Republicans Caught Making Illegal False Statements

Displaying 40 Crimes
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Scott McMahanCounty Commissioner [R-MI]
Lied about living in the district he was later elected to represent on candidacy forms that he swore under oath under were accurateAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Scott FinkbeinerFmr. Sheriff [R-AR]
Consumed crystal meth at a drug house he drove to in his marked police vehicle while dressed in uniform and then lied to federal investigators when they questioned himAccording to charging documents filed by state and federal officials
Nate PaulConservative Businessman
Fraudulently inflated his assets by tens of millions of dollars and grossly underreported his liabilities by millions more to financial institutions on multiple loan applications which led to him being approved for loans totaling $172 million that otherwise wouldn't have been approved and then lied to authorities when they confronted himAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Gabe WhitleyFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
Filed three campaign finance reports that falsely claimed he had raised $222,690 for and loaned $100k to his "Honest Gabe for Congress" campaign to give the illusion he had popular supportAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Carolina AmestyFmr. State Representative
Forged a professor's signature and notarized a document that falsely asserted the unaccredited Christian school she founded had acquired a credentialed professor to teach there resulting in her school improperly obtaining state licensing to operateAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Allen WeisselbergCFO [R-NY]
Lied under oath in a deposition and also at trial about his role in falsely asserting that Trump's private apartment in Trump Tower was nearly three times larger than it actually was on official tax formsAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Helped remove a table from a room in the Capitol that was soon after used to physically assault police officers trying to regain control during the 1/6 insurrection and later lied to federal investigators by falsely telling them she never entered the Capitol during the riotAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Doug WattsPolitical Operative [R]
Helped his coconspirator illegally conceal $2.1 million they earned lobbying for the government of Qatar by creating an LLC with to hide the money from tax authorities and then lied to federal officials twice after they confronted himAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Michael CroninChief Counsel CT Sen. GOP
Forged his ex-wife’s name on multiple home refinancing documents and a deed and also forged his colleague's signature on a financial statement he submitted to a court overseeing his divorce proceedings in an act so egregious the judge sentencing him called his actions "malfeasance that almost defies description"According to charging documents filed by local officials
Illegally obtained over $45,000 in Small Business Covid-Relief Funds out of $150,000 he applied for by claiming that dormant companies he owned with no employees actually had 6 employees and revenue of $800k and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about itAccording to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
Harry SidhuFmr. Mayor [R-CA]21 Years in GOP
Lying to the "Feds", Egregious Conflict of Interest, Misuse of Government Resources for Political Gain8/16/23
Took advantage of his position as mayor to muscle himself onto a negotiating team involved with a $320 million MLB stadium project and later shared confidential information with the owner of the team with the expectation of getting "at least" a million-dollar political donation in return and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about itAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Ed MullinsFmr. NYPD Union President
Stole roughly $1 million from a NYC police officers union by filing falsified expense reports for personal items including lavish meals and luxury clothing and over-inflating the amount he should be reimbursed for countless other expenses for over four years to such a degree that prosecutors described it as a "personal piggy bank" and then lied to federal officials when they confronted himAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Walt NautaTrump "Bodyman"
Hid boxes filled with classified and highly sensitive government documents after his boss Donald Trump was subpoenaed for them which were later found when the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about itAccording to charging documents filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith
Tina PetersCounty Clerk [R-CO]
Illegally taped a court proceeding for her former chief deputy while seated in the gallery and then lied to the presiding judge when he confronted herAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Donald JonesSheriff [R-KY]
Coached a witness to subvert justice and achieve a legal outcome he supposedly desired by giving them false information that prosecutors contend was meant to affect their testimonyAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Nate PaulConservative Businessman
Lied to a judge under oath about financial transfers he made in violation of a previous court order which resulted in a judge sentencing him to 10 days in jail and fining him $181,760According to a ruling by the judge presiding over his criminal case
George SantosFmr. U.S. Representative
697kMAGA Enthusiast
Lied to a judge about working for Goldman Sachs during a bail hearing for a friend who was accused of fraudAccording to court documents obtained by Politico
Julianna StroutCommissioner [R-FL]
Falsely asserted she was a paralegal to federal authorities so she could enter an immigration detention facility her romantic partner was being held atShe pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 50 hours of community service and probation -
Paul ManniFmr. City Council Nominee
Forged signatures on at least nine absentee voter applications for people who were unaware he was submitting the request and lied to the county clerk by attesting he had permission to deliver the applicationsAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Ryan WhiteFmr. U.S. Senate Candidate
Filed a false police report erroneously claiming that a young child was being forced to perform sex acts on male customers at an adult bookstore he worked at which resulted in police using up valuable resources and time to investigate his accusationAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Ellen WinkGOP Elections Official
Shot an unarmed tenant five times as he tried to flee from her resulting in his death and then lied to police and claimed self-defense which State's Attorney Michelle Manning refuted because video surveillance clearly showed her victim was aggressive towards her in "no way, shape, or form"According to charging documents filed by local police
