Republican Criminal Assault Scandals List

Scandal Categories
Displaying 1 - 100 of 276 Crimes
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Cory MillsCory MillsU.S. Representative [R]Twitter iconInstagram icon82k
    Twitter iconInstagram icon82k  
    Grabbed and forcefully shoved his paramour out of a door leaving noticeable bruising on her arm and then tried to get her to lie to the police about how she got her injuries while also being married with two young children
    According to an incident report released by the Washington DC police department
  • Enrique TarrioEnrique TarrioProud Boys Chair
    Struck a woman in her arm and hit her phone in view of US Capitol police officers who arrested him
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Gary ClarkGary ClarkFmr. Mayor [R-WA]
    Sexually assaulted a girl between 4 and 8 years old multiple times over a multiyear period when her family visited his home
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Ryan JenksRyan JenksFmr. State Rep. Nominee
    Sexually abused a child under the age of 16 who was receiving care at the mental health clinic he owned
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Matt SchlappMatt SchlappACU ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon463k
    Allegedly groped another man's genitals while he gazed into his eyes after he was asked to leave a local bar because he was making people uncomfortable while also being married
    According to seven eyewitnesses who witnessed Schlapp grope the victim
  • Tracy EllixsonTracy EllixsonCounty Commissioner [R-NC]
    Pointed a gun at his wife and threatened to kill her
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Aaron GleasonAaron GleasonThe Daily Wire Blogger
    Inappropriately hugged and grabbed the bottom of a female pupil who was under 12-years-old after she asked him for help on a school assignment while working as a teacher at a local Christian school
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Rob ChambersRob ChambersMayor Nominee [R-MS]
    Jumped out from hiding in his bushes and kicked a 13-year-old boy in the groin who played a "ring and run" prank on his home
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Kurt SchenkKurt SchenkPastor [R]
    Sexually assaulted his 21-year-old relative who lived with autism and a learning disability in his garage after spending months gaining her trust as the pastor of her church and grooming her with secret sexualized communications while also being married
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Rob HentschelRob HentschelCounty Commissioner [R-MI]
    Allegedly sexually assaulted a young woman who repeatedly told him and his friends to stop after a night of heavy drinking
    According to a sworn affidavit filed by the alleged victim to local police
  • Nick FuentesNick FuentesPropagandist
    Pepper sprayed and forcefully pushed a woman backwards down the stairs of his front porch without saying a word to her after she rang his doorbell and then smashed her phone against the ground and kicked it inside his home before reentering and locking his door all while being recorded on her device the entire time
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Justin HerringJustin HerringFmr. Nebraska GOP Member
    Allegedly physically abused his intimate partner multiple times over a two-year period including at least one incident that involved a gun and an infant
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Mitchell BoschMitchell BoschFmr. City Council Candidate
    Led a mob that physically assaulted riot police multiple times as they were attempting to quell the 1/6 insurrection and fought them every step of the way until the police and National Guard were able to regain control hours later
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Matt GaetzMatt GaetzTrump AG NomineeInstagram iconFacebook iconTruthSocial icon1.8m
    Instagram iconFacebook iconTruthSocial icon1.8mLauded by Trump
    Allegedly had sex with an underage 17-year-old girl who had just completed her junior year in high school twice in one night at a party hosted by convicted sex offender Joel Greenberg and then paid her $400 in cash afterwards
    According to bombshell report released by the bipartisan House Ethics Committee
  • Pete HegsethPete HegsethTrump Defense Sec. NomineeTwitter iconInstagram icon1.1m
    Twitter iconInstagram icon1.1m  
    Allegedly raped a 30-year-old woman in her hotel room after a night of heavy drinking and then paid her an undisclosed amount of money in order to keep her from going public with her accusations
    According to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
  • Antwione WilliamsAntwione WilliamsFmr. Conservative Athlete
    Physically "attacked and overcame" two Capitol Police officers who were trying to prevent him from gaining access to the Capitol during the 1/6 insurrection
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • John JessupJohn JessupCounty Commissioner [R-IN]
    Sexually assaulted an unconscious woman who was so intoxicated that she had to be taken to her hotel room in a wheelchair after he "kept feeding" her an extremely potent alcoholic drink long after she asked him to give her water instead
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Joe LayneJoe LayneSt. Joseph County GOP Co Chairs
