account from Searles
    Immediately "started right in on the groping under the table" of American Dream Calendar Girls vice president Jill Harth and grabbed her "intimate private parts" after he insisted on sitting next to her at a large dinner party
    Forced American Dream Calendar Girls vice president Jill Harth into Ivanka's bedroom at Mar-a-Lago and "kissed, fondled, and restrained” her without consent which made her so nauseated that she "vomited profusely" while he was engaged to his soon-to-be wife Marla
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Dennis HastertDennis HastertFmr. Speaker of the House
    Sexually abused and molested four teenage boys -— the youngest being only 14-years-old —- during his time as a high school educator and wrestling coach while he was married
    According to court filings submitted by federal prosecutors
  • Matt McCulloughMatt McCulloughFmr. State Sen. Nominee
    Drunkenly “grabbed and squeezed” a strip club employee's chest without her consent and then refused to leave after police ordered him to
    According to a police report filed by local officials and first reported on by
  • John McGeeJohn McGeeFmr. State Senator [R-ID]
    Firmly grabbed a female staffer's buttocks without her consent while also being married
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Eric BodenweiserEric BodenweiserFmr. State Sen. Nominee
    Molested and sexually abused a 10-year-old boy over a period of three years while propagating "family values" as a bedrock principal of his political philosophy at the same time
    He pled guilty to a less serious charge of unlawful sexual contact of a minor and was sentenced to one year probation and had to register as a sex offender
  • Samuel KentSamuel KentFmr. George H W Bush Federal Judge
    Touched court employee Cathy McBroom under her clothing on two occasions which she likened to "being molested and groped by a drunken giant” and constantly solicited her for sexual favors over a period of six years while being married the entire time
    According to court records reported by the media
  • Joshua KindredJoshua KindredFmr. Federal Judge [R]
    Kissed her and grabbed his subordinate's buttocks without her consent inside his chambers
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Brandon BeckhamBrandon BeckhamFmr. State Sen. Candidate
    Grazed his female attorney's back and moved his hand "noticeably lower" towards her buttocks while seated next to her at his defense table in the courtroom while his alleged sexual assault victim was testifying against him
    According to the judge overseeing the case who agreed to let Beckham's own attorneys quit his defense team due to his "own actions" and declared a mistrial

A conservative media and Hollywood culture helps propagate toxic masculinity ideas that women are attracted to men who are overly aggressive, and that if men are persistent enough then women will find that attractive and eventually reciprocate.

So, it's no surprise that within a Republican party that has embraced sexism and misogyny, many men think it's acceptable to grope women. And they think they'll get away with it because they think it's acceptable. Trump famously bragged about groping women, had multiple scandals involving groping women and won the 2016 Republican primary with ease, the general election and the 2020 Republican Presidential primary. A toxic conservative culture that's regressive towards women makes it seem alright.

So here we track Republicans who groped women and wonder about the many, many, many more that probably got away with it because of toxic culture that makes conservative women less likely to come forward and a fear of shamelessly being smeared and attacked in the media by right-wing victim hating misogynists.