Republican Abuse of Alcohol or Drugs Scandals

Scandal Categories
Displaying 86 Scandals
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Jay CutlerJay CutlerConservative Athlete [R]
    Crashed into another vehicle while driving under the influence of alcohol, attempted to flee the scene after unsuccessfully offering to bribe the driver he hit with $2k to not call the police, slurred his words and refused a field sobriety test when police arrived and was found to be in possession of a loaded pistol and second gun in violation of state law
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Alex ZdanAlex ZdanFmr. U.S. Senate Candidate
    Swerved into oncoming traffic while driving drunk and hit another car, fled the scene and was later found asleep in his car by police who reported he had noticeable signs of impairment including a strong odor of alcohol on his breath, slurred speech and bloodshot eyes and then failed field sobriety tests and had a BAC three times the legal limit of 0.25
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Nico RiosState Representative [R-ND]
    Spewed homophobic and racist taunts against police officers who pulled him over for swerving in and out of his lane and also failed a field sobriety test, refused to take a breathalyzer and threatened the officers by saying that he would "regret" arresting him because he knew the state AG and claimed he could falsely tell him that he was mistreated by the officers
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative
    Crashed his car after which arriving officers observed signs of impairment including a strong odor of alcohol on his breath, slurred speech, dilated pupils, unsteadiness on his feet, responded with "lawyer" each of the many times he was asked to take a field sobriety test and resisted arrest by trying to pull away from officers handcuffing him
    According to arresting documents filed by local police
  • Elon MuskElon MuskConservative BusinessmanTwitter icon201m
    Twitter icon201m  
    Consumed ketamine -- a drug leading researchers say can lead people to feeling "grandiose and like you have special powers" -- far more often than recommended which led close associates to worry that it contributed to erratic behavior he was exhibiting
    According to an exclusive report by The new Yorker
  • Laura ViarLaura ViarState Judge [R-KS]
    Ran off the road and crashed into a school building while driving under the influence of alcohol and on a suspended license and refused to take a breathalyzer when police arrived while also being a member of her local county's Anti-Drug Task Force
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Drove under the influence of alcohol and was arrested by police after getting pulled over and later had her diversion agreement extended by six months because she failed to undergo mandatory drug and alcohol evaluations
    According to an exclusive report by the Wichita Eagle
  • Boris EpshteynBoris EpshteynTrump Conservative LawyerTwitter iconInstagram icon163k
    Twitter iconInstagram icon163k  
    Groped two young women's breasts, crotches and other parts of their bodies without consent and continued to assault them even after they told him to stop after he cornered them inside his booth at an Arizona night club where an employee reported he had spent "like fifty grand" on drinks that night
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Tom GarrettTom GarrettFmr. U.S. Representative12 Years in GOP
    Strangled his wife's neck while their infant daughter slept next to her after he drank himself into a "fiery rage" on Mother's Day
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Fabián BasabeFabián BasabeState Representative [R-FL]Instagram iconTwitter icon92k
    Groped and tried to kiss his male legislative intern while being driven home from an alcohol-fueled event at a local bar and then unsuccessfully tried to convince him to come up to his hotel room to have sex while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Dan KirbyDan KirbyFmr. State Representative
    Swerved off the road and crashed his motorcycle killing his girlfriend who was riding with him while under the influence of alcohol and a cocktail of illicit and unprescribed pharmaceutical drugs including amphetamine, tramadol and oxycodone
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jim LucasJim LucasState Representative [R-IN]
    Fled the scene of a violent single-car crash that flattened three tires and heavily damaged his car because he was under the influence of alcohol, tried to hide his mangled truck behind a local store over three miles away from the scene of his crash and lied to police that he parked it there because he didn't want to leave an oil leak stain in the main parking lot
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Dean DavisState Representative [R-OK]
    Drunkenly told police officers they had no idea “how bad you messed up" and claimed they "cannot detain" him because he was a state representative after getting arrested for ignoring repeated commands to leave a bar that had closed at 2am and could no longer have alcohol consumed on the premises
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Brian McAllisterCommissioner [R-MI]
    Drove in a way that state police pulled him over on suspicion of drunk driving resulting in his arrest after they determined he was under the influence
    According to arrest records filed by local police
    Was pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving and had a BAC more than twice the legal limit of 0.17 after submitting to a breathalyzer test
    According to arrest records filed by local police
  • Jerry ScanlanSussex County GOP Chair
    Slammed his car into a Lexus stopped at a red light and then failed a field sobriety test and when in custody took a breathalyzer test which was almost twice the legal limit shortly after attending an annual GOP brunch at a local country club
    According to a police report filed by local officials
  • Matt GrossellState Representative [R-MN]
    Swerved in and out of his lane at 2:30am while going nearly 20 mph over the speed limit and was found to have a BAC of over twice the legal limit after police pulled him over and then unsuccessfully tried to exploit his personal relationship with the arresting officer to get out of trouble, which is especially egregious as he was a former sheriff's deputy who served on his legislature's "Public Safety" committee
    According to a police report filed by local officials
  • Peter FilibertoPeter FilibertoFmr. City Council Member
    Attempted to flee from police on his motorcycle but wobbled and fell to the ground before he could get away, refused a field sobriety test, was found to be driving on a suspended license and had 10 grams of cocaine hidden in his shoes
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Charles SchwertnerState Senator [R-TX]
    Swerved in and out of his lane for an extended period of time around 1am and was arrested for refusing a breathalyzer after police observed him slurring his speech with a "strong odor of alcoholic beverages on his breath"
    According to a police report filed by local officials
  • Christine DeramoStaffer [R]
    Swerved in and out of her lane after 1:00am and soon after refused to take a breathalyzer and field sobriety tests after police reported smelling an "overwhelming alcoholic odor" along with her bloodshot eyes and then namedropped her politically affiliated boss and the local sheriff in an apparent attempt to get out of trouble
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Tom DavisState Senator [R-SC]
    Passed out with his head against his steering wheel after pulling over in a strip mall parking lot because he realized he was too drunk to drive
    According to the arresting officer who cited him for public intoxication
  • Vanessa TijerinaVanessa TijerinaFmr. State Sen. Candidate
    Was arrested for suspected DUI after calling 911 on herself thinking she was involved in a crash which police determined was not true
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Elbert GuilloryFmr. State Senator [R-LA]
    Ran a stop sign and crashed into another vehicle, fled the area after exchanging information with the owner of the vehicle he hit and was later taken into custody after police caught up with him and were told he refused to take any field sobriety tests
    According to the arresting officers who took Guillory into custody
  • J.R. MajewskiJ.R. MajewskiFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-OH]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial iconGab icon142k
    Drove drunk on his military base in Okinawa, Japan after which his military rank was demoted, but publicly he blamed the demotion on a fight he had in his dormitory
    According to military records obtained by The Associated Press
  • Mike EricksonMike EricksonFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-OR]
    Ran a stop sign and proceeded to drive erratically until police who observed him "stumble" out of a bar around 1:40am pulled him over, noticed an "overwhelming odor of alcohol" and conducted a field sobriety test which he failed spectacularly and then was found to have oxycodone that had not been prescribed to him and yet he also portrayed himself as a "tough on crime" candidate
    According to court documents reported by local newspapers
  • Hunter LarkinMayor [R-KS]
    Weaved in and out of his lane around 1:30am and then failed a field sobriety test after police pulled him over
    According to arresting documents filed by local police
  • Walt SmithCommissioner [R-TX]
    Ran a red light and slammed his pickup truck into a larger box truck at 3am causing a crash that dragged their vehicles for several hundred feet after which he failed a videotaped field sobriety test during which he was swaying, struggled to do a one-leg stand and was observed having a strong odor of alcohol by officers on scene
    According to a police report filed by local officials
  • Aaron von EhlingerAaron von EhlingerFmr. State Representative
    Was convicted of numerous criminal offenses ranging from drunk driving, giving alcohol to minors, possession of illegal drugs and carrying a concealed weapon while under the influence of drugs or alcohol over a period of four years
    According to a report by Boise State Public radio
  • George KruseCommissioner [R-FL]
    Lost control of his truck and slammed into a tree and then refused a breathalyzer test after police noticed he had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and reported that he was "obviously impaired"
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Terry JudyFmr. Sheriff Candidate
    Stayed at a stop sign for "an abnormal length of time" at 1:30am before driving into oncoming traffic and nearly crashing head-on into another vehicle and had a strong smell of alcohol on his breath and couldn't answer simple questions after getting pulled over
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Leanette LopezFmr. State Rep. Candidate
    Assaulted a police officer by grabbing and bending their hand backward while she was booked for driving under the influence of alcohol and resisting arrest in which she refused police officer orders to exit her vehicle parked in the middle of the road and when asked if she wished to contact her attorney responded with “Blah Blah Blah”
    According to charging documents filed by local prosecutors
  • Ian SmithIan SmithFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
    Swerved so erratically that he forced another driver to take measures to avoid a collision, struggled on a field sobriety test after police pulled him over and was arrested after he refused to take a breathalyzer
