Republican Perjury Scandals List

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Displaying 11 Crimes
Sorted by When News Broke
  • Scott McMahanScott McMahanCounty Commissioner [R-MI]
    Lied about living in the district he was later elected to represent on candidacy forms that he swore under oath under were accurate
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Allen WeisselbergAllen WeisselbergCFO [R-NY]
    Lied under oath in a deposition and also at trial about his role in falsely asserting that Trump's private apartment in Trump Tower was nearly three times larger than it actually was on official tax forms
    According to charging documents filed by state officials
  • Michael CroninMichael CroninChief Counsel CT Sen. GOP
    Forged his ex-wife’s name on multiple home refinancing documents and a deed and also forged his colleague's signature on a financial statement he submitted to a court overseeing his divorce proceedings in an act so egregious the judge sentencing him called his actions "malfeasance that almost defies description"
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Tina PetersTina PetersCounty Clerk [R-CO]TruthSocial icon5k
    Illegally taped a court proceeding for her former chief deputy while seated in the gallery and then lied to the presiding judge when he confronted her
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Nate PaulNate PaulConservative Businessman
    Lied to a judge under oath about financial transfers he made in violation of a previous court order which resulted in a judge sentencing him to 10 days in jail and fining him $181,760
    According to a ruling by the judge presiding over his criminal case
  • George SantosGeorge SantosFmr. U.S. RepresentativeYouTube iconTwitter iconInstagram iconGab icon697k
    Lied to a judge about working for Goldman Sachs during a bail hearing for a friend who was accused of fraud
    According to court documents obtained by Politico
  • Ivan GonzalezIvan GonzalezFmr. Mayor Candidate
    Falsely asserted he lived in the city of Baltimore on his official candidacy paperwork when he actually lived in the suburbs and was therefore ineligible to run for office in the city
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Richard QuinnGOP Political Consultant
    Repeatedly lied under oath to the grand jury investigating a wide-ranging State House corruption scandal that involved his own son in an act that violated a plea agreement he made with state prosecutors to truthfully testify before the group
    According to a grand jury indictment
  • Jim HarrisonFmr. State Representative
    Accepted over $900,000 from a well-connected political consultant in exchange for acting in his client's interests in secret by not disclosing the true source of the funds as required by state law and later lied to a grand jury about it in an attempt to cover it up
    He was found guilty and sentenced to eighteen months in prison
  • Mark FullerMark FullerFmr. Federal Judge [R]
    Repeatedly lied under oath and made false statements to the chief judge of a federal court by falsely claiming her had never hit, kicked, or punched his ex-wife when in fact he had done all three on multiple occasions
    According to a report conducted by federal officials submitted to Congress
  • Samuel KentSamuel KentFmr. George H W Bush Federal Judge
    Lied to a committee of judges investigating him for sexual harassment in an effort to shield himself from consequences for his behavior in what one law professor characterized as "sort of mind-blowing" for a federal judge to obstruct justice as it "betrayed his oath in the most fundamental way"
    According to court records reported by the media