Republican Hypocrisy Scandals

Scott FinkbeinerFmr. Sheriff [R-AR]
Consumed crystal meth at a drug house he drove to in his marked police vehicle while dressed in uniform and then lied to federal investigators when they questioned himAccording to charging documents filed by state and federal officials
Sent numerous unsolicited sexualized texts to former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson asking her for "sexual favors” which would have become public if she were subpoenaed to testify under oath so Republican Speaker Mike Johnson dispatched his top aide to prevent it from happeningAccording to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
Tracy EllixsonCounty Commissioner [R-NC]
According to charging documents filed by local officials
Brazenly violated House rules he voted in favor of by improperly having a Republican colleague cast two votes for him by proxy so he could skip town to participate in Bill Maher's "Real Time" show after he hypocritically spent years blasting Democrats for the processAccording to an exclusive scoop first reported by Punchbowl News
Brandon SteeleState Representative
Brandished his assault rifle and drunkenly threatened multiple people admiring Christmas lights in his neighborhood which "terrified" his three children and wife so much they all hid in the bathroom while she spoke with 911 for 23 mins to let them know he was a "severe alcoholic" and that she was concerned he was going to shoot someoneAccording to a police report filed by local officials
John SweeneyCity Council Member [R-WI]
Drove over a raised curb and drunkenly passed out in his car with the engine running in a Taco Bell parking lot around midnight, couldn't tell responding officers where he came from or where he lived, refused a breathalyzer test and was caught with a firearm on his person in violation of state lawAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Paid more than a dozen women tens of thousands of dollars for sex and left a paper trail by using a mobile cash app to give them the moneyAccording to bombshell report released by the bipartisan House Ethics Committee
Attempted to jump on the stage and gyrate with exotic dancers while he was extremely intoxicated at a gentlemen's club with his employees and had to be dragged off stage by a female subordinateAccording to an exclusive report by The New Yorker
Ricci WynneMAGA Influencer
Functioned as an illegal pimp for a female sex worker where he advertised her services and coordinated rendezvous with johns and was found in possession of nearly $80k in cash when police searched his homeAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Justin HerringFmr. Nebraska GOP Member
Allegedly physically abused his intimate partner multiple times over a two-year period including at least one incident that involved a gun and an infantAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Illegally acquired at least a dozen firearms, knives, brass knuckles and numerous boxes of ammunition and stashed many of them in a hidden room in his basement likely because he isn't legally allowed to own any of them because he is a convicted felonAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Attended numerous alcohol and drug-fueled "sex parties" where he consumed cocaine and other illicit drugs while he was a sitting congressmanAccording to an attorney representing two women who testified that they attended the parties with Gaetz
Allegedly had sex with an underage 17-year-old girl who had just completed her junior year in high school twice in one night at a party hosted by convicted sex offender Joel Greenberg and then paid her $400 in cash afterwardsAccording to bombshell report released by the bipartisan House Ethics Committee
Fathered a child out of wedlock with another woman which resulted in an "irretrievable breakdown" of his first marriage and eventual divorceAccording to an exclusive report by The New Yorker
Becky HoodFmr. County Commissioner
According to charging documents filed by local officials
Illegally resided in the United States when he launched his first business by utilizing a student visa he was granted for a graduate program at Stanford that he never actually enrolled in and then years later hypocritically claimed that undocumented immigrants are destroying the country he once unlawfully worked in himselfAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Jay CutlerConservative Athlete [R]
Crashed into another vehicle while driving under the influence of alcohol, attempted to flee the scene after unsuccessfully offering to bribe the driver he hit with $2k to not call the police, slurred his words and refused a field sobriety test when police arrived and was found to be in possession of a loaded pistol and second gun in violation of state lawAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Carl MaughanState Representative
Committed multiple traffic infractions in short order and was found to be in possession of a loaded semi-automatic handgun, empty bottle of whiskey and case of beer with multiple cans missing when police pulled him overAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Starred in multiple gay adult videos under a pseudonym not long before he pivoted to become a self-described "school choice evangelist" who lambasted LGBTQ rights for gay studentsAccording to an exclusive report by Current Revolt
Signed up for an account on a website that connects people looking to engage in extramarital affairs while also being marriedAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Mark RobinsonLt. Governor [R]
Posted such extremely lewd and shocking comments on an adult website that CNN refused to publish the vast majority due to their extraordinarily "graphic nature"According to an exclusive report by CNN
Wrote multiple shockingly vulgar posts about participating in a variety of explicit sex acts with his wife's sister on an adult website which were so detailed that it begs the question of whether he was fantasizing or actually admitting to having an affair with herAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Frequented at least two adult video stores where he watched pornographic videos in a private booth he rented and also purchased "hundreds" of bootlegged pornographic videos over a yearslong periodAccording to an exclusive report by The Assembly: NC
Had an extramarital affair with a woman that resulted in the destruction of his marriage after he refused his wife's overture to reconcile while also publicly portraying himself as “a Christian, conservative family man” who adheres to traditional Christian valuesAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Catherine NelsonDonor
Drove recklessly while drunk and was found with a loaded 9mm handgun in her drivers-side door in violation of state lawAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Victoria SpartzU.S. Representative [R-IN]
Packed a handgun in her carryon bag and was caught by airport security when she went through a security checkAccording to charging documents filed by state officials
Neil FriskeState Representative
Allegedly sexually assaulted an exotic dancer and then chased her around with a loaded gun that he eventually fired in her vicinity outside of his home at 2:30 in the morningAccording to a police report filed by local officials
Zack ScrivnerCounty Supervisor
Armed himself with a gun while experiencing what his aunt told police was a psychotic episode and got in a physical altercation with his minor children who wound up stabbing him twice to protect themselves and disarm him and was found to be in possession of thirty firearms and psychedelic mushrooms when police arrivedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Austin SmithState Representative
Forged "rows" of voter names, addresses and signatures on petitions he filed to qualify for the 2024 Republican primary in Arizona while also championing himself as an "election integrity warrior" who routinely espoused voter fraud conspiracy theoriesAccording to an exclusive report by The Arizona Republic
Don WilsonState Representative
Left his loaded semiautomatic 9mm handgun behind in a public restroom of the state capitol which sat unattended for nearly 30 minutes before a janitor found it and alerted state troopersAccording to a report by USA Today
Jamey NoelFmr. Sheriff [R-IN]
Illegally purchased or retained two apparently "brand new" handguns and ammunition in violation of a judge's order to hand over all firearms he owned outside of a single shotgun he was allowed to keep for personal protectionAccording to a ruling by the judge overseeing his criminal trial
Brian PritchardGeorgia GOP Vice-President
Illegally voted in nine elections between 2008 and 2011 while he was on probation for a prior felony conviction and ineligible to vote in Georgia while also having hypocritically spread baseless claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election and was later fined $5,000 and given a public reprimand by the judge overseeing his caseAccording to an investigative report by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Asked a young woman who was getting paid by his best friend Joel Greenberg to have sex with other men to join him for a weekend trip to the Florida Keys where he said there would be "2 guys, 4 girls" and insinuated sex would be involvedAccording to an exclusive report by ABC News
Had sex with a 21-year-old who was under the influence of "all kinds of controlled substances" at a drug-fueled party she was paid to attendAccording to an exclusive report by The Daily Beast
Jim LucasState Representative
Exposed his holstered concealed firearm to a group of students visiting the state capitol to advocate for new gun control legislation while lecturing them about his right to defend himselfAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Mike LynchState Representative
Recklessly drove 90mph on an interstate highway while under the influence of alcohol with a BAC nearly twice the legal limit and was found to be in possession of a firearm in violation of state law after police pulled him overAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Scott FinkbeinerFmr. Sheriff [R-AR]
Unbuttoned his pants and forced his victim to manually stimulate him while high on crystal meth at a local drug house after he unsuccessfully propositioned her for sex while also being marriedAccording to charging documents filed by state and federal officials
Had group sex with a woman he and his wife Bridget Ziegler were longtime friends with after having hypocritically spent years lambasting LGBTQ rights and touting the importance of adhering to "traditional family values" in public and private lifeAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Alan HostetterFmr. Chief of Police
Armed himself with a hatchet, tactical gear, knives, stun batons and pepper spray and then marched on the US Capitol where he used a megaphone to encourage the crowd to overpower the police and break into the buildingAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
350kMAGA Enthusiast
Participated in at least one three-way sexual encounter with her husband and a mutual female friend while also hypocritically being an ardent opponent of gay rights who has spent years touting the importance of "traditional family values"According to news reports from credible media outlets
2.5mMAGA Enthusiast
Grabbed and struck a woman in her forehead with a 9mm pistol leaving blood running down her face, an inch-wide cut on her face and a handprint bruise where he grabbed her on her forearmAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Jimmy StephensFmr. Sheriff [R-AR]
Was caught with unprescribed pain killers, smokable marijuana and marijuana butter in his patrol car after the FBI requested that the Arkansas state police pull him over because they had just witnessed him exit a suspected drug house under their surveillanceAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Steve AlembikActivist [R]Donated over $200k to Republican causes
Shot his wife in her back and arm causing serious but not life-threatening injuries and then killed himself while sitting in their car outside a fast-food restaurant in a botched murder-suicide attemptAccording to police records first reported by The Miami Herald
Cheated on and left his wife of 34 years for a DC lobbyist after having spent years touting "traditional family values" as a pillar of his political identityAccording to court filings first reported by the local newspaper Index-Journal
2.3mLauded by Trump
Engaged in a multiyear extramarital affair with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski while also being married with three young children who made conservative "family values" a central part of her public personaAccording to five sources who spoke exclusively with the New York Post
Luis BorundaFmr. MD Dep. Secretary of State
Solicited a sexual encounter with 13-year-old girl over the internet and drove to meet her in a local park only to get arrested by police who posed as the young girlAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Laura ViarState Judge [R-KS]
Ran off the road and crashed into a school building while driving under the influence of alcohol and on a suspended license and refused to take a breathalyzer when police arrived while also being a member of her local county's Anti-Drug Task ForceAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Was wrestled to the ground and handcuffed by police officers after refusing repeating commands to not interfere with emergency responders helping a 15-year-old girl experiencing seizures during which he screamed one was a "f*cking full-on d*ck!" who "better recalculate, motherf*cker!" while also hypocritically promising he will "ALWAYS stand by our country's police officers" which apparently only applies when it is politically convenient for himAccording to bodycam footage released by local police
Rene PedrosaFmr. Spokesperson [R]Top aide to Republican Mayor of Miami
Texted a 16-year-old boy that he's "dying to sleep with" him and let the boy know he was home alone if he wanted to come by, which the boy declined and reminded him that he was a minorAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Held an alcohol fueled party in his Congressional office and then drunkenly unloaded on teenage Senate pages by calling them "little sh*ts" and "jack*sses" for not being respectful of the history and grandeur of the US Capitol and told them to "get the f*ck out of" the Capitol rotunda when he came cross them taking pictures following a long day of helping assist US SenatorsAccording to a photograph of his office that showed copious amounts of alcohol on a nearby table
14.8mMAGA Enthusiast
Texted multiple pictures of his exposed penis and other sexually graphic images to a former employee who described his behavior as "super creepy" and "groomer-ish"According to screenshots of the texts shared by the victim with Mediate -
Jason EllsworthFmr. State Senator [R-MT]
Hysterically waved his loaded gun all around and also directly at his partner during a fit of rage and then she said he "laid his 300-pound self" on top of her and tried to "force" her to shoot him while she tried to escape his graspAccording to a police report filed by local officials
Declined to recuse himself from an investigation into an addiction recovery center he accepted a $6,900 donation from when in a prior case he forced a judge to recuse themself for accepting a donation of only $250According to an investigative report by The Daily Beast
Was sued for $200k by a husband who claimed he used his position to persuade his wife, who was a mid-level state government employee, to engage in a yearslong affair that included instances of group sex and led to the eventual destruction of the couple's marriageAccording to a $200,000 civil lawsuit filed by former Republican candidate Scott Lassiter
According to reports by mainstream media outlets
Matthew ReillyFmr. City Council Member
Passed out in his car in a parking lot after consuming crack cocaine laced with fentanyl and was later found to have two crack pipes and "white rock-like" substance in his possession when police arrived to check on him after a concerned citizen reported that it looked like he was choking and exhibiting signs of an overdoseAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Rudy GiulianiFmr. Mayor [R-NY]
Coerced his staffer Noelle Dunphy into having sex with him multiple times and to participate in BDSM sex acts -- often after she was unable to consent due to being intoxicated -- and creepily told her that he thinks of her "as my daughter" while they were having sexAccording to a civil lawsuit filed by former employee Noelle Dunphy reported on by mainstream outlets -
George SantosFmr. U.S. Representative
697kMAGA Enthusiast
Illegally received over $24,000 in COVID unemployment benefits from New York while he was still employed making a $120,000 salary at his job in Florida and then later hypocritically signed on as a top cosigner of a House bill meant to recover these ill-gotten fundsAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials -
Served so much alcohol to two underage legislative aides and a 21-year-old intern that one vomited and the other two were so dizzy that they had "split vision"Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Solicited nude pictures from a 15-year-old boy by promising him that he'll share his "entire network" of right-wing friends with the aspiring young activist if he compliedAccording to an exclusive report by The Daily Beast
Richard ImpallariaFmr. State Representative
Illegally possessed two firearms despite being prohibited from handling or owning firearms due to a prior conviction for batteryAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Ronald AndruchukFmr. State Rep. Candidate
Illegally acquired 211 guns and 25,390 rounds (1,555.8 pounds) of ammunition that he stashed throughout a property he shared with his wife and three young children by lying about his severe drug abuse problem on purchase formsAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Asked a 17-year-old boy to send him a picture of his penis by texting "show me ur [eggplant emjoi]" and replying "Omg d*ck" when the boy asked what the emoji meantAccording to an exclusive report by The Daily Beast
Had unprotected sex with an inebriated 19-year-old he had provided alcohol to which a Republican-led investigation determined was tantamount to rape because his victim "could not effectively consent to intercourse" due to the influence of alcohol and also because she very likely would have said no as it was her first time having sex and later took her to the drugstore so should could purchase emergency contraception while also being a married "family values" lawmaker who routinely denounced the so-called "grooming" of childrenAccording to an official complaint filed against Slaton and exclusively reported by The Texas Tribune
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Baselessly accused a wide swath of election officials and everyday citizens of a myriad of election crimes without any evidence while he himself committed actual election crimes like pressuring the Georgia Secretary of State to throw out thousands of legally cast ballots, making illegal campaign finance payments to cover up sex scandals and inciting an insurrection against the US Government to overturn Joe Biden's decisive election victoryAccording to reporting by numerous outlets over a yearslong period -
According to charging documents filed by local police
Tailgated his teenage nephew's truck at distances as close as two feet throughout his brother's farm for over a mile and later sent him threatening voicemails and texts in retaliation for the teen reportedly giving him the middle fingerAccording to a police affidavit filed by his own brother
Trent HinkleCommissioner [R-IN]
Threw his phone in a rage and struck his less than 14-year-old foster child in the leg resulting in a cut and bruise during an argument over not cleaning their roomAccording to a police report filed by local officials
Matt GrossellState Representative
Swerved in and out of his lane at 2:30am while going nearly 20 mph over the speed limit and was found to have a BAC of over twice the legal limit after police pulled him over and then unsuccessfully tried to exploit his personal relationship with the arresting officer to get out of trouble, which is especially egregious as he was a former sheriff's deputy who served on his legislature's "Public Safety" committeeAccording to a police report filed by local officials -
Peter FilibertoFmr. City Council Member
Attempted to flee from police on his motorcycle but wobbled and fell to the ground before he could get away, refused a field sobriety test, was found to be driving on a suspended license and had 10 grams of cocaine hidden in his shoesAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Ronald AndruchukFmr. State Rep. Candidate
Recklessly fired multiple firearms from his property that sent his neighbors fleeing for cover from bullets "whizzing" by both them and responding police officers' heads and was later found dressed in a bulletproof vest and tactical gear holding four guns and methamphetamineAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Solomon PeñaFmr. State Legislator Nominee
Fired his gun at the home of one of his perceived political enemies and hired four gunmen to conduct drive-by shootings at the homes of three others -- thankfully none of which resulted in anyone being injured -- after losing an election for a seat in the New Mexico HouseAccording to acting Alburquerque police commander Kyle Hartsock
463kMAGA Enthusiast
Hypocritically engaged in gay behavior where he groped 3 men and attempted to kiss another without their consent while leading an organization that promotes anti-LGBTQ policies and gives a prominent platform to virulently anti-gay demagoguesAccording to news reports from credible media outlets
Danny RampeyState Rep. Nominee [R-GA]
Stole prescription drugs from senior citizens residing in an assisted living community he managed by entering their apartments when they were not home and was caught in the act by police who had been tipped off by residents who reported their missing prescriptions to the authoritiesAccording to charging documents filed by the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office
Nina WebberWyoming GOP Staffer
Indiscriminately fired dozens of shots across a highway at a group of elk, forcing two people to seek cover as bullets "whizzed" by their heads while they were outside on their private propertyAccording to charging documents filed by local officials
Steven PankeyGov. Candidate [R-ID]
According to charging documents filed by state officials
Fred PiccoloFmr. Jackie Toledo Campaign Mgr.
Texted state rep Jackie Toledo an unsolicited image of his erect penis and a number of other photographs of himself in "various states of undress" without her consentAccording to a lawsuit filed by former state rep Jackie Toledo
Jody GreeneFmr. Sheriff [R-NC]
Had a monthslong extramarital affair with a female subordinate where they had sex in multiple places including his office, home and a local shooting range -- once even kicking out the window of his patrol car while they were having sex -- and eventually impregnated herAccording to court records reported by local publications
Randy Gene KaufmanFmr. School Board Member Candidate
Pleasured himself watching videos in his truck within view of a busy road used by parents to pick up children from a nearby preschool after having spewed propaganda about wanting to protect childrenAccording to an arrest report filed by local police -
Watched his wife have sex with a much younger man both in person and via CCTV over a period of seven years while also being a minister who preached the virtues of monogamy and abstinence before marriageAccording to a bombshell report by Reuters
Paid for ex-girlfriend to get an abortion in 2009 and later expressed support for a total abortion ban with no exception for incest, rape, or the life of the motherAccording to a report by The Daily Beast -
Mike EricksonFmr. U.S. Rep Nominee
Ran a stop sign and proceeded to drive erratically until police who observed him "stumble" out of a bar around 1:40am pulled him over, noticed an "overwhelming odor of alcohol" and conducted a field sobriety test which he failed spectacularly and then was found to have oxycodone that had not been prescribed to him and yet he also portrayed himself as a "tough on crime" candidateAccording to court documents reported by local newspapers
Billy OswaldFmr. State Sen. Candidate
According to a federal lawsuit filed by a former employee
Luke BowenFmr. Texas Right to Life Executive
Solicited sex with a 13-year-old girl over the internet and sent her pictures of his erect penis not realizing he was actually communicating with an undercover police officer at the same time he was the political director for a prominent anti-abortion organization that espoused far-right "family values"According to charging documents filed by Assistant District Attorney Kelly Blackburn
Scott EskFmr. State Rep. Candidate
Allegedly made frequent phone calls to a "house of prostitution" presumably to have sex with the women who worked there while also being a married father of threeAccording to accusations made by his estranged wife in her divorce filing
Donald Trump47th U.S. President
Riled up crowds at rallies with chants of "lock her up!" after the FBI discovered a small number of classified files accidentally stored on Hillary Clinton's secure home server, but then intentionally took 300+ documents ranging from standard classified to the most sensitive top secret storing them in insecure locations at Mar-a-Lago and subverted multiple efforts to return them to authoritiesAccording to multiple sources and reported on by all major outlets
Matthew LeveridgeState's Attorney [R-KY]
Impregnated a criminal defendant his office prosecuted sometime during their two-month affair and then rescinded her pretrial diversion agreement presumably out of payback for telling his wife about the affair and babyAccording to a report by The Daily Beast
Vish BurraGeorge Santos Political Aide
Was caught with 2 1/2 pounds of marijuana and 1,000 milligrams of psilocybin (also known as magic mushrooms) stashed in his apartment following a police raidAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Frederick FrazierState Representative
Impersonated a city compliance officer on at least two occasions so he could order people to remove campaign signs his opponent had displayed at local businesses while also portraying himself as a fierce defender of law and orderAccording to charging documents filed by local police
Fathered three secret children out of wedlock and only took responsibility for his youngest child after the mother took him to court in order to force him to pay child supportAccording to an investigative report by The Daily Beast
Ricky CarterFmr. County Commissioner
Teamed up with his adult son to brutally assault his own brother-in-law resulting in him needing emergency medical care at a hospital and drew his gun on and threatened to harm a neighbor who attempted to interveneAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Got on top of another man while he was naked and simulated receiving oral sex by repeatedly thrusting his pelvis near their head while making high-pitched moaning soundsAccording to a NSFW video posted online by an anonymous source
Ben IgnatowiczYork County, SC Republican Party Chair
Spanked a child under his care in the bottom so hard that it caused bruising and admitted to police officers that he "would agree it was excessive"According to charging documents filed by state police -
Attempted to take his loaded handgun onto his airplane at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, but was stopped by TSA agents who took possession of his weapon and issued him a citationAccording to an airport spokesperson and reported by mainstream outlets
Mentally and emotionally abused his minor child by implying they will "burn in hell" and spitefully wished they will become ill any time they "see or touch something" they enjoyed over a series of texts and emails that resulted in his estranged wife being granted a restraining order against himAccording to a police report filed by his estranged wife
590kMAGA Enthusiast
According to a sworn affidavit by his ex-wife and reported by national media
Ronald AndruchukFmr. State Rep. Candidate
Illegally stashed two pistols, three rounds of ammunition and flashlights stuffed with cocaine, amphetamine and oxycodone in a duffel bag hidden in the ceiling of a men’s bathroom inside a local tractor supply storeAccording to charging documents filed by federal officials
Brad NamdarFmr. U.S. Rep Candidate
Hired a professional escort for sex on two separate occasions and refused to pay her after the second time they had sex while also being marriedAllegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
Stan PulliamFmr. Gov. Candidate [R-OR]
Admitted to having group sex with his wife and "other couples" they met on a local online swinger groupAccording to an exclusive report by the Willamette Week
Sean ParnellFmr. U.S. Senate Candidate
Strangled his wife multiple times, once kicked her out of their car on the side of the highway when she was pregnant, struck his child leaving a handprint and hit another child with a door leaving a bruise over a yearslong periodAccording to court records in an order granting his ex-wife sole legal custody of their children
Hypocrisy and shamelessness are innate to today's Republican party, and they cannot survive as a viable national party if they told the truth and behaved with integrity. And Republican politicians also cannot win their primaries if they behaved with integrity and told the truth to their voters.
When your policies are extreme and unpopular, you have to lie to the American people in order to maintain power. All that lying leads to hypocrisy. You take an extreme stance against abortion even though you supported it when it impacted you. You spout self-righteous pithy lines on "family values" but engage in extramarital affairs with escorts, have pregnancies outside marriage or don't take care of children you had outside of a marriage. You or your loved ones are gay, but you support anti-LGBT legislation.
It's not wonder so many Republican scandals are rooted in hypocrisy.