
Displaying 1 - 100 of 111 Scandals
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Jason EllsworthFmr. State Senator [R-MT]
Rushed to give his close friend and former business associate $170k in taxpayer dollars for contract work by skipping the public bidding process that is required by state lawAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Accepted $25,000 from a Russian national who actively promotes pro-Russian propaganda for his participation in a film where he vowed to “shut down the FBI headquarters building and open it up as a museum to the ‘deep state’” mere months before Trump nominated him to take over as FBI DirectorAccording to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
Carolina AmestyFmr. State Representative
Illegally obtained $122,000 in COVID relief funds for two of her businesses by falsifying documents about their total revenues, number of employees and whether the businesses were legally incorporated to begin withAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Sal BonaccorsoFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
Illegally operated his private business out of the mayor's office where he utilized public resources and personnel to improperly obtain government permits that enriched him personally and then encouraged at least one witness to lie to investigators if they were questionedAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
David RiveraFmr. U.S. Representative
Illegally received $5.5 million lobbying for a Venezuelan businessman who wanted to be removed from ICE's "Most Wanted" list and then formed fake shell companies using the names of a law firm and a government official without their knowledge which he used to create false invoices and conceal his money from tax authoritiesAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Violated contractual obligations he signed with the US military by acquiescing to Russian President Vladimir Putin's demand that he deny satellite internet service over Taiwan as a favor to the Chinese leader during one of his many secret conversations he had with the Russian leader over a two-year periodAccording to an exclusive report by The Wall Street Journal
Andy SanbornFmr. State Senator [R-NH]
Fraudulently spent $188,474 in COVID relief funds on three luxury sports cars and other expenses after he lied about his company's earnings by nearly 1M in order to increase his chances of getting more grant moneyAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Commuted convicted fraudster Phillip Esformes' sentence after he had only served less than two years of his twenty-year sentence for a massive healthcare fraud following a public relations campaign his well-connected family waged with the Trump White House and after released criminally threatened his wife and another family member with verbal threats and by breaking glassware set on a nearby tableAccording to news reports from credible media outlets10/08/24
Clandestinely spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin as many as seven times after he left office, during which time he possessed highly classified national security documents he illegally took with him when he left the White House and realistically could have shared with PutinSecretly gave Russian President Vladimir Putin extremely rare Covid-19 test machines for his personal use at a time they were desperately needed all throughout the United States possibly to curry favor with Putin or as a reward for his 2016 election interference that helped put him in officeAccording to exclusive reporting by veteran journalist Bob Woodward in his book "War"
Nicole TorresNYC Board of Elections Leader
Illegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong periodIllegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong periodIllegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong periodAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Dean TranFmr. State Senator [R-MA]
Fraudulently received $30,120 in COVID unemployment benefits while he was still employed and concealed $54,700 in consulting fees he earned and "thousands of dollars in income" from the IRS when he filed his 2021 federal income taxesAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Nicole TorresNYC Board of Elections Leader
Illegally pocketed at least $36,000 in government wages by falsifying time sheets for poll-workers who didn't show up to their assigned shift and diverted the money to her personal bank account over a yearslong period8/28/24
Illegally pocketed at least $28,000 from hundreds of people who paid her roughly $150 each for her to select them as poll workers over a multiyear periodAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Tina PetersCounty Clerk [R-CO]
Allowed an unauthorized individual to make copies of voting machine hard drives and attend a voting machine software update intended only for credentialed election officialsAccording to charging documents filed by the Colorado Attorney General -
Christopher MorrisFmr. Sheriff [R-OK]
Received free services from an auto shop in exchange for sending county vehicles to the shop when they needed work done on themAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Asked wealthy oil executives to spend $1 billion to elect him in 2024 and promised to throw out environmental regulations designed to combat global climate change on "Day 1" as a reward if he were to return to the White HouseAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Clarence ThomasSupreme Court Justice [R]
Declined to recuse himself from a Supreme Court case determining whether Donald Trump is immune from criminal charges stemming from his attempt to overturn the 2020 election despite the fact that his wife Ginni was intimately involved in the scheme to prevent Biden from becoming PresidentAccording to news reports from credible media outlets -
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Remained closely tied to his namesake company which ended up raking in at least $7.8 million from 20 different foreign governments throughout his Presidency by having his sons run it instead of placing it in the hands of a neutral arbiter which violated decades of norms and traditions that were in place to prevent a President from profiting off the officeAccording to an exclusive report by The New York Times
Barry BennettLobbyist [R]
Masterminded a scheme to illegally conceal $2.1 million he earned in a three-month period for lobbying services he provided for the government of Qatar by creating an LLC with his coconspirator to hide the money from federal officialsAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Doug WattsPolitical Operative [R]
Helped his coconspirator illegally conceal $2.1 million they earned lobbying for the government of Qatar by creating an LLC with to hide the money from tax authorities and then lied to federal officials twice after they confronted himAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Secretly sold up to $50,000 of Boeing shares mere days before a House committee he was on released a highly critical report about the company and then failed to disclose the sale for more than two months and only reported it after he won reelection in a race he won by a mere 333 votesAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Pardoned a convicted drug smuggler who had connections with his son-in-law Jared Kushner's family after only serving two and a half years of his ten-year sentence and who was later arrested for assaulting his wife and father-in-lawAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Illegally obtained over $45,000 in Small Business Covid-Relief Funds out of $150,000 he applied for by claiming that dormant companies he owned with no employees actually had 6 employees and revenue of $800k and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about itAccording to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
Paul KennedyFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
According to charging documents filed by local police
Clarence ThomasSupreme Court Justice [R]
Secretly flew on a private plane to attend events hosted by a right-wing organization which frequently argued cases before the Supreme Court and failed to disclose it which George W. Bush appointed judge John E. Jones III characterized as taking his "breath away" and noted that it would have resulted in a "disciplinary hearing" for any lower court federal judgeAccording to an exclusive investigative report by Pro Publica
Secretly accepted a golf trip without reporting it as required by law in which a major Republican businessman flew him on a private jet to play a round and stay overnight at the Augusta National Golf Club (the most exclusive in the country) and soon after his administration gave his business $92 million in COVID relief funds to fund a major highway projectAccording to an exclisive report by The Washington Post -
Eric UlrichFmr. Commissioner [R-NY]
Accepted over $150,000 in cash and gifts including premium NY Mets season tickets, a discounted beachfront apartment, a bespoke suit and a one-of-a-kind painting by an apprentice of Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí in exchange for helping his co-conspirators gain special access to top officials to get a leg up on various pet projects of theirsAccording to charging documents filed by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
Harry SidhuFmr. Mayor [R-CA]21 Years in GOP
Lying to the "Feds", Egregious Conflict of Interest, Misuse of Government Resources for Political Gain8/16/23
Took advantage of his position as mayor to muscle himself onto a negotiating team involved with a $320 million MLB stadium project and later shared confidential information with the owner of the team with the expectation of getting "at least" a million-dollar political donation in return and then lied to federal agents when they questioned him about itAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Matt BorgesFmr. Ohio GOP Chair
Conspired with former state House Speaker Larry Householder to accept $60 million in bribes from a state nuclear energy company that in turn was given a $1.3 billion taxpayer bailout for two struggling nuclear power plants it operatedAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Scott JenkinsSheriff [R-VA]
Accepted cash bribes totaling $72,500 to circumvent concealed carry gun laws by giving people fake deputy credentials that allowed them to carry a concealed weapon in any state without a permitAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Larry HouseholderFmr. House Speaker [R-OH]
Masterminded a bribery scheme that saw him illegally raking in a whopping $60 million from a state nuclear energy company that in turn was given a $1.3 billion taxpayer bailout for two struggling nuclear power plants it operatedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Declined to recuse himself from an investigation into an addiction recovery center he accepted a $6,900 donation from when in a prior case he forced a judge to recuse themself for accepting a donation of only $250According to an investigative report by The Daily Beast
Samuel AlitoSupreme Court Justice [R]
Traveled free of charge on an opulent private jet chartered by billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer to an exclusive Alaskan fishing resort without reporting it on his financial disclosure forms and later voted with the majority in Singer's favor on a case involving his businessAccording to an exclusive investigative report by Pro Publica
Clarence ThomasSupreme Court Justice [R]
Failed to report $100,000 in secret payments his wife accepted from a rightwing organization who filed a legal brief arguing to strike down a major part of the Voting Rights Act after which he joined a 5-4 majority doing just thatAccording to an investigative report by The Washington Post -
Neil GorsuchSupreme Court Justice [R]
Didn't report that the person who purchased a large property he owned -- nine days after he was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice -- was the CEO of a major law firm that regularly argued for conservative causes before the Supreme CourtAccording to an exclusive report by Politico
Clarence ThomasSupreme Court Justice [R]
