Mississippi Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in MS

Scandal Categories

Mississippi Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals

  • Chip PickeringChip PickeringFmr. U.S. Representative
    Had an extramarital affair with a woman he previously dated in college and would have sex with her in a building designated for supposedly devoutly Christian lawmakers to live at while Congress was in session and his wife and five children were back home
    According to a civil lawsuit filed by his estranged wife

Mississippi Republican Executive Branch Scandals

  • Mike ParsonMike ParsonGovernor [R-MS]Facebook iconTwitter iconInstagram icon243k
    Pardoned a husband-wife duo who pointed an assault-style rifle and handgun at a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who were peacefully marching near their home even after they told reporters that they didn't regret their actions and promised they would do it again if it came to it
    According to reports filed by mainstream media
  • Haley BarbourFmr. Governor [R-MS]
    Pardoned a man who killed an 8-month-old boy in an alcohol-fueled crash who belongs to a politically connected family that donates a lot of money to Republicans
    Pardoned a man who shot his victim twice in the head at point blank range less than twenty years into a life sentence
    Pardoned a man convicted of shooting his girlfriend in the back and killing her at a public cafe just over ten years into his life sentence
    Pardoned a man convicted of shooting and killing his estranged wife and infant son and wounding another man less than twenty years into his life sentence
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Pardoned the brother of famed NFL quarterback Brett Favre who killed someone else in a drunk driving crash decades ago and had long since completed his sentence which makes you wonder if the only reason he pardoned him is because he's close with Favre
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Pardoned a man convicted of soliciting sexually explicit messages from an underage girl after having a private lunch with a close friend of his family
    According to news reports from credible media outlets

Mississippi Republican State Legislator Scandals

  • Terry BurtonTerry BurtonFmr. State Senator [R-MS]
    Drove under the influence of alcohol and prescription pain killers and pled guilty to DUI the very next day
    Swerved off the road, crashed into a ditch and failed a field sobriety test when police arrived upon which he was arrested for suspected DUI
    Crashed his car into a stop sign after drinking multiple alcoholic beverages inside a VIP tent at a concert and was found to have a BAC of .10 when police arrived
    According to charging documents filed by local police

Mississippi Republican Mayor Scandals

  • Rob ChambersRob ChambersMayor Nominee [R-MS]
    Jumped out from hiding in his bushes and kicked a 13-year-old boy in the groin who played a "ring and run" prank on his home
    According to charging documents filed by local officials