Republican Scandals Involving Law and Order Hypocrisy

Displaying 66 Scandals
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Tracy EllixsonCounty Commissioner [R-NC]
According to charging documents filed by local officials
Brandon SteeleState Representative
Brandished his assault rifle and drunkenly threatened multiple people admiring Christmas lights in his neighborhood which "terrified" his three children and wife so much they all hid in the bathroom while she spoke with 911 for 23 mins to let them know he was a "severe alcoholic" and that she was concerned he was going to shoot someoneAccording to a police report filed by local officials
John SweeneyCity Council Member [R-WI]
Drove over a raised curb and drunkenly passed out in his car with the engine running in a Taco Bell parking lot around midnight, couldn't tell responding officers where he came from or where he lived, refused a breathalyzer test and was caught with a firearm on his person in violation of state lawAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Justin HerringFmr. Nebraska GOP Member
Allegedly physically abused his intimate partner multiple times over a two-year period including at least one incident that involved a gun and an infantAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Illegally acquired at least a dozen firearms, knives, brass knuckles and numerous boxes of ammunition and stashed many of them in a hidden room in his basement likely because he isn't legally allowed to own any of them because he is a convicted felonAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Jay CutlerConservative Athlete [R]
Crashed into another vehicle while driving under the influence of alcohol, attempted to flee the scene after unsuccessfully offering to bribe the driver he hit with $2k to not call the police, slurred his words and refused a field sobriety test when police arrived and was found to be in possession of a loaded pistol and second gun in violation of state lawAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Carl MaughanState Representative
Committed multiple traffic infractions in short order and was found to be in possession of a loaded semi-automatic handgun, empty bottle of whiskey and case of beer with multiple cans missing when police pulled him overAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Catherine NelsonDonor
Drove recklessly while drunk and was found with a loaded 9mm handgun in her drivers-side door in violation of state lawAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Victoria SpartzU.S. Representative [R-IN]
Packed a handgun in her carryon bag and was caught by airport security when she went through a security checkAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Neil FriskeState Representative
Allegedly sexually assaulted an exotic dancer and then chased her around with a loaded gun that he eventually fired in her vicinity outside of his home at 2:30 in the morningAccording to a police report filed by local officials
Zack ScrivnerCounty Supervisor
Armed himself with a gun while experiencing what his aunt told police was a psychotic episode and got in a physical altercation with his minor children who wound up stabbing him twice to protect themselves and disarm him and was found to be in possession of thirty firearms and psychedelic mushrooms when police arrivedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Austin SmithState Representative
Forged "rows" of voter names, addresses and signatures on petitions he filed to qualify for the 2024 Republican primary in Arizona while also championing himself as an "election integrity warrior" who routinely espoused voter fraud conspiracy theoriesAccording to an exclusive report by The Arizona Republic
Don WilsonState Representative
Left his loaded semiautomatic 9mm handgun behind in a public restroom of the state capitol which sat unattended for nearly 30 minutes before a janitor found it and alerted state troopersAccording to a report by USA Today
Jamey NoelFmr. Sheriff [R-IN]
Illegally purchased or retained two apparently "brand new" handguns and ammunition in violation of a judge's order to hand over all firearms he owned outside of a single shotgun he was allowed to keep for personal protectionAccording to a ruling by the judge overseeing his criminal trial
Jim LucasState Representative
Exposed his holstered concealed firearm to a group of students visiting the state capitol to advocate for new gun control legislation while lecturing them about his right to defend himselfAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Mike LynchState Representative
Recklessly drove 90mph on an interstate highway while under the influence of alcohol with a BAC nearly twice the legal limit and was found to be in possession of a firearm in violation of state law after police pulled him overAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Alan HostetterFmr. Chief of Police
Armed himself with a hatchet, tactical gear, knives, stun batons and pepper spray and then marched on the US Capitol where he used a megaphone to encourage the crowd to overpower the police and break into the buildingAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
2.5mMAGA Enthusiast
