Nevada Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in NV

Nevada Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals
John EnsignFmr. U.S. Senator [R-NV]31 Years in GOP
Had a yearlong extramarital affair with his co-chief of staff who also happened to be the wife of his close friend and got caught when his friend saw a text message Ensign sent to his wifeAccording to multiple news reports and a Senate Ethics Committee investigation
Had his parents pay his close friend and his friend's wife who he had an affair with $96,000 to keep them both quiet and used his influence to get his friend a corporate lobbying job, all of which resulted in him eventually resigning from the senateAccording to reports by mainstream media outlets
Nevada Republican Judge Scandals
Stole over $70,000 worth of donations she raised for the statue of a Las Vegas police officer shot and killed in the line of duty and spent it on personal items including plastic surgery and her daughter's weddingAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Nevada Republican Finance Official Scandals
John ChartierFmr. County Treasurer
Had his longtime friend murder his ex-wife and her father at their home out of a bitter custody dispute over their young son in which she planned to move out of the state away from him but unfortunately was too lateAccording to a jury who found him guilty of murder