Didn't report the proceeds from the sale of family property to conservative donor Harlan Crow -- who then allowed Thomas's mother to continue living at rent-free for years -- on his public disclosure records as required by lawAccording to an exclusive investigative report by Pro Publica
Rick JohnsonFmr. State Representative
Accepted $110,200 in cash and other bribes including thousands of dollars' worth of sex with a prostitute and chartered flights from a businessman and two lobbyists in exchange for approving their medical marijuana business licenses during his time as chair of Michigan's marijuana licensing boardAccording to charging documents filed by federal prosecutors
Clarence ThomasSupreme Court Justice [R]
Secretly took luxurious trips over a twenty-year period without disclosing they were paid by ultra-wealthy conservative donor Harlan Crow which included multiple private jet flights, lavish vacations aboard a 162-foot mega yacht and luxury accommodations at resorts throughout the worldAccording to an exclusive investigative report by Pro Publica
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Accepted two loans totaling $8 million for Trump Media from a shadowy entity closely associated with Russian oligarchs at the same time the company was on the verge of dissolution for lack of fundingAccording to multiple sources in an investigative report by The Guardian -
Robert CzernekFmr. County Commissioner
Accepted over $280k in kickbacks from a local excavation company in exchange for approving over $700k in invoices for purported road work they never performed over an eight-year periodAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
276k33 Years in GOP
Cashed in between $628,000 and $1.72 million in stocks from companies seen as vulnerable to the burgeoning COVID-19 outbreak over a series of 33 separate transactions after receiving confidential briefings as chair of the Senate Intelligence CommitteeAccording to financial disclosures reported on by the media -
Laurie SmithFmr. Sheriff [R-CA]52 Years in GOP
Raked in thousands of dollars in illegal campaign donations and accepted gifts including a suite at an NHL game from wealthy donors in exchange for special treatment helping them obtain concealed weapons permits that her office was in charge of approvingAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Joe MartinezFmr. County Commissioner
Accepted three $5k checks from a local business owner in exchange for a proposing an ordinance that would personally benefit themAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Glen CasadaFmr. House Speaker [R-TN]
Created a fictitious consulting company along with state rep. Robin Smith and his chief of staff where they charged taxpayers $51,947 for official mailing services and hid his involvement in the scheme by submitting fake invoices to state officials and also accepted bribes from his chief of staff in exchange for his help in securing government approval for the fake consulting company to operate as an official state vendorAccording to charging documents filed in federal court
David RiveraFmr. U.S. Representative
Failed to report hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of taxable income to the government and siphoned even more to himself through a PAC that he earned from working as an unregistered foreign agent and lobbyist for the Venezuelan governmentAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Richard ImpallariaFmr. State Representative
Illegally paid $92,800 in taxpayer funds to his legislative aide's relatives to pay for rent at two cottages located well outside his district by falsely declaring that one cottage was his district office which entitled him to a taxpayer funded stipendAccording to charging documents filed by local police -
338kMAGA Enthusiast
Accepted a $2 billion investment from a major investment fund managed by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia -- a major Trump ally during his Administration -- mere months after he stopped working at the Trump White HouseAccording to previously undisclosed documents obtained by The New York Times -
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Failed to disclose gifts he received from foreign governments in 2020 in a clear violation of the Constitutional ban explicatively prohibiting Presidents from accepting gifts from foreign leaders without Congressional approvalAccording to an official report from the State Department
Paul KennedyFmr. Mayor [R-NJ]
Stole an unknown amount from parking meters that was supposed to be deposited into a government bank account and sold government office furniture through a social media account with the intention of keeping the money he made from the saleAccording to charging documents filed by local police -
Robin SmithFmr. State Representative
Accepted an illegal $24,000 bribe in exchange for pressuring other state lawmakers to contract with a fake consulting company the state speaker of the house secretly createdShe pled guilty to wire fraud and agreed to become a cooperating witness for the prosecution
Terry O'DonnellFmr. State Representative
Used his stature as the second highest-ranking member of the state senate to push through legislation that he knew would have a direct positive impact on his wife's finances she otherwise would not have been able to pursue if the law weren't changedAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Accepted thousands of dollars' worth of home remodeling and repairs in addition to securing employment for a woman he was having an affair with from wealthy real estate developer Nate Paul in exchange for investigating Paul's business adversaries and helping him settle a lawsuit in his favorAccording to an official complaint filed by seven of Paxton's top aides