Grabbed and struck a woman in her forehead with a 9mm pistol leaving blood running down her face, an inch-wide cut on her face and a handprint bruise where he grabbed her on her forearmAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Steve AlembikActivist [R]Donated over $200k to Republican causes
Shot his wife in her back and arm causing serious but not life-threatening injuries and then killed himself while sitting in their car outside a fast-food restaurant in a botched murder-suicide attemptAccording to police records first reported by The Miami Herald
Laura ViarState Judge [R-KS]
Ran off the road and crashed into a school building while driving under the influence of alcohol and on a suspended license and refused to take a breathalyzer when police arrived while also being a member of her local county's Anti-Drug Task ForceAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Was wrestled to the ground and handcuffed by police officers after refusing repeating commands to not interfere with emergency responders helping a 15-year-old girl experiencing seizures during which he screamed one was a "f*cking full-on d*ck!" who "better recalculate, motherf*cker!" while also hypocritically promising he will "ALWAYS stand by our country's police officers" which apparently only applies when it is politically convenient for himAccording to bodycam footage released by local police
Jason EllsworthFmr. State Senator [R-MT]
Hysterically waved his loaded gun all around and also directly at his partner during a fit of rage and then she said he "laid his 300-pound self" on top of her and tried to "force" her to shoot him while she tried to escape his graspAccording to a police report filed by local officials
George SantosFmr. U.S. Representative
697kMAGA Enthusiast
Illegally received over $24,000 in COVID unemployment benefits from New York while he was still employed making a $120,000 salary at his job in Florida and then later hypocritically signed on as a top cosigner of a House bill meant to recover these ill-gotten fundsAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials -
Served so much alcohol to two underage legislative aides and a 21-year-old intern that one vomited and the other two were so dizzy that they had "split vision"Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Richard ImpallariaFmr. State Representative
Illegally possessed two firearms despite being prohibited from handling or owning firearms due to a prior conviction for batteryAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Ronald AndruchukFmr. State Rep. Candidate
Illegally acquired 211 guns and 25,390 rounds (1,555.8 pounds) of ammunition that he stashed throughout a property he shared with his wife and three young children by lying about his severe drug abuse problem on purchase formsAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Baselessly accused a wide swath of election officials and everyday citizens of a myriad of election crimes without any evidence while he himself committed actual election crimes like pressuring the Georgia Secretary of State to throw out thousands of legally cast ballots, making illegal campaign finance payments to cover up sex scandals and inciting an insurrection against the US Government to overturn Joe Biden's decisive election victoryAccording to reporting by numerous outlets over a yearslong period -
Matt GrossellState Representative
Swerved in and out of his lane at 2:30am while going nearly 20 mph over the speed limit and was found to have a BAC of over twice the legal limit after police pulled him over and then unsuccessfully tried to exploit his personal relationship with the arresting officer to get out of trouble, which is especially egregious as he was a former sheriff's deputy who served on his legislature's "Public Safety" committeeAccording to a police report filed by local officials -
Ronald AndruchukFmr. State Rep. Candidate
Recklessly fired multiple firearms from his property that sent his neighbors fleeing for cover from bullets "whizzing" by both them and responding police officers' heads and was later found dressed in a bulletproof vest and tactical gear holding four guns and methamphetamineAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Solomon PeñaFmr. State Legislator Nominee
Fired his gun at the home of one of his perceived political enemies and hired four gunmen to conduct drive-by shootings at the homes of three others -- thankfully none of which resulted in anyone being injured -- after losing an election for a seat in the New Mexico HouseAccording to acting Alburquerque police commander Kyle Hartsock
Nina WebberWyoming GOP Staffer
Indiscriminately fired dozens of shots across a highway at a group of elk, forcing two people to seek cover as bullets "whizzed" by their heads while they were outside on their private propertyAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Randy Gene KaufmanFmr. School Board Member Candidate
Pleasured himself watching videos in his truck within view of a busy road used by parents to pick up children from a nearby preschool after having spewed propaganda about wanting to protect childrenAccording to an arrest report filed by local police -
Mike EricksonFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee
Ran a stop sign and proceeded to drive erratically until police who observed him "stumble" out of a bar around 1:40am pulled him over, noticed an "overwhelming odor of alcohol" and conducted a field sobriety test which he failed spectacularly and then was found to have oxycodone that had not been prescribed to him and yet he also portrayed himself as a "tough on crime" candidateAccording to court documents reported by local newspapers
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Riled up crowds at rallies with chants of "lock her up!" after the FBI discovered a small number of classified files accidentally stored on Hillary Clinton's secure home server, but then intentionally took 300+ documents ranging from standard classified to the most sensitive top secret storing them in insecure locations at Mar-a-Lago and subverted multiple efforts to return them to authoritiesAccording to multiple sources and reported on by all major outlets
Frederick FrazierState Representative
Impersonated a city compliance officer on at least two occasions so he could order people to remove campaign signs his opponent had displayed at local businesses while also portraying himself as a fierce defender of law and orderAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Ricky CarterFmr. County Commissioner
Teamed up with his adult son to brutally assault his own brother-in-law resulting in him needing emergency medical care at a hospital and drew his gun on and threatened to harm a neighbor who attempted to interveneAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Attempted to take his loaded handgun onto his airplane at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, but was stopped by TSA agents who took possession of his weapon and issued him a citationAccording to an airport spokesperson and reported by mainstream outlets
Ronald AndruchukFmr. State Rep. Candidate
Illegally stashed two pistols, three rounds of ammunition and flashlights stuffed with cocaine, amphetamine and oxycodone in a duffel bag hidden in the ceiling of a men’s bathroom inside a local tractor supply storeAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Jeffrey ThomasFmr. District Attorney
Slapped and choked a female work acquaintance and then raped her after he entered her house without permission while also presenting himself as a "tough on crime" prosecutor to the publicAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Was caught with an unloaded gun and loaded magazine clip in his carryon bag as he was going through security at a regional airport in North CarolinaAccording to an airport spokesperson and reported by mainstream outlets
Pointed a loaded gun against his ex-wife's head and threatened to kill her and her new boyfriend, after which she got a restraining order issued against himAccording to a police affidavit filed by his ex-wife's sister -
Ed SniffenFmr. Att. General [R-AK]
Spiked his 17-year-old student's drinks with alcohol without her knowledge while he was out partying with her and other high school students at New Orlean's bars known for loosely enforcing their liquor laws and later had sex with her in his hotel room that nightCorroborated by two of the victim's former teammates who were told of the improper relationship the day after they first had a sexual encounter
Cursed and yelled at police officers who were in the process of arresting minors they caught drinking alcohol and urged the teens to run away which police reported caused the teens to become "unruly" while also portraying herself as a "law and order" politician who supports the policeAccording to arrest records first reported by Colorado News Online
Steven SumnerFmr. County Commissioner
Performed sexual acts on a female minor and tried to get her to do the same to him after providing her alcoholic drinksAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Ross SpanoFmr. U.S. Representative
Attempted to take his loaded concealed handgun onto an airplane at Tampa International Airport, but was stopped by airport security and forced to secure it before being allowed to board his flightAccording to an airport spokesperson and reported by mainstream outlets
Gregg TrudeMontana Right to Life Director
Carelessly tossed a loaded rifle on the backseat of his truck which accidentally discharged and instantly killed his hunting partner while also being a firearm safety instructor who should have known betterAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Jerod PruntyClay Higgins Political Aide
Visited a massage parlor suspected of operating a human sex trafficking ring and was arrested for pandering three days after the parlor was raided by police presumably because they found evidence against himAccording to charging documents filed by local police and first reported by The Advocate -
Lee ChatfieldFmr. House Speaker [R-MI]A+ NRA Rating
Attempted to board an airplane at Pellston Regional Airport in Michigan with an unregistered loaded handgun he had in a carryon bag and was fined nearly $4,000 by the TSAAccording to a report filed by TSA in conjunction with local police
Caleb BaileyTrump 2016 delegate
Hoarded unregistered machine guns, short-barreled rifles and other destructive devices in his underground bunker that was discovered by police after he got caught illegally trying to mail 300 rounds of ammunition via the USPSAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Ralph ShorteyFmr. State Senator [R-OK]Trump 2016 Oklahoma campaign chair
