Republicans Held in Criminal Contempt of Court

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Displaying 9 Scandals
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  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Blatantly and repeatedly violated a gag order which prohibited him from verbally attacking witnesses, jurors and family members of court staff in his New York hush money trial and was ordered to remove all posts that ran afoul of the gag order and pay a $9,000 fine by the judge who held him in contempt
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Ammon BundyAmmon BundyExtremistYouTube iconTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial iconGab icon64k
    YouTube iconTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial iconGab icon64kFar-Right Militia Leader
    Was held in contempt and arrested for brazenly and publicly refusing to comply with an order to appear in court to face defamation charges brought against him by a local hospital
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Nate PaulConservative Businessman [R]
    Lied to a judge under oath about financial transfers he made in violation of a previous court order which resulted in a judge sentencing him to 10 days in jail and fining him $181,760
    According to a ruling by the judge presiding over his criminal case
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Refused to comply with a subpoena from NY Attorney General that demanded he turn over certain business records and was fined $10,000 a day and $110,000 in total by the judge who held him in contempt
    According to a final ruling by an appeals court
  • Jeremy HutchinsonFmr. State Senator [R-AR]
    Failed to pay over $625k in court-ordered child support even after a judge found he easily had the finances to do so and was held in contempt of court and jailed until he paid it off in full
    According to court documents reported by local newspapers
  • Steve BannonSteve BannonFmr. Trump Chief StrategistLauded by Trump
    Defied a Congressional subpoena requiring him to testify before the 1/6 Committee using specious claims of executive privilege and was sentenced to 4 months in jail
    According to a federal jury who found him guilty of contempt of Congress
  • Peter NavarroFmr. Director
    Defied a Congressional subpoena requiring him to testify before the January 6th Committee by citing legally dubious claims of executive privilege
    Federal jury found Navarro guilty, Sentenced to jail for four months
  • Joe ArpaioFmr. Sheriff [R-AZ]
    Blatantly disregarded a new law that prevented the targeting of people of Latino descent showing complete disdain for "law and order" while also having had espoused excessive over-the-top rhetoric that claimed the opposite and was found guilty of criminal contempt of court
    He was convicted of criminal contempt but was pardoned by Donald Trump before being sentenced
  • Donald TrumpDonald Trump45th U.S. PresidentTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTikTok iconYouTube iconTruthSocial icon162.3m  
    Criticized the jury in his criminal hush-money case during an interview in violation of a gag order imposed by the judge and was fined $1,000 and warned that his next violation may result in jail time
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets