New Mexico Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in NM

New Mexico Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals
Pete DomeniciFmr. U.S. Senator [R-NM]51 Years in GOP Office (1966-2017)
Fathered a son with a fellow US Senator's daughter while married with eight children and kept it secret for more than 30 yearsAccording to an admission by the former Senator in an op-ed over 30 years after he fathered the child
New Mexico Republican State Legislator Scandals
Solomon PeñaFmr. State Legislator Nominee
Fired his gun at the home of one of his perceived political enemies and hired four gunmen to conduct drive-by shootings at the homes of three others -- thankfully none of which resulted in anyone being injured -- after losing an election for a seat in the New Mexico HouseAccording to acting Alburquerque police commander Kyle Hartsock