New York Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in NY

New York Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals
George SantosFmr. U.S. Representative
697kMAGA Enthusiast
Charged fellow US Rep. Mas Miller's credit card for political donations that "exceeded FEC limits" without his knowledge or consentAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Bought luxury clothing, erotic adult content online, luxury skin care products, meals and paid off personal debts with more than $50,000 in campaign contributions he told donors would be used to support his bid for CongressAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Violated federal law by asserting he had upwards of $5 million in assets that didn't actually exist and falsely reported he loaned his campaign $500,000 on financial disclosure forms he submitted during his 2022 run for Congress because it helped him qualify for financial help from the RNC5/10/23
Illegally received over $24,000 in COVID unemployment benefits from New York while he was still employed making a $120,000 salary at his job in Florida and then later hypocritically signed on as a top cosigner of a House bill meant to recover these ill-gotten fundsAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials3/09/23
Allegedly paid an accomplice $100 per day to illegally tamper with ATM machines in order to sell customer credit and debit card data onlineAccording to a sworn affidavit submitted to the FBI and Secret Service by alleged accomplice Gustavo Ribeiro Trelha
Lied to a judge about working for Goldman Sachs during a bail hearing for a friend who was accused of fraudAccording to court documents obtained by Politico
Purchased four golden retriever puppies from an Amish breeder with fraudulent checks that later bounced and left the owner of the puppies out of nearly $5,000 in lost incomeAccording to a complaint filed by the owner that was later dismissed when he paid him back2/05/23
Grabbed potential employee Derek Myers' crotch without his consent while they were alone in his office and then told him "my husband is out of town tonight if you want to come over" which he declinedAccording to a firsthand account from the alleged victim who also filed an official complaint with the U.S. Capitol Police and the House Ethics Committee
Pocketed $3,000 from a GoFundMe fundraiser meant to save a homeless veteran's dying service dog who later diedAccording to an investigative report by Patch.com1/09/23
Allowed a top campaign aide to impersonate GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy's chief of staff in calls soliciting money from wealthy donors in both the 2020 and 2022 election cyclesAccording to an investigative report by CNBC1/09/23
Suspiciously listed 37 campaign expenses on purchases like a hotel stay in Miami and other travel expenses as costing $199.99 -- one cent below the legally binding $200 threshold that required itemized receipts -- on his campaign finance formsAccording to allegations detailed in a lawsuit filed by nonprofit campaign watchdog The Campaign Legal Center12/19/22
Stole a checkbook from a dying man his mother was caring for and used the stolen checks to purchase clothing and shoes while living in BrazilAccording to police in Brazil who said he confessed to the crime before leaving for the USA to elude authorities12/19/22
Collected $50 per person at a fundraiser he hosted for animal rescue charity Friends of Pets United that did not appear to exist which makes you wonder where that money wentAccording to an investigative report by The New York Times12/19/22
Lied about working for Goldman Sachs and also Citigroup as an "associate asset manager" of which both companies confirmed they had no information of him ever working for themAccording to an investigative report by The New York Times
Lied about earning degrees in economics and finance from Baruch College and New York University when in fact he hadn't earned any college degree at allAccording to an investigative report by The New York Times -
Drunkenly unhooked a 25-year-old junior lobbyist's bra and massaged her thigh without her consent at a table full of lobbyists at an Irish pub while he was married with two childrenAccording to the alleged victim who publicly accused Reed of groping her -
Chris LeeFmr. U.S. Representative
Emailed a shirtless photo of himself to a woman he found on a "Women Seeking Men" messaging board and lied about his marital status in his message to herAccording to an exclusive report by Gawker picked up by mainstream media
Vito FossellaFmr. U.S. Representative
Kept a secret second family with a former Air Force colonel who gave birth to his daughter and lived part time with them in another state while also being married with three young children who made conservative "family values" a central part of his political identityAccording to his own admission in a court proceeding
Ran a red light with a BAC more than twice the legal limit shortly after leaving a party at the White House, failed numerous field sobriety tests and belligerently threatened to defecate on the floor at the police station after he was arrestedAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Chris CollinsFmr. U.S. RepresentativeFirst US Rep. to endorse Trump