    Snatched a microphone from and then shoved a County Council member who was speaking to a group of local Republicans
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Becky HoodBecky HoodFmr. County Commissioner
    Sexually and physically abused her adopted children along with her husband
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Forcibly kissed and fondled Miss Switzerland Beatrice Keul moments after she was ushered into a room for a private meeting with him less than a month before he married Marla
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Lucas LaniganLucas LaniganState Representative
    Choked his wife so forcefully that she required a trip to the hospital after she confronted him over an extramarital affair she suspected he was having
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump47th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Placed his hands "all over" model Stacey Williams' breasts, waist and buttocks after being introduced to her by Jeffrey Epstein while he was married to Marla
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Zachary RadcliffZachary RadcliffWorship Dir. at MAGA Church
    Produced and solicited videos and more than 100 images of him sexually abusing multiple children including at least one prepubescent child over a decadelong period
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Jeff DotsethJeff DotsethState Representative
    Choked, kicked, and physically assaulted his wife on several occasions over a decade until she finally had enough and reported him to the police
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Reggie LoperReggie LoperCounty Commissioner [R-GA]
    Groped a 16-year-old girl's breasts and buttocks
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Dean BullDean BullFmr. State Rep. Candidate
    Sexually abused at least three males who were physically incapable of rebuffing him over a multiyear period
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Ray HolmbergRay HolmbergFmr. State Senator [R-ND]Instagram icon4k
    Instagram icon4k  
    Traveled to the Czech Republic for the purpose of paying to have sex with minors under the age of 18 multiple times over a five-year period
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Todd HiettTodd HiettCommissioner [R-OK]
    Groped a male client's groin and other areas of his body after getting so drunk he couldn't "speak more than one or two words at a time" at a business conference while also being a married father
    According to an official complaint filed by at least two employees who were present
  • Neil FriskeNeil FriskeState Representative
    Allegedly sexually assaulted an exotic dancer and then chased her around with a loaded gun that he eventually fired in her vicinity outside of his home at 2:30 in the morning
    According to a police report filed by local officials
  • Mark GrisantiMark GrisantiState Judge [R-NY]
    Pushed a police officer who was attempting to handcuff his wife over a dispute with their neighbor and warned the officer that he'll "be sorry" if he arrested his "f*cking wife" because he was friends with the mayor and two of his children are police officers
    According to a censure ruling by New York's Commission on Judicial Conduct
  • Jeffrey ThomasJeffrey ThomasFmr. District Attorney
    Punched his wife at least ten times in the head and face while the pair were riding in their vehicle and was turned in by his wife's friend who witnessed the entire assault in real time because she was on a video call with her at the time
    According to charging documents filed by state officials
  • Zack ScrivnerZack ScrivnerCounty Supervisor
    Allegedly sexually assaulted his preteen daughter who along with her siblings was granted an order of protection against him while authorities investigated the allegation further while still being married to his estranged wife
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Matt SchlappMatt SchlappACU ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon463k
    Fondled Herschel Walker campaign staffer Carlton Huffman in the crotch without his consent and unsuccessfully tried to convince him to go back to his room while also being married and then paid Huffman $480,000 through an insurance policy to settle his sexual harassment lawsuit out of court
    According to victim testimony in a report from The Daily Beast
  • Mike BickleMike BickleInternational House of Prayer FounderFacebook iconInstagram iconTwitter iconYouTube icon304k
    Sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl who went to his church and babysat his own children inside his church, personal office, car and also at her home over three-year period when he was in his mid-20's where she said he would often move her hand down to his groin to have her "touch him sexually" and he would "touch [her] in return" and also often kissed her "like a man kisses a woman" while also being married with young children at home
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Reggie LoperReggie LoperCounty Commissioner [R-GA]
    Grabbed his victim's buttocks without her consent
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Bo DresnerBo DresnerFmr. Hays County GOP Chair
    Digitally penetrated his 13-year-old daughter after drugging her with a sedative and removing all her clothes while she was unconscious
    Sexually abused a 15-year-old minor
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Kyle LewterKyle LewterCampaign Manager [R-AL]
    Sexually tortured another man with an inanimate object and then murdered him with a hammer
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Daniel RodimerDaniel RodimerFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
    Physically struck a victim and had to complete a six-week anger management course in order to have his charges dropped
    Punched and strangled his victim so severely it caused multiple brain bleeds resulting in his eventual death several days later
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Vince McMahonVince McMahonConservative BusinessmanTwitter icon2.4m
    Defecated on a WWE employee he coerced into a nonconsensual sexual relationship while also being married and then commanded her to give oral sex to his friend while feces were running down her head
    Teamed up with a male WWE employee to physically restrain and sexually assault a female WWE employee after they shoved her into a locked room at company headquarters and mocked her pleas for them to stop by taunting that "No means yes" while also being married
    According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Andrew TateAndrew TateSocial Media InfluencerTwitter iconTelegram iconFacebook iconInstagram iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon12.3m
    Choked a 20-year-old woman during sex without her consent so forcefully that the whites of her eyes turned red and she passed out and continued having sex with her while she was unconscious and then threatened to kill her when she awoke
    According to an exclusive interview the alleged victim conducted with The Sun
  • Braylee EstepBraylee EstepSouth Carolina GOP Director
    Violently banged on the window of a car that was trying to leave a local bar and then pulled a woman she had previously argued with out of the car and proceeded to "hit and assault" her with the help of her mother and third offender
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Scott FinkbeinerScott FinkbeinerFmr. Sheriff [R-AR]
    Unbuttoned his pants and forced his victim to manually stimulate him while high on crystal meth at a local drug house after he unsuccessfully propositioned her for sex while also being married
    According to charging documents filed by state and federal officials
  • Matt SchlappMatt SchlappACU ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon463k
    Stripped down to his underwear and grinded against another male without his consent at a fundraising event in Florida while also being married
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Christian ZieglerChristian ZieglerFlorida GOP ChairTwitter iconFacebook icon18k
    Raped a woman he and his wife Bridget Ziegler previously had group sex with and have known for 20 years after she tried to cancel their planned tryst because Bridget could no longer participate
    According to a police complaint filed by the alleged victim
  • Ryan FournierRyan FournierStudents for Trump FounderTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial iconGab icon2.5m
    Grabbed and struck a woman in her forehead with a 9mm pistol leaving blood running down her face, an inch-wide cut on her face and a handprint bruise where he grabbed her on her forearm
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Mike BickleMike BickleInternational House of Prayer FounderFacebook iconInstagram iconTwitter iconYouTube icon304k
    Groomed and manipulated a 19-year-old girl who was 23 years younger than him into having a secret yearslong sexual relationship with him that she claimed included doing everything except sexual intercourse by first gaining her trust as her pastor where he would take her and her brother on seemingly innocuous outings to restaurants, bookstores and the park which eventually led to the point where she claimed he crossed the line and "kept crossing it more severely sexually” while also being married
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • 10/17/23
    Shot his wife in her back and arm causing serious but not life-threatening injuries and then killed himself while sitting in their car outside a fast-food restaurant in a botched murder-suicide attempt
    According to police records first reported by The Miami Herald
  • Rudy GiulianiRudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m
    Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m  
    Slipped his hand under Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson's blazer and skirt after wrapping his arms around her backstage during Trump's rally just before the 1/6 insurrection
    According to a book excerpt first reported by The Guardian
  • Matt SchlappMatt SchlappACU ChairTwitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon463k
    Inappropriately touched a colleague's employee without their consent during a CPAC event in Palm Beach, Florida
    According to a report by the Washington Post
  • Rene PedrosaRene PedrosaFmr. Spokesperson [R]Top aide to Republican Mayor of Miami
