Missouri Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in MO

Missouri Republican Executive Branch Scandals
590kMAGA Enthusiast
Pushed his wife to the floor and took all her personal belongings including her cellphone, wallet and keys so she couldn't call for help or escape their house with her children3/22/22
According to a sworn affidavit by his ex-wife and reported by national media
Violated campaign finance law by coordinating with a Super PAC that ran political attack ads against his opponents without reporting the ads as a gift as required by state and federal law and was fined $178,000 by The Missouri Ethics CommissionAccording to the results of a state ethics investigation which found he violated the law
Coerced his hairstylist into giving him oral sex -- which she did out of fear of what he would do to her if she refused -- while also being married with young children2/22/18
Blindfolded, undressed and restrained his hairstylist's hands to exercise rings above her head and took pictures of her without her consent and then threatened to release them "everywhere" if she told anyoneAccording to testimony from the alleged victim before a select investigative committee
Missouri Republican State Legislator Scandals
John DiehlFmr. House Speaker [R-MO]17 Years in GOP
Exchanged sexually charged text messages with a college freshman and congressional intern decades younger than him while also being married with three childrenAccording to an exclusive report by The Kansas City Star
Don GosenFmr. State Representative
Tricked a woman into beginning an extramarital affair with him by lying to her about being divorced when he was in fact marriedAccording to Gosen's own admission two days after his resignation
Allegedly filmed himself having sex inside the state capitol with a woman he was having an extramarital affair with and also sent her at least one racy photograph of himselfAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Tricia DergesFmr. State Representative
Fraudulently received $296,574 in taxpayer dollars to provide COVID-19 testing at three medical clinics she owned, but the clinics were closed and didn't conduct any testsRaked in $191,815 by selling fake stem-cell treatments to unsuspecting patients she told would help combat COVID-19, but in reality all she administered was amniotic fluid that had no known medical benefits2/01/21
Illegally prescribed more than $190k worth of strong narcotics including oxycodone, amphetamines and tramadol to patients without personally examining them first as required by lawAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Other Missouri Republican Scandals
Mark ThompsonCounty Commissioner [R-MO]
Stole a lawn sign that belonged to a political opponent of his while driving in a truck owned by county taxpayers mere months after being caught on video stealing the same opponent's sign from the parking lot of a private businessAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Patricia LambFmr. Election Official
Stole $15,940 from taxpayers by charging thousands in personal expenses on her government credit card and falsifying records to get paid for work she didn't doAccording to charging documents filed by local officials