Nebraska Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in NE

Scandal Categories

Nebraska Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals

  • Jeff FortenberryJeff FortenberryFmr. U.S. Representative
    Accepted a $30,200 campaign contribution from Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury through three "straw donors" and then lied to federal authorities after they confronted him about it
    According to charging documents filed by federal authorities

Nebraska Republican Executive Branch Scandals

  • Charles HerbsterCharles HerbsterFmr. Gov. Candidate [R-NE]Facebook iconTwitter icon13k
    Inappropriately groped and touched eight women aged from their late teens to mid-20's at political events, beauty pageants and other functions over a five-year period
    According to allegations corroborated by the Nebraska Examiner
    Reached up the skirt and fondled a state senator's bare leg and groped another young woman's buttocks in front of a roomful of people at a public event
    According to allegations corroborated by the Nebraska Examiner
  • Lavon HeidemannLavon HeidemannFmr. Lt. Governor [R-NE]
    Grabbed his sister's wrists and forcefully pushed her out of their 84-year-old mother's bedroom during an argument where he also got within six inches of her face and screamed uncontrollably at her which resulted in his sister seeking and receiving a protective order against him
    According to an exclusive report first published by the Omaha World-Herald