    Cupped a 16-year-old boy's buttocks and kissed him on the lips before grabbing his hand and placing it on his erect penis while meeting with him in his government office ostensibly to discuss having him help design a web page
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials
  • Boris EpshteynBoris EpshteynTrump Conservative LawyerTwitter iconInstagram icon163k
    Twitter iconInstagram icon163k  
    Groped two young women's breasts, crotches and other parts of their bodies without consent and continued to assault them even after they told him to stop after he cornered them inside his booth at an Arizona night club where an employee reported he had spent "like fifty grand" on drinks that night
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Tom GarrettTom GarrettFmr. U.S. Representative13 Years in GOP
    Struck his wife in the head on two separate occasions, had a "history" of physically pinning her to the ground and once punched multiple holes in the wall during an argument
    According to a lawsuit filed by his estranged wife
    Strangled his wife's neck while their infant daughter slept next to her after he drank himself into a "fiery rage" on Mother's Day
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Cole WagnerCole WagnerFmr. Alliance for a Pro-Life Alabama Chair
    Engaged in "sexual contact" with a child under the age of ten
    According to charging documents filed by local officials first reported by the Alabama Political Reporter
  • Jason EllsworthJason EllsworthFmr. State Senator [R-MT]
    Choked, pushed his partner down a flight of stairs and physically abused her multiple times throughout the course of their six-year relationship
    Hysterically waved his loaded gun all around and also directly at his partner during a fit of rage and then she said he "laid his 300-pound self" on top of her and tried to "force" her to shoot him while she tried to escape his grasp
    According to a police report filed by local officials
  • James ChapmanJames ChapmanCommissioner [R-MI]
    Kicked a fellow state GOP official Mark DeYoung in the groin and then grabbed him by the legs and knocked him to the ground as soon as DeYoung opened the door to a reportedly "closed" meeting Chapman didn't want him attending
    According to a report filed by local police
  • Fabián BasabeFabián BasabeState RepresentativeInstagram iconTwitter icon92k
    Groped and tried to kiss his male legislative intern while being driven home from an alcohol-fueled event at a local bar and then unsuccessfully tried to convince him to come up to his hotel room to have sex while also being married
    Told his male legislative aide "I want all of that butt" and then slapped it while they were standing in the back of an elementary school classroom full of children during a Career Day event while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • Alex SteinBlaze Media Host
    Accosted WNBA star Brittney Griner at a Dallas airport and then forcefully pushed a WNBA security official who intervened to prevent him from reaching her
    According to a police report filed by local officials
  • Matthew ReillyMatthew ReillyFmr. City Council Member
    Molested a 12-year-old girl he met online who promptly told her legal guardian about his actions which led to his arrest and placement on house arrest until the conclusion of his trial
    According to charging documents filed by local police first reported by The Providence Journal
  • Clay HigginsClay HigginsU.S. Representative [R-LA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon385k
    Forcefully grabbed and pushed back a citizen journalist filming him and other congresspeople giving a press conference outside the US Capitol as the victim yelled "you're hurting me!" while asking Higgins to let him go
    According to a video of the incident reported by The Daily Beast
  • Rudy GiulianiRudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m
    Twitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconFacebook iconTikTok iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon4.2m  
    Coerced his staffer Noelle Dunphy into having sex with him multiple times and to participate in BDSM sex acts -- often after she was unable to consent due to being intoxicated -- and creepily told her that he thinks of her "as my daughter" while they were having sex
    Forced staffer Noelle Dunphy to perform oral sex multiple times including while he was on the speakerphone with Trump and once after pulling out his erect penis saying he couldn't get any work done until "you take care of this"
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by former employee Noelle Dunphy reported on by mainstream outlets
  • Bryan SlatonBryan SlatonFmr. State RepresentativeTwitter icon11k
    Twitter icon11k  
    Had unprotected sex with an inebriated 19-year-old he had provided alcohol to which a Republican-led investigation determined was tantamount to rape because his victim "could not effectively consent to intercourse" due to the influence of alcohol and also because she very likely would have said no as it was her first time having sex and later took her to the drugstore so should could purchase emergency contraception while also being a married "family values" lawmaker who routinely denounced the so-called "grooming" of children
    According to an official complaint filed against Slaton and exclusively reported by The Texas Tribune