Illegally gave insider information to his son and others to help them avoid more than $768k in losses by selling their stock in a biotech company before news of a multiple sclerosis drug trial failing FDA authorization went public causing the stock to drop 90%He pled guilty to insider trading and was sentenced to 26 months in federal prison before Donald Trump pardoned him only two months into his sentence
New York Republican Judge Scandals
Mark GrisantiState Judge [R-NY]
Pushed a police officer who was attempting to handcuff his wife over a dispute with their neighbor and warned the officer that he'll "be sorry" if he arrested his "f*cking wife" because he was friends with the mayor and two of his children are police officersAccording to a censure ruling by New York's Commission on Judicial Conduct
New York Republican State Legislator Scandals
Trespassed on a constituent's front porch and stole a campaign mailer sent by his political opponent and was caught laughing about his actions on the victim's doorbell cameraAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Jonathan RinaldiFmr. State Rep. Nominee
Belligerently screamed and yelled inside a local polling station and ignored repeated police commands to stop after which he was arrestedAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
New York Republican Mayor Scandals
Rudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]
Ignored a court order that mandated he hand over pertinent information to two former George election workers he owed millions of dollars to after losing a defamation case to themAccording to a contempt ruling by the presiding judge
Slipped his hand under Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson's blazer and skirt after wrapping his arms around her backstage during Trump's rally just before the 1/6 insurrectionAccording to a book excerpt first reported by The Guardian
Was sued for $1.36 million by his former lawyers including one who was a longtime friend for an outstanding legal bill of which he paid off only $214k since 2019According to a lawsuit filed against him by his former attorneys8/30/23
Lost a defamation lawsuit by Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter for spreading a conspiracy theory that they cast thousands of fraudulent votes for Biden after which despicable zealots made their lives a "living nightmare" with racist and sexist threats, MAGA thugs pushed their way into a family home looking for them and Ruby was forced to vacate her home for 2 months under advice from the FBI which left them both traumatized and fearful for their livesAccording to a federal judge who found him liable for defamation
Drank alcohol "all day and night" despite having serious professional responsibilities including being a lawyer for Donald Trump according to his aide Noelle Dunphy who had a job to make sure he was a "functioning" alcoholic5/16/23
Discussed an alleged scheme to sell pardons for $2 million each claiming he would split it evenly with Donald Trump (or possibly keep it all for himself) and asked a woman who worked closely with him if she knew anyone who would be interested and for them to work with him directly instead of publicly via “normal channels”According to a civil lawsuit filed by former employee Noelle Dunphy reported on by mainstream outlets5/16/23
Refused to pay his staffer Noelle Dunphy $1 million in promised wages and repeatedly made excuses to avoid payment until he eventually refused to pay her outrightAccording to a civil lawsuit filed by former employee Noelle Dunphy reported on by mainstream outlets
Coerced his staffer Noelle Dunphy into having sex with him multiple times and to participate in BDSM sex acts -- often after she was unable to consent due to being intoxicated -- and creepily told her that he thinks of her "as my daughter" while they were having sex5/15/23
Demanded his staffer Noelle Dunphy undress for him during almost all of their videoconferences during which he often pleasured himself under a bed sheetDemanded his staffer Noelle Dunphy to work "naked, in a bikini, or in short shorts with an American flag on them" that he purchased for her to wear when she was in the office and also when she worked from home remotely5/15/23
Forced staffer Noelle Dunphy to perform oral sex multiple times including while he was on the speakerphone with Trump and once after pulling out his erect penis saying he couldn't get any work done until "you take care of this"5/15/23
Discussed classified and sensitive information with Donald Trump on speakerphone while his aide could hear and gave the same aide unfettered access to his email accounts that also contained confidential and highly sensitive informationAccording to a civil lawsuit filed by former employee Noelle Dunphy reported on by mainstream outlets6/12/18
Openly engaged in an extramarital affair with a married woman twenty years younger than him and even spent a night with her at a posh resort five days before his wife filed for divorceAccording to divorce papers filed by his estranged wife