    According to a police report filed by local police
  • Leanette LopezFmr. State Rep. Candidate
    Caused a disturbance inside a local convenience store when she opened a beer and loudly said multiple profanities to a person she was on the phone with and had the police called on her
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Suzi CarlsonState Representative [R-KS]
    Weaved through traffic lanes before being pulled over and cited for driving under the influence of alcohol
    According to arresting documents filed by local police
  • Walt SmithCommissioner [R-TX]
    Urinated next to a truck parked outside a local bar moments after he was caught on video inside the bar swaying and having difficulty walking straight presumably because he had too much to drink
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Craig PierceCommissioner [R-NC]
    Swerved in and out of his lane while driving fifteen miles 50-mph in a 35-mph zone and went on a profanity-laden rant against his arresting officers where he threatened to get them fired and self-assuredly said he was going to call in political favors to make his charges disappear and when in custody took a breathalyzer test which was more than three times the legal limit
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Corey LewandowskiCorey Lewandowski'16 Trump Campaign ManagerTwitter icon510k
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    Drunkenly grabbed a married Trump donor's backside and leg at a private charity event in Las Vegas while also being married with young children himself and told her that "he gets his sex elsewhere"
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Max MillerMax MillerU.S. Representative [R-OH]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon8k
    Crashed head-on into a light pole in the parking lot of a campus hotel after a night of heavy drinking after which police officers responding at 8:55am observed him stumbling out of his car nearly falling down, noticed he had bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of alcohol on his breath and took a statement from him that he "woke up in urine-soaked pants" after which they arrested him
    According to an exclusive report by Politico
  • Chuck SimsFmr. State Representative
    Was observed driving erratically and making improper turns by police around 11:30pm and then failed field sobriety tests and initially refused to submit to a breathalyzer test, but later agreed when he was in the backseat of a police vehicle and had a BAC of .112
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Matt GaetzMatt GaetzU.S. Representative [R-FL]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon3.7m
    Snorted cocaine with a paid escort he also presumably had sex with inside an Orlando hotel room he paid for with campaign funds
    According to two eyewitnesses who spoke exclusively with The Daily Beast
  • Tom ReedTom ReedFmr. U.S. RepresentativeFacebook iconTwitter iconInstagram icon23k
    Drunkenly unhooked a 25-year-old junior lobbyist's bra and massaged her thigh without her consent at a table full of lobbyists at an Irish pub while he was married with two children
    According to the alleged victim who publicly accused Reed of groping her
  • Gene SuellentropState Senator [R-KS]
    Led police on a high-speed chase going upwards of 90 miles per hour while driving the wrong direction on an interstate highway around 1am and only stopped after he drove over tire-deflating spikes, threatened to physically "take" on arresting officers, slurred his speech so badly that police had a hard time understanding him and forced officials to get a warrant to conduct a BAC test which was still over twice the legal limit three hours after his arrest
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Vanessa TijerinaVanessa TijerinaFmr. State Sen. Candidate
    Refused to obey repeated police commands to roll down her window while parked at a local restaurant because they smelled a strong odor of marijuana inside her car and suspected she was under the influence of drugs or alcohol and was caught with multiple "crack pipes" in her car that her young child was also a passenger in
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Ian SmithIan SmithFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
    Killed a 19-year-old after he drunkenly barreled through a stop sign and crashed into his victim's car and admitted to police that he drank 10-12 beers not long before his crash
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Curtis HillCurtis HillFmr. Attorney General [R-IN]
    Drunkenly walked up and grabbed a legislative assistant's buttocks and told her and the group of women she was standing with that they'll "have to show a little skin!" if they wanted free drinks, creepily rubbed another legislative assistant's back for over two minutes and inappropriately touched a state lawmaker and another legislative assistant all at the same party which resulted in the state Supreme Court reprimanding him for committing the "criminal act of battery" and suspending him for 30 days
    According to a final ruling by the Indiana Supreme Court
  • Rebecca DohertyState Judge [R-OH]
    Crashed her SUV into a ditch and then told the police who arrived and observed vomit in her car and a strong odor of alcohol on her breath that "I am absolutely out of my mind. I am so intoxicated," failed a field sobriety test and refused a breathalyzer test and tried to get out of trouble by telling the officers that she was a judge -- several times -- and demanded they call a sheriff's deputy in a not-so-veiled attempt to avoid getting arrested for drunk driving
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Derek LewisState Representative [R-KY]