  • Fabián BasabeFabián BasabeState RepresentativeInstagram iconTwitter icon92k
    Slapped his legislative aide across the face and instructed him to go stand in a corner after he drunkenly interrupted a conversation to ask his aide if he had recently "slept with" the woman he was talking with
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
  • James MacDonaldFmr. Harvest Bible Chapel Televangelist
    Physically attacked a 59-year-old woman after striking her car in a parking lot in an unprovoked attack which caused serious enough injuries that she had to be hospitalized
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • David TruaxDavid TruaxMayor [R-NY]
    Physically assaulted his estranged wife resulting in charges and a restraining order against him, which he promptly violated by going to her home, injuring her and damaging her property
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jeffrey GreesonState Representative
    Violently swiped at and verbally accosted a snowplow driver for doing his job
    According to charging documents filed by local police and corroborated by video footage taken by the victim
  • Carlton HuffmanCarlton HuffmanGOP Political StrategistTwitter iconInstagram icon4k
    Twitter iconInstagram icon4k  
    Coerced two young women in to allowing him to orally and digitally penetrate them, which they felt they had no other option than going along with due to his having had brandished a gun in their presence earlier in the night and the power dynamic of him being nearly twenty years older than them
    According to the copy of the restraining order filed against him by the alleged victims obtained by CNN
  • Joe StaysniakFmr. Radio Host
    Struck his son, choked his son's boyfriend and threatened them with a gun as they sat in a parked car outside his home
    According to charging documents obtained by NBC News
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Grabbed potential employee Derek Myers' crotch without his consent while they were alone in his office and then told him "my husband is out of town tonight if you want to come over" which he declined
    According to a firsthand account from the alleged victim who also filed an official complaint with the U.S. Capitol Police and the House Ethics Committee
  • Jaron RosienJaron RosienMayor [R-IA]
    Slid his hand up a male victim's thigh, groped his genitals and kissed him on his cheek (or ear) which "was in no way consented to" by the victim after hours at a bar he owned while also being married to his husband
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Ted TomaszewskiTed TomaszewskiFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
    Engaged in multiple sex acts including penetrative sex with a 15-year-old boy over a two-month period
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Dana WhiteDana WhiteUFC PresidentInstagram iconTwitter iconFacebook iconTikTok icon22.3m
    Slapped his much smaller wife twice after she slapped him first at a NYE party
    According to video of the incident verified by TMZ
  • Andrew TateAndrew TateSocial Media InfluencerTwitter iconTelegram iconFacebook iconInstagram iconRumble iconTruthSocial iconGab icon12.3m
    Operated an international human trafficking & sex abuse ring that lured unsuspecting women into performing in adult videos without their consent under threat of violence if they attempted to flee
    According to charging documents filed by Romanian authorities
  • Ed HenryEd HenryFmr. Fox News ReporterTwitter iconInstagram icon352k
    Forced Fox Business producer Jennifer Eckhart to perform oral sex on him in an office at Fox News’ headquarters and then later sent her threatening text messages bragging about how he physically injured her while also being married
    According to a civil lawsuit filed against Henry and Fox News by the alleged victim
  • William PruittWilliam PruittFmr. Chief of Police
    Raped a 14-year-old girl twice at gunpoint after luring her into his truck, threatened to "blow her brains out" if she ever told anyone, conspired with friends who were former police officers to send a torrent of threatening messages to scare her from reporting it to the authorities and continued to stalk her even after being charged with raping her
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • George MengesGeorge MengesFmr. Manuel Asensio Aide
    Sexually assaulted an unnamed woman and was charged with sexual battery and kidnapping after she reported him to the police
    According to charging documents filed by local police first reported by The Gainesville Sun
  • Brian StoutBrian StoutState Representative
    Began performing oral sex on a woman which went beyond what she had consented to and despite her repeatedly telling him to stop which he only did when his wife walked in the room
    Kissed and cuddled with a woman who wasn't his wife in his office and then out of nowhere pushed her onto the couch and physically restrained her while he quietly stared at her with what she described as a "weird look" which frightened her so much that a judge granted her a restraining order against him for five years
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Herschel WalkerHerschel WalkerU.S. Senate Nominee [R-GA]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube icon1m