Jeff FortenberryFmr. U.S. Representative
Accepted a $30,200 campaign contribution from Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury through three "straw donors" and then lied to federal authorities after they confronted him about itAccording to charging documents filed by federal authorities -
Ivan GonzalezFmr. Mayor Candidate
Falsely asserted he lived in the city of Baltimore on his official candidacy paperwork when he actually lived in the suburbs and was therefore ineligible to run for office in the cityAccording to charging documents filed by local police -
Mitchell EnglanderFmr. City Council Member
Schemed to cover up evidence of his acceptance of bribes by lying to federal authorities who confronted him and "counseled" his coconspirator how to mislead federal investigators on multiple occasions without knowing that he was working as a cooperating witnessAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
1.2mMAGA Enthusiast
Lied under oath to the House Intelligence Committee about his contacts with WikiLeaks around the time they released stolen emails the Russian government hacked from Hillary Clinton's server, falsely named Randy Credico as his "back-channel" to the head of WikiLeaks in a subsequent letter to the committee and then urged Credico to either back him up or invoke his Fifth Amendment right to stay silentStone was convicted on all counts and sentenced to 3.5 years in prison, but Trump commuted his sentence days before he was to report to prison
Richard QuinnGOP Political Consultant
Repeatedly lied under oath to the grand jury investigating a wide-ranging State House corruption scandal that involved his own son in an act that violated a plea agreement he made with state prosecutors to truthfully testify before the groupAccording to a grand jury indictment
Robin HayesFmr. North Carolina GOP Chair
Tried to bribe the NC state insurance commissioner with a $1.5 million donation to his reelection bid and another $250k donation from the NC Republican party in exchange for favorable treatment for a business associate friend of his and then lied to the FBI when they confronted himAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Jim HarrisonFmr. State Representative
Accepted over $900,000 from a well-connected political consultant in exchange for acting in his client's interests in secret by not disclosing the true source of the funds as required by state law and later lied to a grand jury about it in an attempt to cover it upHe was found guilty and sentenced to eighteen months in prison
George PapadopoulosFmr. Trump Aide
Lied to the FBI about his interactions with an agent of the Russian government while he was employed by the 2016 Trump campaignAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Allen LoughryFmr. Justice [R-WV]
Used a government-issued credit card for personal expenses including gasoline, claimed mileage for trips that he used a government-owned vehicle for, pressured a witness to lie to federal investigators and lied to investigators himselfAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Jesse BentonFmr. Rand Paul Campaign Mgr.
Illegally paid Iowa state senator Kent Sorenson $73,000 to switch his 2016 Presidential candidate endorsement from Michelle Bachmann to Ron Paul and then falsified campaign reports to cover it upAccording to a federal jury who convicted him
Thad ViersFmr. State Representative
Conspired with a business executive to hide $524,000 in assets owed to an insurance company that was then left on the hook for a $6 million contract his coconspirator failed to fulfill and then intentionally lied to an IRS investigator when questioned about itAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Mark FullerFmr. Federal Judge [R]
Repeatedly lied under oath and made false statements to the chief judge of a federal court by falsely claiming her had never hit, kicked, or punched his ex-wife when in fact he had done all three on multiple occasionsAccording to a report conducted by federal officials submitted to Congress
Dennis HastertFmr. Speaker of the House
Illegally structured hush money payments of $1.7 million to elude federal bank reporting requirements in order to hide the fact he was paying the victim of his past sex crimes and then lied to Federal investigators about itHe pled guilty and was sentenced to 15 months in prison, two years of supervised release and a $250,000 fine
Lied to state officials investigating a wide-ranging scandal involving state Republican Speaker Mike Hubbard and other legislators about his knowledge of Hubbard's actions and how it affected his political success or failureAccording to charging documents filed by state oficials
Mark SiljanderFmr. U.S. Representative
Accepted 50k to secretly and illegally lobby for the USA to remove a sanctioned organization from the "specially designated global terrorist" list and then lied to the FBI when they questioned himAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
1.2mMAGA Enthusiast
Accepted $255,000 worth of lavish home renovations and over $236,000 in rental payments from billionaire business developer Eitan Wertheimer in exchange for using his position as NYPD Commissioner to lobby on Wertheimer's behalf with city officials, failed to report the additional income on his federal taxes and lied to federal investigators when confronted about itHe pleaded guilty to tax fraud and was sentenced to 4 years in prison
Samuel KentFmr. George H W Bush Federal Judge
Lied to a committee of judges investigating him for sexual harassment in an effort to shield himself from consequences for his behavior in what one law professor characterized as "sort of mind-blowing" for a federal judge to obstruct justice as it "betrayed his oath in the most fundamental way"According to court records reported by the media -
J. Steven GrilesFmr. Interior Deputy Secretary
Lied under oath to a Senate committee about his ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff by falsely testifying that he had no special relationship with him when in fact he was intimately involved in blocking the approval of a Native American casino that Abramoff opposedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Bob NeyFmr. U.S. Representative
Accepted over $170k worth of international and domestic trips, meals and drinks totaling "many thousands of dollars," tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions, box suite tickets to concerts and sporting events and numerous free fundraisers paid for by Jack Abramoff in exchange for supporting and/or opposing legislation that would benefit Abramoff and then lied under oath to a congressional committee when questioned about his actionsAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
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