    Crashed his pickup truck into a ditch, almost fell over getting out, had bloodshot eyes, slurred his words, acted belligerently, refused to do field sobriety tests telling police “I ain’t gonna do a goddamn thing you want” and then tried to use his position in government to get out of trouble by repeatedly demanding that the deputy call the local sheriff on his behalf
    According to a police report filed by local officials
  • Guy WilliamsFmr. State Judge [R-TX]
    Shouted profanities at first responders who were assisting him after a car he was a passenger in crashed into two palm trees and soon after passed out in the back of a patrol car presumably because he was drunk
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Steve ReickState Representative [R-IL]
    Drove 20 mph over the speed limit, ran his truck into a curb, failed a field sobriety test during which he told an officer "I have had too much to drink tonight" and failed a breathalyzer test with a BAC of .146
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Danielle StellaDanielle StellaFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-MN]Instagram icon10k
    Instagram icon10k  
    Drove under the influence of alcohol, tried to flee when police attempted to pull her over and was arrested for DUI
    According to court records first reported by The Guardian
  • Matt GrossellState Representative [R-MN]
    Shoved and threw a hotel security guard to the ground and was taken to the hospital by police because he was so drunk he couldn't answer basic questions and later was arrested for refusing to leave the hospital after doctors discharged him
    He struck a plea deal to complete a five-month alcohol diversion program in exchange for his charges being dropped
  • Sabrina BellSabrina BellFmr. State Judge [R-IN]
    Drunkenly flicked off and engaged in a verbal altercation with two men in another vehicle while parked outside of a White Castle restaurant around 3:15 am which escalated dramatically after two of her male colleagues were shot by one of the men following a night of heavy drinking while attending a judicial conference
    According to reports by local media
  • Terry BurtonFmr. State Senator [R-MS]
    Swerved off the road, crashed into a ditch and failed a field sobriety test when police arrived upon which he was arrested for suspected DUI
    Drove under the influence of alcohol and prescription pain killers and pled guilty to DUI the very next day
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Andy DulinFmr. State Representative
    Was pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving and refused a breathalyzer and field sobriety tests which resulted in police arresting him
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Paul Campbell Jr.Fmr. State Senator [R-SC]
    Rear-ended a vehicle while driving under the influence and tried to get out of it by switching places with his wife before the police arrived, but the victim told police she saw him behind the wheel when he crashed into her after which he was arrested
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Antonio Sabàto Jr.Antonio Sabàto Jr.Fmr. U.S. Rep Nominee [R-CA]
    Ingested excessively more prescription drugs than his doctor prescribed and quickly became dependent on them and also admitted to his partner that he previously used crystal meth before they began seeing each other
    According to divorce proceeding documents reported by major outlets
  • John OremFmr. Sheriff Candidate
    Overdosed on heroin twice in a twelve-hour timespan and was administered a drug to reverse their effects both times
    According to court records reported by local media
  • Terry BurtonFmr. State Senator [R-MS]
    Crashed his car into a stop sign after drinking multiple alcoholic beverages inside a VIP tent at a concert and was found to have a BAC of .10 when police arrived
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jeremy DurhamJeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative
    Illegally attempted to get an Adderall prescription by altering the refill date without permission from his doctor
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Bryce MarlattBryce MarlattFmr. State Senator [R-OK]
    Passed out in his GMC pickup with his head against the steering wheel and the truck still in gear at 3am and reeked of alcohol when police arrived who then woke him up and took him into custody
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Michelle MacDonaldMichelle MacDonaldFmr. Justice Nominee [R-MN]
    Rebuffed police commands to exit her vehicle and refused to submit to a breathalyzer and field sobriety test after getting pulled over for speeding and suspicion of driving under the influence and lied about being a "reserve cop" to the arresting officer in an attempt to get out of trouble
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Matt McCulloughFmr. State Sen. Nominee
    Drunkenly “grabbed and squeezed” a strip club employee's chest without her consent and then refused to leave after police ordered him to
    According to a police report filed by local officials and first reported on by
  • Jack StickFmr. Conservative Lawyer
    Drove erratically and was pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence, argued with the officer and refused to submit to a breathalyzer or field sobriety tests upon which he was arrested for drunk driving
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Dane EagleDane EagleFmr. State Representative
    Ran a stoplight and nearly crashed into a curb after he departed a Taco Bell at 2am, stumbled while getting out of his car and refused to submit to a field sobriety test after the police officer smelled a strong odor of alcohol on him and inside the car
    According to a video of his arrest exclusively obtained by a local newspaper
