Republican Abuse of Animals Scandals

Displaying 11 Scandals
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Doug HamlinNRA CEO
Severed a cat's paws, strung the animal up and then set it on fire with the help of four of his fraternity brothers all because it didn't use the litter box properly resulting in criminal charges and expulsion from his fraternityAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Jeff DotsethState Representative
Punched and kicked his family's 14-year-old dog on Christmas in front of his wife and young daughter who was yelling for him to stopAccording to a court affidavit filed by his then-wife
2.3mLauded by Trump
Killed her 14-month-old puppy for the crime of acting like a puppy on a hunting trip and later proudly wrote about the incident in her book as if shooting unruly puppies was a perfectly normal thing to doNoem admitted to killing the dog in her book
Shot her family goat once and then picked up an additional shotgun shell from her truck to finish the job since her first shot didn't kill the animalNoem admitted to killing the goat in her book
Raymond NeubergerFmr. City Council Member
Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Chemically burned his girlfriend's cat so viciously that its tail had to be amputated, threatened to "inflict chemical burns" on responding police officers and told one detective that he'd "make him pay" if he was arrestedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets -
Brandon PhillipsMike Collins Chief of Staff
Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Raymond NeubergerFmr. City Council Member
Poured boiling water on his fiancé's helpless dog and beat her other dog so forcefully that he broke its ribsAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Jason JacksonFmr. City Council Member
According to charging documents filed by local officials
10.1mEndorsed by Trump
Placed his dog inside a carrier strapped to the top of his family car and set off on a 12-hour trip during which the dog became ill with diarrhea that his children had to watch streak down the back windowAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Allegedly bragged about killing his neighbor's dog with a shovel to multiple colleagues in the months and years after the incident
According to an exclusive report by The Guardian
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