Texas Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in TX

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Texas Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals

  • Van TaylorVan TaylorFmr. U.S. RepresentativeInstagram iconTwitter iconFacebook icon814k
    Engaged in a yearlong extramarital affair with a woman who was formerly married to an ISIS terrorist and paid her $5,000 to keep quiet about it
    According to a statement in which he admitted to the affair and announced he was ending his reelection campaign
  • Michael McCaulMichael McCaulU.S. Representative [R-TX]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon92k
    Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon92k  
    Consumed too much alcohol and then took some sleep medication while waiting for his flight at a local airport resulting in him missing his flight and being detained by police for public intoxication
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Ronny JacksonRonny JacksonU.S. Representative [R-TX]Twitter iconInstagram iconFacebook icon67k
    Was wrestled to the ground and handcuffed by police officers after refusing repeating commands to not interfere with emergency responders helping a 15-year-old girl experiencing seizures during which he screamed one was a "f*cking full-on d*ck!" who "better recalculate, motherf*cker!" while also hypocritically promising he will "ALWAYS stand by our country's police officers" which apparently only applies when it is politically convenient for him
    According to bodycam footage released by local police
    Spent $3,147.06 in campaign funds to pay for an extravagant dinner at a private social and dining club that the nonpartisan Office of Congressional Ethics reported was likely a personal expense and not a fundraising event as he claimed
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Used $1,929.07 in campaign funds to pay for 11 months' worth of dues to gain "unlimited access" to a private social and dining club located in Texas
    According to a report released by the nonpartisan House Ethics Committee
    Told a female White House medical staff subordinate he'd like to see her tattoos unobstructed of clothing and commented to a male subordinate that she had "great t*ts" and a "nice ass"
    According to a Defense Department Inspector General review reported on by CNN
  • Daniel RodimerDaniel RodimerFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
    Physically struck a victim and had to complete a six-week anger management course in order to have his charges dropped
    Punched and strangled his victim so severely it caused multiple brain bleeds resulting in his eventual death several days later
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Punched a man in the head outside a local nightclub
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    "Sucker punched" a bartender in the face after he informed Rodimer that other patrons were looking up his girlfriend's skirt
    Physically assaulted someone at a local Waffle House restaurant
    According to an exclusive report by The Associated Press
  • James HarrisJames HarrisFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
    Stole a trailer's worth of his competitor's campaign signs and was caught red-handed by two of them who witnessed it
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Joe BartonJoe BartonFmr. U.S. Representative92.4% Voted with Trump
    Had sex multiple times in one day inside his political office in rural Texas with a woman he met on Facebook while also being married
    According to an exclusive report by local radio WBAP in Texas
    Had sex with a woman who wasn't his wife twice -- once in Washington, D.C. and another time in Texas -- and continued to communicate with her over sexualized text messages, videos and voicemails for five more years
    According to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
    Sent pictures of himself masturbating to three women -- two whom he had an extramarital affair with -- and threatened to sic the Capitol Police on one of the women he was involved with if she went public with his naked pictures
    According to a recorded phone call between Barton and one woman he had an affair with exclusively reported by The Washington Post
    Preached the importance of adhering to Christian "family values" like being faithful to your wife but had affairs with 2 different women and sent naked pictures of himself to a third
    According to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
  • Brad NamdarBrad NamdarFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
    Hired a professional escort for sex on two separate occasions and refused to pay her after the second time they had sex while also being married
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Blake FarentholdBlake FarentholdFmr. U.S. RepresentativeTea Party Enthusiast
    Openly talked with a male aide about "sexual fantasies" and "wet dreams" he had about his female communications director Lauren Greene and fired her after shortly after she filed a formal complaint and then secretly paid her $84,000 in taxpayer funds from a secretive "Office of Compliance" account after she agreed to drop a federal lawsuit she filed against him
    Settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with a confidentiality agreement for $84,000 using a secret taxpayer funded account which kept it from the public for years
    Routinely "drank to excess” at Capitol Hill functions so much that his staff felt they had to be on "red head patrol" in order to "keep him out of trouble" because he would regularly say sexually improper things to female staff and lobbyists when he was drunk
    According to an exclusive report by Politico
  • Steve StockmanSteve StockmanFmr. U.S. Representative35 Years in GOP
    Illegally spent $1.25 million dollars in funds meant for charity on campaign and personal expenses including hot air balloon rides and a new dishwasher
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Kevin BradyKevin BradyFmr. U.S. Representative
    Smelled of alcohol and failed a field sobriety test after being pulled over for a malfunctioning tail light
    According to a police report filed by local authorities

Texas Republican Executive Branch Scandals

  • Greg AbbottGreg AbbottGovernor [R-TX]Facebook iconTwitter iconInstagram iconYouTube iconTikTok icon2.4m
    Pardoned an admittedly racist convicted murderer who made good on his online threats to confront and shoot protesters by killing an Air Force veteran peacefully participating in a protest one year into his 25-year sentence
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Ken PaxtonKen PaxtonAttorney General [R-TX]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon701k
    Personally lobbied to connect a business executive with prior criminal convictions for theft and fraud with the state comptroller overseeing a multimillion-dollar initiative meant to combat opioid overdoses despite him not having had any experience working on statewide public health initiatives
    According to an exclusive investigative report by Pro Publica and The Texas Tribune
    Called and threatened "several" Texas State Reps with "political consequences" if they voted to impeach him for corruption
    According to a speech delivered by Rep. Green in the Texas State House
    Retaliated against four staffers who reported his alleged corruption to the FBI by maligning them as "rogue employees" and fired or forced them out through other means and later spent $3.3 million in taxpayer dollars to settle a wrongful termination lawsuit which also forced him to apologize for disparaging them
    According to a settlement agreement reached between Paxton and the fired staffers
    Accepted thousands of dollars' worth of home remodeling and repairs in addition to securing employment for a woman he was having an affair with from wealthy real estate developer Nate Paul in exchange for investigating Paul's business adversaries and helping him settle a lawsuit in his favor
    According to an official complaint filed by seven of Paxton's top aides
    Had a yearslong extramarital affair with a woman who worked for a Republican state senator and was able to keep it secret by using a fake Uber account to rendezvous with her and then facilitated her transfer to a job working for a wealthy business executive and donor he was criminally involved with
    According to two people with direct knowledge who spoke on condition of anonymity with The Associated Press
    Convinced numerous people into investing $840,000 in a technology company that he secretly earned commissions on while giving the false impression he was actually an investor
    According to charging documents filed by states attorneys

Texas Republican Judge Scandals

  • Guy WilliamsGuy WilliamsFmr. State Judge [R-TX]
    Illegally passed through security at a local county courthouse because he felt he should be granted access without having to go through a security check, telling a judge she had "two (2) choices, let me pass or arrest me," of which officers promptly chose the latter
    Shouted profanities at first responders who were assisting him after a car he was a passenger in crashed into two palm trees and soon after passed out in the back of a patrol car presumably because he was drunk
    Pointed a gun at the driver of a car he was dangerously tailing and tried to run her off the road as he zoomed past her
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Russ CaseyRuss CaseyFmr. Justice of the Peace
    Forged more than 100 signatures on a candidate petition to ensure he could get on the ballot for the 2018 Republican primary
    He pled guilty to tampering with govenment records and was sentenced to five years of probation
    Coerced a subordinate into giving him oral sex multiple times -- once while he wore his black judge's robe -- and to have sex with him two times and would lash out her as a “horrible court manager” if she ever refused his advances, which she didn't do often because he was her boss, while being married the entire time
    According to a federal civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
    Frequently exposed himself to a subordinate at his courthouse offices over a five-year period
    According to a federal civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim
    Exposed his penis to a subordinate cornered in her locked office and slammed the door back shut when she tried to flee and then threatened that she better think twice before reporting him because he's the only person standing between her and the unemployment line
    According to a federal civil lawsuit filed by the alleged victim

Texas Republican State Legislator Scandals

  • Dade PhelanDade Phelan House Speaker [R-TX]Twitter iconFacebook icon44k
    Repeatedly slurred his speech and swayed back and forth as he led official proceedings as the Texas Speaker of the House in a way fellow Republican and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton described as "debilitating intoxication"
    According to reports by local and state media
  • Vanessa TijerinaVanessa TijerinaFmr. State Sen. Candidate
    Was arrested for suspected DUI after calling 911 on herself thinking she was involved in a crash which police determined was not true
    Refused to obey repeated police commands to roll down her window while parked at a local restaurant because they smelled a strong odor of marijuana inside her car and suspected she was under the influence of drugs or alcohol and was caught with multiple "crack pipes" in her car that her young child was also a passenger in
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Charles SchwertnerState Senator [R-TX]
    Swerved in and out of his lane for an extended period of time around 1am and was arrested for refusing a breathalyzer after police observed him slurring his speech with a "strong odor of alcoholic beverages on his breath"
    According to a police report filed by local officials
    Sent unsolicited nude pictures of himself in the shower and texted "I just really want to f*ck you" to a graduate student he met at a campus event while also being married with three children
    According to a complaint filed by the alleged victim first reported by The Austin American-Statesmen
  • Bryan SlatonBryan SlatonFmr. State RepresentativeTwitter icon11k
    Twitter icon11k  
    Served so much alcohol to two underage legislative aides and a 21-year-old intern that one vomited and the other two were so dizzy that they had "split vision"
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
    Had unprotected sex with an inebriated 19-year-old he had provided alcohol to which a Republican-led investigation determined was tantamount to rape because his victim "could not effectively consent to intercourse" due to the influence of alcohol and also because she very likely would have said no as it was her first time having sex and later took her to the drugstore so should could purchase emergency contraception while also being a married "family values" lawmaker who routinely denounced the so-called "grooming" of children
    According to an official complaint filed against Slaton and exclusively reported by The Texas Tribune
  • Aaron PeñaAaron PeñaFmr. State RepresentativeTwitter icon6k
    Forcibly kissed and groped a congressional intern and ignored her pleas to stop after creating a situation where they would be alone in his car together
    According to an allegation filed by the alleged victim and reported by mainstream media
  • Frederick FrazierState Representative
    Impersonated a city compliance officer on at least two occasions so he could order people to remove campaign signs his opponent had displayed at local businesses while also portraying himself as a fierce defender of law and order
    According to charging documents filed by local police
  • Charlie GreenState Representative
    Accused Texas AG Ken Paxton of personally calling and threatening "several" Texas State Rep's with "political consequences" if they vote to impeach him for corruption
    According to a speech delivered by Rep. Green in the Texas State House

Texas Republican Finance Official Scandals

  • Karen PhillipsCounty Clerk [R-TX]
    Aided her son in his attempt to avoid getting arrested by the police following a traffic stop gone awry
    According to charging documents filed by local police

Texas Republican Mayor Scandals

  • James MontgomeryJames MontgomeryFmr. Mayor [R-TX]
    Solicited sex with who he thought was a 15-years-old girl over the internet and traveled to meet her where he was arrested by undercover officers who posed as the young girl
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Matt McIlravyMatt McIlravyFmr. Mayor [R-TX]
    Solicited sex with who he thought was a 12-year-old girl but was instead an undercover police officer over a series of private messages on the internet while also being a married father of two boys
    According to charging documents filed by local police

Texas Republican City Official Scandals

  • Brad BensonBrad BensonFmr. City Council Candidate
    Possessed felony media involving children which resulted in his arrest by local authorities
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets

Other Texas Republican Scandals

  • Tony YochamTony YochamFmr. Chief of Police
    Sexually abused a child multiple times before he was caught and arrested while also being a married father of five children
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Walt SmithWalt SmithCommissioner [R-TX]
    Ran a red light and slammed his pickup truck into a larger box truck at 3am causing a crash that dragged their vehicles for several hundred feet after which he failed a videotaped field sobriety test during which he was swaying, struggled to do a one-leg stand and was observed having a strong odor of alcohol by officers on scene
    According to a police report filed by local officials
    Urinated next to a truck parked outside a local bar moments after he was caught on video inside the bar swaying and having difficulty walking straight presumably because he had too much to drink
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Richard RoachFmr. District Attorney
    Routinely stole methamphetamine and other strong narcotics from police evidence lockers and openly injected himself with drugs in front of his office secretary while also being a District Attorney who was a fervent prosecutor of drug offenses who secured very harsh drug sentences
    He pled guilty to multiple felony drug charges and was sentenced to 18 years in prison
  • Jack StickFmr. Conservative Lawyer
    Drove erratically and was pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence, argued with the officer and refused to submit to a breathalyzer or field sobriety tests upon which he was arrested for drunk driving
    According to charging documents filed by local police