Extortion and Blackmail Scandals

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  • Eric GreitensEric GreitensFmr. Governor [R-MO]Facebook iconTwitter iconInstagram iconTruthSocial icon590k
    Blindfolded, undressed and restrained his hairstylist's hands to exercise rings above her head and took pictures of her without her consent and then threatened to release them "everywhere" if she told anyone
    Alleged victim gave testimony under oath before select investigative committee
  • Rick RenziFmr. U.S. Representative [R-AZ]
    Strongarmed leaders of a copper mining company into purchasing a large tract of land from a business associate who owed him money in exchange for him sponsoring legislation that would be favorable to the company, even once explicitly telling those involved "no Sandlin Property, no bill" and then failed to pay taxes on the $733,000 he received from the sale once the deal went through
    According to charging documents filed by federal officials