Alaska Republican Scandals | Updated List of GOP Scandals in AK

Scandal Categories
Alaska Republican Executive Branch Scandals
Ed SniffenFmr. Att. General [R-AK]

Spiked his 17-year-old student's drinks with alcohol without her knowledge while he was out partying with her and other high school students at New Orlean's bars known for loosely enforcing their liquor laws and later had sex with her in his hotel room that night

Initiated a sexual relationship with a vulnerable 17-year-old girl he coached on a high school mock trial competition team when he was 27-year-old man in violation of a state law that expressly forbade coaches from dating 16 or 17-year-olds under their supervision

Corroborated by two of the victim's former teammates who were told of the improper relationship the day after they first had a sexual encounter
Alaska Republican State Legislator Scandals
Gabrielle LeDouxFmr. State Representative

Asked people who no longer lived in her home district to break the law and vote there anyway in two different elections, one of which she only won by 117 votes

According to charging documents filed by local police
Alaska Republican Mayor Scandals

Sexually harassed his executive assistant with “constant unwanted physical touching, sexual remarks, and sexual advances” and created such a toxic work environment that she felt she couldn't report his alleged misconduct without fear of retaliation

According to a lawsuit filed by the alleged victim and first reported on by The Anchorage Daily News