    Choked and threw a punch at his ex-girlfriend Cheryl Parsa after she confronted him about a woman she suspected he was cheating on her with
    According to victim testimony in a report from The Daily Beast
  • Tommy BryantCity Council Member [R-AL]
    Punched the mayor of his small town in the face without warning after accosting him in the parking lot following a heated city council meeting in the presence of multiple witnesses including the local police chief
    According to eyewitness accounts and documented in a report by
  • Joel KoskanJoel KoskanFmr. State Rep. Nominee
    Raped, orally penetrated and sexually molested his adopted daughter over a six-year period beginning when she was just twelve years old and waged an intimidation campaign to keep her quiet by monitoring her every move via GPS and home video surveillance, which ironically is how he found out she reported him to the police while also being a married father of young children
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Gary KuehnGary KuehnSchool Board Member [R-TN]
    Pulled out his penis and began stroking himself in front of a nurse until he had an erection after asking her if a testosterone shot she just administered would "make him hard" and then asked her not to leave the room while he continued his lewd behavior
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Elijah SchafferElijah SchafferFmr. The Blaze PodcasterTwitter iconYouTube iconInstagram iconTelegram iconRumble iconGab icon1.4m
    Drunkenly grabbed a co-worker's breasts without her consent while they sat next to each other in a crowded movie theater while also being married at the time
    According to an inhouse investigation resulting in his firing
  • Diego MoralesDiego MoralesSecretary of State [R-IN]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon8k
    Pinned a young woman against the wall and rubbed his body against hers as he tried to kiss her and rip her shirt off
    According to the alleged victim who spoke with
    Tried to pin down and kiss a woman he invited to his apartment, but she was able to escape before he could harm her further
    According to the alleged victim who spoke with
  • Aaron PeñaAaron PeñaFmr. State RepresentativeTwitter icon6k
    Forcibly kissed and groped a congressional intern and ignored her pleas to stop after creating a situation where they would be alone in his car together
    According to an allegation filed by the alleged victim and reported by mainstream media
  • Billy OswaldBilly OswaldFmr. State Sen. Candidate
    Groped a female subordinate's breasts and crotch and also made inappropriate gestures towards her
    According to a federal lawsuit filed by a former employee
  • Aaron von EhlingerAaron von EhlingerFmr. State Representative
    Forced a 19-year-old legislative intern to perform oral sex on him, digitally penetrated her without consent and then ejaculated himself on her stomach
    He was found guilty of rape and sentenced to 20 years in prison
  • Perry Hooper Jr.Perry Hooper Jr.Trump Campaign AL Co-ChairMAGA Enthusiast
    Grabbed a restaurant hostess's breasts, kissed her neck and shoved his pelvis into her and then taunted that he'll "get away with it" because he's a member of a politically connected family while also married with three children
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Gary BuseyGary BuseyConservative ActorFacebook iconTikTok iconInstagram iconTwitter icon1.2m
    Facebook iconTikTok iconInstagram iconTwitter icon1.2m  
    Grabbed two women's buttocks without their consent during a meet and greet at a horror film convention
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Put his face inches away from a woman's breasts and asked where she got them from before trying to unhook her bra strap during a meet and greet at a horror film convention
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Jonathan HernandezJonathan HernandezFmr. Oklahoma College Republicans Chair
    Performed oral sex on a 14-year-old boy he met at a church he ministered inside his dorm room at Oklahoma Christian University after watching adult videos with him
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Richard BraswellRichard BraswellCommissioner [R-NC]
    Sexually molested a 13-year-old girl he spent years cultivating a relationship with at church and in the community while also being married
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Jeann LugoFmr. State Sen. Candidate
    Punched his female opponent in the face at an abortion rally causing her to go to the hospital for a possible concussion and fled the scene presumably because he knew his assault was not justified
    According to charging documents filed by local police
It's no surprise that people with extreme views are also more prone to extreme acts of violence -- which both are now prevalent in today's Republican party. The MAGA Republican party's complete disdain for law and order is palpable led by Donald Trump's constant inciting or cheering on violence against anyone he dislikes. So, it should come as no surprise that many Republican politicians and conservatives commit assault. We've documented notable instances of Republicans assaulting people at varying severity below.