Illegally consumed marijuana with a teenage boy he met on Craigslist in a hotel room after he cosponsored a bill that would have made it so people who get caught with even small amounts of marijuana would be charged with a felony instead of a misdemeanorAccording to charging documents by federal officials
Guy WilliamsFmr. State Judge [R-TX]
Pointed a gun at the driver of a car he was dangerously tailing and tried to run her off the road as he zoomed past herAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Joe ArpaioFmr. Sheriff [R-AZ]
Blatantly disregarded a new law that prevented the targeting of people of Latino descent showing complete disdain for "law and order" while also having had espoused excessive over-the-top rhetoric that claimed the opposite and was found guilty of criminal contempt of courtHe was convicted of criminal contempt but was pardoned by Donald Trump before being sentenced
Brandon PhillipsMike Collins Chief of Staff
Pointed his gun at an unarmed woman who knocked on his door and was ordered to go to counseling if he wanted his charges droppedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Anthony SilvaFmr. Mayor [R-CA]
Gave alcohol to underage male camp counselors as young as 16-years-old and also filmed and photographed many of the boys getting completely naked as they played strip poker in his bedroomAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Jeremy DurhamFmr. State Representative
Had sex with a 20-year-old college student in his government office after drunkenly texting her that he'd like to see her "naked around midnight" and enticing her with a cooler full of beer and later had sex with her in his own home while also being marriedAccording to a report from the Tennessee Attorney General
Peter BobyDuncan Hunter Political Aide
Was caught with an unregistered firearm and ammunition on US Capitol grounds following a routine car inspection by Capitol policeAccording to a report by CNN
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Fearmongered that Mexico was bringing "crime" and "rapists" into the United States while at the same time having himself been credibly accused of rape and sexual assault by 25+ womenAccording to multiple sources and reported on by multiple major outlets -
Ryan ShucardFmr. Tom Marino Press Secretary
Attempted to bring an unlicensed concealed handgun and attached magazine into the US Capitol, but was caught by security and arrestedAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Curry ToddFmr. State Representative
Failed a field sobriety test and refused to submit to a breathalyzer test after being pulled over by police for a suspected DUI upon which they also found a loaded handgun lodged between the driver seat and center consoleAccording to charging documents filed by local police -
Samuel KentFmr. George H W Bush Federal Judge
Lied to a committee of judges investigating him for sexual harassment in an effort to shield himself from consequences for his behavior in what one law professor characterized as "sort of mind-blowing" for a federal judge to obstruct justice as it "betrayed his oath in the most fundamental way"According to court records reported by the media -
Bob AllenFmr. State Representative
Offered to perform oral sex on a random stranger in a public men's restroom for $20 mere months after he co-sponsored a bill that called for public sex offenses like this to be charged as a felony instead of misdemeanor offenseAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Ted KlaudtFmr. State Representative
Hypocritically sponsored a plethora of bills that took a hard stance against child sex offenders when he sexually assaulted two foster children under his careAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Mark FoleyFmr. U.S. Representative35 Years in GOP
Offered a 17-year-old boy working as a Congressional page oral sex in exchange for free lodgings at his home at the same time he was chair of a special Congressional committee dedicated to protecting exploited childrenAccording to voluminous reports filed by mainstream media outlets
Richard RoachFmr. District Attorney
Routinely stole methamphetamine and other strong narcotics from police evidence lockers and openly injected himself with drugs in front of his office secretary while also being a District Attorney who was a fervent prosecutor of drug offenses who secured very harsh drug sentencesHe pled guilty to multiple felony drug charges and was sentenced to 18 years in prison -
Dick CheneyFmr. U.S. Vice-PresidentAEI Conservative of the Year (2009)
Shot his hunting partner Harry Whittington in the face, neck and chest with a 28-gauge shotgun from only 30 yards away which resulted in him being admitted into the ICU at a local hospital and didn't report the shooting publicly for nearly 24 hours and only did so after a local news station reported on the incidentAccording to reporting by mainstream outlets
Joshua WheelerFmr. Political Aide [R-KS]
Attempted to enter the US Capitol with an unregistered handgun that Capitol Police found during a security checkAccording to charging documents filed by Capitol Police
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