Republican Criminal Sex With Minors

Displaying 19 Crimes
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Allegedly had sex with an underage 17-year-old girl who had just completed her junior year in high school twice in one night at a party hosted by convicted sex offender Joel Greenberg and then paid her $400 in cash afterwardsAccording to bombshell report released by the bipartisan House Ethics Committee
Traveled to the Czech Republic for the purpose of paying to have sex with minors under the age of 18 multiple times over a five-year periodAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Ted TomaszewskiFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
Engaged in multiple sex acts including penetrative sex with a 15-year-old boy over a two-month periodAccording to charging documents filed by local police
William PruittFmr. Chief of Police
Raped a 14-year-old girl twice at gunpoint after luring her into his truck, threatened to "blow her brains out" if she ever told anyone, conspired with friends who were former police officers to send a torrent of threatening messages to scare her from reporting it to the authorities and continued to stalk her even after being charged with raping herAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Joel KoskanFmr. State Rep. Nominee
Raped, orally penetrated and sexually molested his adopted daughter over a six-year period beginning when she was just twelve years old and waged an intimidation campaign to keep her quiet by monitoring her every move via GPS and home video surveillance, which ironically is how he found out she reported him to the police while also being a married father of young childrenAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Jonathan HernandezFmr. Oklahoma College Republicans Chair
Performed oral sex on a 14-year-old boy he met at a church he ministered inside his dorm room at Oklahoma Christian University after watching adult videos with himAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Lee ChatfieldFmr. House Speaker [R-MI]A+ NRA Rating
Allegedly raped and sexually abused a minor over many years beginning when she was fifteen years old and continued well into her adulthood while being married the entire timeAccording to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim and reported by local media -
Mark GrethenFmr. Donor [R]
Sodomized and molested two children one year before he was named "Republican of the Year" by the National Republican Congressional Committee because of his large donations to the partyHe was found guilty and was sentenced to 26 years in prison
Ed SniffenFmr. Att. General [R-AK]
Initiated a sexual relationship with a vulnerable 17-year-old girl he coached on a high school mock trial competition team when he was 27-year-old man in violation of a state law that expressly forbade coaches from dating 16 or 17-year-olds under their supervision1/30/21
Spiked his 17-year-old student's drinks with alcohol without her knowledge while he was out partying with her and other high school students at New Orlean's bars known for loosely enforcing their liquor laws and later had sex with her in his hotel room that nightCorroborated by two of the victim's former teammates who were told of the improper relationship the day after they first had a sexual encounter
David StringerFmr. State Representative
Paid two teenage boys he met in a park $10 each to perform oral sex on them and then had them perform oral sex on himHad oral and penetrative sex with an underage boy as young as 13-years-old on ten separate occasions and got caught when the boy's father found out and reported him to the policeAccording to an exclusive report by the Arizona Republic
Ralph ShorteyFmr. State Senator [R-OK]Trump 2016 Oklahoma campaign chair
Paid for sex with a 17-year-old minor boy he found on Craigslist at a local Super 8 Motel while also being a married father with four young children and an avid supporter of Anti-LGBT legislation who proclaimed he was a “family values Republican”Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
1.3mMAGA Enthusiast
Allegedly sexually abused actress Nicole Eggert over a 3-year period in which she said he "penetrated me with his finger" when she was only 14, had sex with her when she was 17 and not legally able to consent in the state of California and engaged in "a lot of groping, a lot of fondling, a lot of pulling me on his lap" while on the set of Charles in ChargeAccording to the alleged victim who went public with her accusations against him -
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Allegedly tied a thirteen-year-old girl to a bed and raped her at a sex party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein and struck her in the face with his open hand after she pleaded with him to stop while he was married to MarlaCorroborated by "Tiffany Doe" who was hired by Epstein to recruit underage girls for sex
Allegedly forced a thirteen-year-old girl to manually stimulate him until he ejaculated at a sex party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein while he was married to IvanaCorroborated by rape of the two young girls in sworn testimony, Trump's ex-wife Ivana privately confided to multiple friends that he raped her
Allegedly forced two young girls aged 12 and 13 to perform oral sex on him and to engage in lesbian sex in front of him at a sex party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein while he was married to Ivana -
Lawrence TaylorConservative Athlete [R]
Paid $300 to have sex with a 16-year-old girl virgin he claimed to have thought was a 19-year-old prostitute and ignored her attempts to squirm out of his grip by telling her to "just relax" while also being marriedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
David SwartzFmr. County Commissioner
Repeatedly raped and sexually violated a young girl over a ten-year period beginning when she was just six years oldAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
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