Republicans Sharing Private Salacious Photos or Videos Without Consent

Displaying 6 Crimes
Sorted by When News Broke
Showed illicit photos and videos of a WWE employee he had a nonconsensual sexual relationship with to multiple people without her knowledge or consentAccording to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
Showed pictures of a female subordinate’s cleavage to other staff in his office without her knowledge or consentAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Andrew BradshawMayor [R-MD]
Posted 10 nude photographs of his ex-girlfriend on the website Reddit without her consent after they broke upAccording to charging documents filed by local police
David MartinezFmr. City Council Nominee
Posted nude images of his wife on the internet without her consent in retaliation for a restraining order she filed against him for domestic violenceAccording to charging documents filed by local police -
Nick SauerFmr. State Representative
Shared nude images of his ex-girlfriend to eight men using a fake Instagram account under her name so that he could creepily "catfish" them by pretending to be her and sharing intimate details of her lifeAccording to a report by Politico -
Nick MiccarelliFmr. State Representative
According to an exclusive report by Penn Live
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