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Pardoned his former top-adviser Steve Bannon before his case went to trial for stealing one million dollars from donors to an online charity fundraiser to build a wall on the Mexico borderPardoned Republican mayor of Mettawa, IL and brother of famed NFL player Brian Urlacher who was charged with being a leader of a multi-million dollar illegal offshore sports gambling ring led by the Chicago mob after personally meeting with the former player at the White House and before the case against his brother had concludedAccording to news reports from credible media outletsPardoned former Republican Rep. Rick Renzi who served time in prison for corruption giving credence to a public relations campaign he led that baselessly accused the DOJ of wrongfully imprisoning himAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Pardoned former Republican Rep. Robin Hayes who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his role in a $1.5 million bribery scheme following a request from Republican Senator Thom TillisPardoned notorious former Republican Rep. Duke Cunningham who served an eight-year prison sentence for raking in $2.4 million in bribes from defense contractorsHonored a request from Senator Rand Paul to pardon two aides who worked on his father Ron's 2012 Presidential campaign and were convicted for bribing a state senator $73,000 to change his vote in the Iowa caucusesAccording to news reports from credible media outlets12/23/20
Rewarded his 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort with a pardon after he served less than two years of his 7-year sentence for breaking his plea deal by lying to investigators about information potentially damaging to TrumpPardoned his senior adviser Roger Stone as a reward for him refusing to testify against Trump after publicly bashing the US Attorneys who prosecuted the criminal obstruction and witness tampering case against himAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Rewarded Dutch attorney Alex van der Zwaan with a pardon after he refused to cooperate with the Mueller investigation and served a 30-day sentence for lying to the FBI about his work with top Trump adviser Rick Gates and an individual tied to Russian intelligence services12/23/20
Pardoned the wife of disgraced Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter who pleaded guilty to stealing campaign contributions for personal use12/23/20
Pardoned his son-in-law's father Charles Kushner who served 14 months in prison in the early 2000's for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering 14 years after he concluded his sentence which benefits his namesake company by making it much easier for them to secure financing for major projects12/22/20
Pardoned former Rep. and early 2016 campaign supporter Duncan Hunter who admitted to stealing campaign contributions for personal use days before he was set to begin his 11-month prison sentence12/22/20
Pardoned former Rep. Chris Collins as a reward for being the first member of Congress to endorse his 2016 campaign resulting in him only serving 10 weeks of a 26-month prison sentence for insider trading12/22/20
Commuted former Republican Rep. Steve Stockman's ten-year prison sentence after serving only two years for stealing $1.25 million meant for a charity but using it for personal expenses and to fund his campaign insteadPardoned his former campaign aide George Papadopoulos who lied to the FBI about his many interactions with top Russian intelligence officials who claimed they had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton that could help the Trump campaign and used the occasion to lash out at Special Counsel Robert Mueller for prosecuting him in the first place11/26/20
Rewarded former national security adviser Michael Flynn with a pardon after he stopped cooperating with investigators following his guilty plea for lying to the FBI over his communications with top Russian officials before he was sentenced and without consulting with the Justice Department firstAccording to news reports from credible media outlets8/28/20
Gave his 2020 Republican acceptance speech from the White House lawn in what one expert described as an “abomination” that “may be the most visible misuse of official position for private gain in America’s history”According to multiple experts on the law and government regulations -
Joel GreenbergFmr. Tax Collector [R-FL]Friend of Rep. Matt Gaetz
Received over $400k in federal COVID relief by falsely claiming two defunct businesses were still operationalAccording to charging documents by federal authorities -
Cashed in between $1.275 and $3.1 million in stocks from companies seen as vulnerable to the burgeoning COVID-19 outbreak over a series of 27 transactions that began mere hours after she received a confidential Senate briefingAccording to financial disclosures reported on by the media
Mitchell EnglanderFmr. City Council Member
Accepted bribes during a lavish trip to Las Vegas which included $10k in cash, a free room, sex with an escort and a nearly $35,000 tab at a night club in exchange for directing major development projects to a prominent businessman in Los AngelesAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Pardoned a Republican House candidate and QAnon conspiracy theorist who was a major Trump backer and previously served two years in prison for her role in an organized auto theft ring back in 20042/18/20
Pardoned former New York police commissioner and vocal Trump supporter Bernard Kerik who illegally received over $250,000 from a company with suspected connections to organized crime four years after his prison sentence concluded after lobbying from his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani2/18/20
Rewarded business executive Paul Pogue who served three years' probation for failing to pay over $400k in taxes with a pardon months after his son and daughter-in-law donated $238,541 to Trump's reelection campaignAccording to news reports from credible media outlets -
John CesaroCounty Commissioner [R-NJ]
Accepted at least $10k in cash stuffed in an envelope and $2,350 worth of checks from a business executive turned government informant he promised to make tax counsel for the county and award government contracts toAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
McCrae DowlessFmr. Political Operative
Illegally collected Social Security Disability and retirement benefits from the government by neglecting to inform them about the more than $132,000 he earned working on political campaigns which would have drastically reduced the number of benefits he would have been eligible forAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets -
Jeremy HutchinsonFmr. State Senator [R-AR]25 Years in GOP
Accepted cash bribes totaling over $150,000 from the co-owner of orthodontic clinics in exchange for his efforts to help overturn a dental practices law he didn't likeAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Pardoned personal friend Conrad Black who published a fawning book with a title calling him a "President Like No Other" and previously served time for scheming to siphon off millions of dollars from the newspaper company he was CEO ofAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Paul LePageFmr. Governor [R-ME]MAGA Enthusiast
Pardoned his late mentor's grandson who was convicted of felony drug trafficking and tried to keep it secret in a breach of precedent in which governors usually publicly identify the names of people they pardonedAccording to news reports from credible media outlets -
Received 16 trademarks from the Chinese government on items ranging from handbags to jewelry three months *after* she supposedly shut down her brand ostensibly to focus on working for her dad in the White HouseAccording to records from China’s Trademark Office obtained by The Associated Press
Received special treatment from the Chinese government who fast tracked 34 of her company's patent applications in one year alone which led to various ethics groups questioning whether Trump made foreign policy decisions that benefited himself and his family’s businessesAccording to voluminous reports filed by mainstream media outlets
Jim HarrisonFmr. State Representative
Accepted over $900,000 from a well-connected political consultant in exchange for acting in his client's interests in secret by not disclosing the true source of the funds as required by state law and later lied to a grand jury about it in an attempt to cover it upHe was found guilty and sentenced to eighteen months in prison
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Rewarded Arizona real estate developer Mike Ingram who donated $10,000 to a Trump super PAC a week prior by pardoning two men he advocated for: convicted arsonists Dwight and Steven Hammond who intentionally set a fire on their property to destroy evidence of their illegal poaching that got out of control and spread to federal landAccording to news reports from credible media outlets -
Allen LoughryFmr. Justice [R-WV]
Used a government-issued credit card for personal expenses including gasoline, claimed mileage for trips that he used a government-owned vehicle for, pressured a witness to lie to federal investigators and lied to investigators himselfAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Pardoned radical rightwing filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza six years after his conviction of making illegal campaign contributions after Senator Ted Cruz personally lobbied for itAccording to news reports from credible media outlets -
Jon StanardFmr. State Representative
Hired a prostitute on two separate occasions and took her to a hotel room he used taxpayer dollars to pay for while also being a married father of three who voted for stricter solicitation laws shortly before getting caughtAccording to an investigative report by the Daily Mail -
Rick Quinn Jr.Fmr. State Representative
2017 12
Accepted over $4 million from lobbyists working on behalf of his father's consulting firm and then advocated on their behalf for legislation that would benefit themAccording to charing documents filed by state officials
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Pardoned Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio after he was convicted of contempt of court for racially profiling and illegally detaining people of Latino descent before he would be sentenced for his crimeAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Jon WoodsFmr. State Senator [R-AR]
Directed roughly $600,000 in taxpayer money to a Christian college and another non-profit organization in exchange for a large financial payoff that was facilitated through a third-party consulting company who concealed the bribesAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Ronnie DortchFmr. State Judge [R-KY]
Engaged in a yearlong sexual relationship with a woman who was a defendant in a felony case being litigated in his court and admitted to privately discussing the case with her when confrontedAccording to a final ruling by the Kentucky Judicial Conduct Commission
Micah NealFmr. State Representative
Received a $38k bribe to funnel $600k in government funds to a private evangelical Christian college and another non-profit organizationAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials -
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Refused to publicly release his tax returns before the 2016 election and while he was President which broke over forty years of precedent meant to show that the President does not have any financial conflicts of interest that could affect his decision makingAccording to voluminous reports filed by mainstream media outlets
Scott SteinerState Judge [R-CA]
Had sex with an attorney who practiced in his court in his private chambers while also being a married father of two young children who ran on a platform highlighting the "importance of family" in his lifeAccording to an investigative report by The Washington Post
David LausmanActivist [R]
2016 01
Took bribes including a free vacation to Thailand and a $11k luxury handbag from a military contractor when he was a captain in the NavyAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials -
Aaron SchockFmr. U.S. Representative
Sold his home to a major Republican donor for $925,000 --more than three times its assessed value of $255,000 -- at the height of his reelection campaignAccording to an exclusive report by Blue Nation Review
Spent tens of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funds on private jets, automobiles, tickets to the Super Bowl, massages and cigars and many other things over a five-year periodAccording to a bombshell report by The Washington Post
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