  • Matt GaetzMatt GaetzU.S. Representative [R-FL]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon3.7m
    Had a difficult time handing his license and registration to police officers after getting pulled over for speeding, couldn't stand upright without swaying and refused field sobriety and breathalyzer tests upon which he was arrested
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Chuck SimsFmr. State Representative
    Came to a complete stop roughly 30 yards before a green traffic light at 1:45am, swerved in and out of his lane, was observed acting "confused" by police after getting pulled over and refused to take a breathalyzer test upon which he was arrested
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Swerved in and out of his lane just before midnight and then refused to submit to a breathalyzer test when police pulled him over which resulted in his arrest
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Handed the wrong ID to the officer who stopped him on suspicion of DUI, slurred his speech, acted "very scared and nervous" and was found to have a BAC of .105 after he submitted to a breathalyzer test
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Curry ToddFmr. State Representative
    Failed a field sobriety test and refused to submit to a breathalyzer test after being pulled over by police for a suspected DUI upon which they also found a loaded handgun lodged between the driver seat and center console
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Mike CrapoMike CrapoU.S. Senator [R-ID]Twitter iconFacebook icon159k
    Ran a red light and then told the officer who pulled him over that he had drank "several shots of vodka" that evening, failed multiple field sobriety tests and submitted to a breathalyzer test which found he had a BAC of .14%
    According to a police report filed by local authorities
  • Randy RameyState Representative [R-IL]
    Swerved in and out of his lane on a dark country road around 2am before getting pulled over and then submitted to a breathalyzer test that found he had a BAC over twice the legal limit
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Bernard MolloyFmr. Political Aide [R-NY]
    Was involved in a minor traffic accident while driving under the influence of alcohol and was arrested when police arrived at the scene
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Weaved through traffic lanes and had a BAC more than twice the legal limit after submitting to a breathalyzer test
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Todd PooleFmr. Ted Budd Political Aide
    Nearly crashed into oncoming traffic during an illegal left turn and was arrested after refusing a breathalyzer because police observed he had "red, glassy eyes and a strong odor of alcohol" and slurred speech
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • John McGeeJohn McGeeFmr. State Senator [R-ID]
    Stole a truck with an attached 20ft travel trailer around 3am, got stuck in a resident's driveway when he unsuccessfully attempted to turn around and then passed out inside the truck until police arrived and found him to have a BAC of .15
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Phil HermansonFmr. State Representative
    Crashed into a car stopped at a red light so forcefully that it totaled the car and required both occupants to go to the hospital while under the influence of alcohol and prescription drugs and refused a breathalyzer test which resulted in his arrest
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Roy AshburnFmr. State Senator [R-CA]
    Drove his taxpayer owned vehicle erratically in the middle of two lanes, needlessly applied his brakes multiple times and idled at a stop sign for roughly one minute while no cross traffic from either direction approached after he left a popular gay bar he had been drinking at -- while also being a vocal opponent of gay rights -- after which police pulled him over around 2am and arrested him
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Ron StephensFmr. State Representative
    Crossed over the center line and ran into the curb and smelled of alcohol, slurred his speech and had glassy eyes when police pulled him over
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Sheldon KillpackFmr. State Senator [R-UT]
    Swerved in and out of his lane, reportedly "performed poorly" on his field sobriety tests and refused to take a breathalyzer after police reported smelling a strong odor of alcohol on his breath
    According to an arrest report filed by local police
  • Dustin JohnsonDustin JohnsonProfessional Golfer
    Drove in a way that state police pulled him over on suspicion of drunk driving around 1am, failed a field sobriety test and was found to have a BAC of over twice the legal limit
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Matthew LeveridgeMatthew LeveridgeState's Attorney [R-KY]
    Drank alcohol in his car while he was stopped at a red light and was arrested by a police officer who witnessed his consumption
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Vito FossellaVito FossellaFmr. U.S. Representative
    Ran a red light with a BAC more than twice the legal limit shortly after leaving a party at the White House, failed numerous field sobriety tests and belligerently threatened to defecate on the floor at the police station after he was arrested
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Mark FoleyMark FoleyFmr. U.S. Representative34 Years in GOP
    Routinely got drunk and sent sexualized emails and chat messages to underage male Congressional pages over a multiyear period
    According to reporting by NBC News & other media outlets
  • Kevin BradyKevin BradyFmr. U.S. Representative
    Smelled of alcohol and failed a field sobriety test after being pulled over for a malfunctioning tail light
    According to a police report filed by local authorities