David TruaxMayor [R-NY]
Physically assaulted his estranged wife resulting in charges and a restraining order against him, which he promptly violated by going to her home, injuring her and damaging her property1/20/23
Instigated a fight with two innocent people he falsely accused of selling drugs and was charged with harassment after a police investigation determined he was at faultAccording to charging documents filed by local police
New York Republican City Official Scandals
Mitchell BoschFmr. City Council Candidate
Led a mob that physically assaulted riot police multiple times as they were attempting to quell the 1/6 insurrection and fought them every step of the way until the police and National Guard were able to regain control hours laterAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Kimberly McPhersonFmr. City Council Member
Cast three ballots in other people's names in a general election and in one other person's name in a primary election held in 2021According to charging documents filed by federal officials -
Edward AmbrosinoFmr. City Council Member
Stole more than $800,000 in legal fees owed to his law firm by transferring the money to his personal account and then didn't pay the $254,628 tax bill that would have been due had the money been acquired legallyAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Robert OtterstatterFmr. City Council Member Candidate
Stole over $600 worth of groceries by not scanning items in the self-checkout on three separate occasionsAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Kevin Sabella Sr.City Council Member Candidate
Repeatedly stood naked behind his screen door at the front of his house without regard to his neighbors or passersby who can't "un-see" his lewd behaviorAccording to numerous complaints of his behavior reported on by local media
Other New York Republican Scandals
1.2mMAGA Enthusiast
Accepted $255,000 worth of lavish home renovations and over $236,000 in rental payments from billionaire business developer Eitan Wertheimer in exchange for using his position as NYPD Commissioner to lobby on Wertheimer's behalf with city officials, failed to report the additional income on his federal taxes and lied to federal investigators when confronted about itHe pleaded guilty to tax fraud and was sentenced to 4 years in prison
Had an extramarital affair with a corrections officer who was also his subordinate and utilized an apartment he rented that his wife didn't live at while also having two young children at homeAccording to an exclusive report by the New York Daily News
Engaged in a yearslong extramarital affair with the publisher of his memoir where he used an apartment that was originally set aside for exhausted 9/11 ground zero rescue workers to rest and later rented for his personal use presumably at a substantial discountAccording to an exclusive report by The New York Times
Jason SchofieldCommissioner [R-NY]
Filled out and submitted eight absentee ballots for unwitting voters without their knowledge or consent by taking advantage of his position on a local elections board to access their voter informationAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials -
Eric UlrichFmr. Commissioner [R-NY]
Accepted over $150,000 in cash and gifts including premium NY Mets season tickets, a discounted beachfront apartment, a bespoke suit and a one-of-a-kind painting by an apprentice of Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí in exchange for helping his co-conspirators gain special access to top officials to get a leg up on various pet projects of theirsAccording to charging documents filed by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
John NovelloFmr. County Commissioner
Stole over $59k from a local Republican committee and spent it on personal expenses including mortgage payments, wine trips, luxury candies and everyday expenses like groceries1/27/22
Tricked a financial lender into giving him a $1 million loan to purchase and renovate a family home which he falsely represented as an investment property through a fake companyAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Bernard MolloyFmr. Political Aide [R-NY]
Was involved in a minor traffic accident while driving under the influence of alcohol and was arrested when police arrived at the sceneAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Weaved through traffic lanes and had a BAC more than twice the legal limit after submitting to a breathalyzer testAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Allen WeisselbergCFO [R-NY]
Lied under oath in a deposition and also at trial about his role in falsely asserting that Trump's private apartment in Trump Tower was nearly three times larger than it actually was on official tax formsAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
2021 05
Unlawfully evaded paying almost $2 million in taxes over a sixteen-year period on items including rent, luxury cars and private school tuition for his grandchildrenHe pled guilty to all charges and testified against the Trump Organization before being sentenced to five months in jail