Delaware Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in DE
Scandal Categories
Delaware Republican State Legislator Scandals
Eric BodenweiserFmr. State Sen. Nominee10/22/12Molested and sexually abused a 10-year-old boy over a period of three years while propagating "family values" as a bedrock principal of his political philosophy at the same timeHe pled guilty to a less serious charge of unlawful sexual contact of a minor and was sentenced to one year probation and had to register as a sex offender
Kevin HensleyState Representative1/03/25Crashed into another vehicle causing it to roll over multiple times resulting in injuries to the victim's hands, face and chest that required hospitalization while pulling out of a gas station driving under the influence of alcohol and was arrested by police after he submitted to a breathalyzer test that found he had a BAC nearly twice the legal limitAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Other Delaware Republican Scandals
Vance PhillipsFmr. County Commissioner9/27/16Coerced an 18-year-old young woman who was only 16 when they first met and 30 years younger than him into a monthslong sexual relationship where she was compelled to participate in bondage fetishes of his that included using ropes, clamps, chains and sex toys that she did not willingly consent to and then threatened her with "a world of hurt" if she ever rebuffed his incessant advancesAccording to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim