Ohio Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in OH

Scandal Categories

Ohio Republican U.S. Congress Member & Candidate Scandals

  • Bernie MorenoBernie MorenoU.S. Senate Nominee [R-OH]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon43k
    Settled 14 separate lawsuits brought by former employees who alleged he illegally withheld their overtime pay for an undisclosed amount
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
    Was found liable to pay $416,000 to two former employees for unpaid overtime, damages and attorney's fees
    According to news reports from credible media outlets
  • Jim JordanJim JordanU.S. Representative [R-OH]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube icon6m
    Opened a sham investigation into Jack Smith's prosecution of Donald Trump and his co-conspirators based on ridiculous claims from a lawyer involved in the case presumably to hinder it
    According to an exclusive report by NBC News
    Pressured a sexual abuse victim's elderly parents to convince their son to retract his accusation that he knew about rampant sexual abuse by a team doctor he worked with and turned a blind eye to it for years
    According to an investigative report by The New York Times
    Ignored repeated accusations of sexual molestation by a team physician for a college wrestling team he coached and even told one student athlete that he wanted "nothing to do with this" after they told him about the alleged abuse
    According to six former student-athletes he coached and first reported by NBC News
  • J.R. MajewskiJ.R. MajewskiFmr. U.S. Rep NomineeTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconTruthSocial iconGab icon142k
    Drove drunk on his military base in Okinawa, Japan after which his military rank was demoted, but publicly he blamed the demotion on a fight he had in his dormitory
    Falsely claimed he was a combat veteran who served under "tough" conditions in the Afghanistan War, but military records show he never actually deployed to Afghanistan and instead spent six months loading planes on a military base in Qatar over 1,000 miles away from the fighting
    According to military records obtained by The Associated Press
  • Max MillerMax MillerU.S. Representative [R-OH]Twitter iconFacebook iconInstagram icon8k
    Forcefully threw his girlfriend and former Trump White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham against a wall and slapped her on the face in his apartment after she accused him of being unfaithful
    Crashed head-on into a light pole in the parking lot of a campus hotel after a night of heavy drinking after which police officers responding at 8:55am observed him stumbling out of his car nearly falling down, noticed he had bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of alcohol on his breath and took a statement from him that he "woke up in urine-soaked pants" after which they arrested him
    According to an exclusive report by Politico
    Sucker-punched someone in the back of the head and attempted to run away from the police but got caught
    According to an exclusive report by The Washington Post
    Punched through a glass door leaving a trail of blood from his wrist during a physical altercation with another patron outside of a hookah bar at 2am and then left the scene before police arrived
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Bob NeyBob NeyFmr. U.S. Representative
    Accepted over $170k worth of international and domestic trips, meals and drinks totaling "many thousands of dollars," tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions, box suite tickets to concerts and sporting events and numerous free fundraisers paid for by Jack Abramoff in exchange for supporting and/or opposing legislation that would benefit Abramoff and then lied under oath to a congressional committee when questioned about his actions
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets

Ohio Republican Judge Scandals

  • Rebecca DohertyState Judge [R-OH]
    Crashed her SUV into a ditch and then told the police who arrived and observed vomit in her car and a strong odor of alcohol on her breath that "I am absolutely out of my mind. I am so intoxicated," failed a field sobriety test and refused a breathalyzer test and tried to get out of trouble by telling the officers that she was a judge -- several times -- and demanded they call a sheriff's deputy in a not-so-veiled attempt to avoid getting arrested for drunk driving
    According to charging documents filed by local police

Ohio Republican State Legislator Scandals

  • Larry HouseholderLarry HouseholderFmr. House Speaker [R-OH]
    Masterminded a bribery scheme that saw him illegally raking in a whopping $60 million from a state nuclear energy company that in turn was given a $1.3 billion taxpayer bailout for two struggling nuclear power plants it operated
    Allegedly according to reporting from credible media outlets
  • Wes GoodmanWes GoodmanFmr. State Representative
    Was caught engaging in a sex act with another man in his government office while also being married to a woman
    Unzipped a sleeping 18-year-old male college student's pants and fondled him without consent while also being married
    Sexted and had phone and cybersex with at least one congressional staffer and a number of other men while also being married
    Had multiple sexual encounters with a number of young men over a yearslong period in person, online, via text and over the phone while also having spent much of his political career catering to evangelical voters by preaching the virtues of "committed natural marriage" between one man and one woman
    According to news reports from credible media outlets

Ohio Republican Mayor Scandals

  • Drew HastingsFmr. Mayor [R-OH]
    Listed a fake address on his declaration of candidacy forms and illegally claimed a city refund of $500 on a vacant building he owned and altered official documents related to the refund
    According to charging documents filed by local police

Other Ohio Republican Scandals

  • David SwartzDavid SwartzFmr. County Commissioner
    Illegally contacted an underage victim he sexual assaulted mere months after his release from prison which violated the terms of his parole resulting in him being sent back to prison for an additional three months
    According to charging documents filed by local police
    Repeatedly raped and sexually violated a young girl over a ten-year period beginning when she was just six years old
    According to charging documents filed by local officials
  • Walter Davis IIIWalter Davis IIIFmr. Sheriff [R-OH]
    Charged local taxpayers to reimburse him $1,331 on expenses he spent entertaining a subordinate he was having an extramarital affair with and on rental cars he used to visit the woman and his wife on different weekends
    According to an exclusive report by The Columbus Dispatch