Republican Shoplifting Criminal Scandals

Displaying 9 Crimes
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Keri BlairFmr. School Board Member
Stole a total of $728.61 worth of items from a local Target during seven visits over a 26-day period by not scanning some of the more expensive items in her cart at the self-checkout lineAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Robert OtterstatterFmr. City Council Member Candidate
Stole over $600 worth of groceries by not scanning items in the self-checkout on three separate occasionsAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Victor BarbosaFmr. City Council Member
Didn't scan an item at two separate self-checkout registers at a local Walmart and claimed it was done "inadvertently" when confronted by store security, but presumably from guilt later resigned from his city council positionAccording to a report by The Daytona beach News-Journal -
Kate GibbsFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
Hid $80 worth of clothes in a shopping bag and left a Kohl's department store without paying which resulted in her getting banned from the store and having to pay a $280 fineAccording to an exclusive report by the Burlington County Times
Stole an eye-popping 279 items totaling $2,327.97 from a Target store and $40 worth of cat food from a local grocery store mere months apart from each otherAccording to a charging documents filed by local police
Sandra PihosFmr. State Representative
Stole nearly $600 worth of clothes from a local department store and returned later that same day to try and return the stolen items for cash or store creditAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Reford TheboldMayor [R-CO]
He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 8 hours of community service and ordered to attend a shoplifting counseling class -
Katrina PiersonFmr. Trump Senior Advisor
Shoplifted items from a local department store when was 20 years old and later cleverly used the arrest to propagate the idea that the incident changed her life for the betterAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Mary ReisingerCounty Treasurer [R-PA]
Stole a necklace worth only $27.99 from a Sears department store by hiding it in her pocket and not paying for it when checking out with other items and then tried to flee when confronted by security which proved her guilty intentionsShe pleaded guilty to shoplifting and was ordered to take a class
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